Economic news(2014/12/14)
Komei Yamaguchi representative "reduced tax rate introduction to the administration agreement"
2014-12-14 23:55:00
Yamaguchi representative of New Komeito, in NHK of vote counting breaking program, among "really busy for such things LDP-Komei both parties is the momentum to reach the 2/3 of 317 seats, me eagerly support among the poor weather It is thanks to the people who were. Komeito has also been increasing steadily seats, also that the seats in the proportional representation increases was said that "hopes. That basis, Mr. Yamaguchi, in "LDP-Komei both parties for the reduced rate of consumption tax, and agreed to aim the introduction, we are committed to the people in the election, the future, that it will incorporate the administration agreement of coalition government it will become. Because it is the promise of a national, more than to aim the introduction, we said firmly it is important to continue working to achieve. "
Komei line up to 31 seats in the previous election
2014-12-14 23:45:00
New Komeito, won the 31 seats to fit in the proportional representation and a small constituency so far, has been lined up seats in the previous election.
I lined up in the 57 seats in the Democratic previous election
2014-12-14 23:36:00
Democratic Party, won 57 seats in the previous House of Representatives election was a record low.
Can not be secured seats in KanHajime prime minister constituency
2014-12-14 23:28:00
Naoto Kan former Prime Minister of the Democratic Party, in Tokyo 18 wards of small constituency, was not able to secure seats. Kan has duplicate candidacy in Tokyo block of proportional representation, you will that you wait for the ballot counting of proportional representation.
Liberal Democratic Party I surpass alone "absolute stable majority" 266 seats
2014-12-14 23:17:00
Liberal Democratic Party, alone, were higher than in the 266 seats to be a so-called "absolute stable majority" in the House of Representatives. Liberal Democratic Party also has steadily increased its seats after you won the 238 seats in the majority. And, so far, in all of the Standing Committee of which is in the House of Representatives 17, in terms of issuing the chairman, a member of the majority can be secured, and were higher than the 266 seats in the so-called "absolute stable majority".
Democratic Kaieda representative "confrontation as the center of the opposition"
2014-12-14 23:06:00
Kaieda representative of the Democratic Party, "because it extends the Democratic Party also seats, to face with the Abe administration as the center of the opposition, it is not in order to cope with the coming and it is able to cooperate with other opposition parties" in the NHK of vote counting breaking program said year. In addition, Kaieda said, about their back and forth, "Our idea of basic takeover, because it is positioned as it is important to unified local elections next spring, you want to aim for victory in the local elections. Until the next House of Representatives election in, firmly trained the legs, you can polish the policy, people again, it was stated that important but "where I am now feeling that let us entrust the government to the Democratic Party.
Social Democratic party leader Yoshida I "want to seek policy change"
2014-12-14 22:55:00
Yoshida leader of the Social Democratic Party, and exits a press conference "Abenomics is in front at the party headquarters at 10 o'clock pm, it is not denied that the work absolutely in favor of the ruling party. Social Democratic Party of collective self-defense rights listed exercise and primary re-running problems, but not tied to result in election results, even in the ordinary Diet session next year, and to pursue in cooperation with other opposition parties, it was stated that we want to "seek policy changes. Also, Yoshida leader is, about what Teruya is winning the Diet Affairs Committee Chairman became certainty in Okinawa District 2, "is in opposition to a new base construction in Nago Henoko, public opinion of Okinawa everyone wishing reduce the burden of base But it was said that election results are you in or not appeared. was able to receive the flow from the Okinawa governor election ".
Restoration Hashimoto joint representative "This election's defeat"
2014-12-14 22:49:00
Hashimoto joint representative of the party of the Meiji Restoration, and a press conference in Osaka city of hotels from before 21:00, "This election, the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito and is that the public has support, but defeat." Regime selection election such as not in ", it sucks as a strategy of opposition. did not have confidence the party and for my restoration. I said it firmly want rebuild the party." That basis, "in order to confront neatly into the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito, opposition parties want to be together in unless should not. Some people with the new political party of the Democratic Party, which settled on one," Hashimoto said he said. And, Hashimoto said, about whether serve continue to co-representative with Eda Mr. he said, "and the National Assembly delegation, our future by consultation with the Osaka side of the executive". In addition, Hashimoto said, Abe The regime continued, showed the idea that corresponds with the attitude of fair and just.
LDP all 4 small constituency to defeat in Okinawa
2014-12-14 22:35:00
LDP, it is not possible to win any seats in the small constituency that is four in Okinawa Prefecture, was defeated by the opposition fielded or support or to candidates.
Abe "I have reached the time being of the goal."
2014-12-14 22:28:00
Abe Prime Minister, but "not decided yet final seats in the vote counting preliminary program of commercial, is tentatively goal, the goal to take a majority in the LDP-Komeito has been reached. As much as possible, seats close to the current seats If you can win and I was thinking. In the future, it was stated that firmly intends to run "that it has promised through the election in the coalition government.
Least the estimated turnout of 52% before and after the post-war
2014-12-14 22:22:00
The 14th, the final estimated voter turnout of election House of Representatives voting has taken place, with 52% before and after lower than the previous, after the war, is the most low become outlook.
And disabled with wrong shipment to the same name of the town in the absentee ballot
2014-12-14 22:12:00
In the House of Representatives election that the 14th vote has taken place, it can be seen that the Election Commission of Osaka Suminoe Ward originally had been sent to the town of the same name in Miyagi Prefecture by mistake the absentee ballot of one person to be sent to the Kumamoto Prefecture , this vote has been disabled.
Turnout afternoon at 7:30 the current 37.72%
2014-12-14 22:05:00
Vote of the 47th House of Representatives elections, was closed at 20:00. turnout of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications afternoon 7:30 currently summarized nationwide, with 37.72%, compared with the election of the last-in 2012, has become 7.70 points lower.
Komei nine all of small constituency is shoo
2014-12-14 21:40:00
New Komeito, nine candidates all that was fielded in small constituencies was to ensure the winning.
Komei nine all of small constituency is shoo
2014-12-14 21:40:00
New Komeito, nine candidates all that was fielded in small constituencies was to ensure the winning.
Also vote start delay paper delivery misses in snow or oversleeping
2014-12-14 21:32:00
In polling stations around was succession of delivery mistake of trouble and ballot the start of the vote is delayed.
Also vote start delay paper delivery misses in snow or oversleeping
2014-12-14 21:32:00
In polling stations around was succession of delivery mistake of trouble and ballot the start of the vote is delayed.
Tobu Noda operation Resume
2014-12-14 21:28:00
Noda Tobu, had been suspended operation at the top and bottom lines between Omiya Station and Kasukabe Station under the influence of the injury, I have resumed operation in 20:36.
To communism won seats in '14 the first time in two-digit
2014-12-14 21:13:00
Communist Party became a double-digit in the first time in '14 won seats. Won seats became a double-digit in 2000 the House of Representatives election since '14 the first time you got 20 seats.
And close to 2 reach momentum LDP 300 seats in the New Komeito 3 minutes
2014-12-14 21:13:00
House of Representatives election has begun vote counting work. NHK is, and depends on the exit polls and situation analysis performed to target voters nationwide who finished the vote, the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito two parties, in the momentum to reach the 2/3 of 317 seats, the Liberal Democratic Party, alone, the majority and greatly exceeded, it is the situation that close to 300 seats. From the executive of the Liberal Democratic Party has come out a voice that the economic policy and Abenomics of Abe administration were evaluated. In contrast, pre-election, 62 seats in the Democratic Party, but is momentum to increase the seats, it is situation to stay in double-digit.
Add Inoue's Liberal Democratic Fukuoka District 1 certified
2014-12-14 21:01:00
Liberal Democratic Party, before lawmakers of independents that to ensure the winning in Fukuoka District 1, for Takahiro Inoue, has decided to add authorized retroactively to the 13th. Mr. Inoue, in this election, is authorized adjustment in the Liberal Democratic Party had been candidacy Tsukazu, as an independent.
Mr. Fukuyama Democratic "response complained severity of people's lives."
2014-12-14 20:47:00
Fukuyama Policy Research chairman of the Democratic Party, although NHK of vote counting breaking program "Abenomics has been said that issue, the Japanese economy of and uncertainty, where it complained the severity of people's lives, there was considerable response I have said. " In addition, Mr. Fukuyama, candidate of the Democratic Party, for that fell below the majority of the House of Representatives, "so that the opposition to each other is not Awa pull the leg, so the result of the party and constituency adjustment of the Meiji Restoration, wrong as election tactics I said it was not. "
Mogi Mr. Liberal Democratic Party "voter reaction was very good."
2014-12-14 20:47:00
Motegi election campaign chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party, on NHK of vote counting breaking program, in momentum LDP-Komei both parties to reach the 2/3 of 317 seats, for that it has become a situation where close to 300 seats LDP alone, "We Abe administration of economic policy, has been fought in the enthusiasm that's election asking Abenomics, among which is around the whole country, it is felt especially second half reaction of voters was very good. Although only just begun still vote counting, it was said that "I think if Tsunagare a good result. In addition, Mr. Mogi said, "We are, I think it has been accused of highest priority to economic recovery, your opposition also be to the criticism of Abenomics, resulting in Abenomics became the center of the issue of the election campaign." year.
Increase 1.11 million people from early voting last
2014-12-14 20:40:00
In this House of Representatives election, at approximately 13.15 million people who finished the early voting, compared with the previous-two years ago, that 1.11 million people too many, was found in the summary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
Exit polls Abenomics the "evaluate" 54%
2014-12-14 20:22:00
According to our exit poll by NHK went, Abe administration of economic policy, 54% people who said they would evaluate the Abenomics, who said to avoid evaluation was 46%.
Exit polls Abenomics the "evaluate" 54%
2014-12-14 20:22:00
According to our exit poll by NHK went, Abe administration of economic policy, 54% people who said they would evaluate the Abenomics, who said to avoid evaluation was 46%.
Tobu Noda operation suspended
2014-12-14 20:14:00
Noda Tobu, under the influence of happened injury in 35 minutes around 7:00 pm, has suspended the operation up and down line between Omiya Station and Kasukabe Station.
Ending the House of Representatives election vote
2014-12-14 20:04:00
Vote of the 47th House of Representatives elections, was closed at 20:00. Turnout of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 6:00 pm now that summarizes nationwide, with 34.98%, compared with the election of the last-in 2012, has become 6.79 points lower.
And close to 2 reach momentum LDP 300 seats in the New Komeito 3 minutes
2014-12-14 20:04:00
When NHK is more to exit polls and situation analysis voters nationwide was conducted in subjects who completed the vote, the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito two parties in the momentum to reach the two of 317 seats in three minutes, the Liberal Democratic Party is also significantly higher than the majority alone, 300 It is a situation that approaches to seats. In contrast, before the election, but 62 seats in the Democratic Party is the momentum to increase the seats, it is situation to stay in double-digit.
House of Representatives election soon vote Exit
2014-12-14 19:47:00
Vote of the 47th House of Representatives elections, will be closed shortly at 20:00. Turnout of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 6:00 pm now that summarizes nationwide, with 34.98%, compared with the election of the last-in 2012, has become 6.79 points lower.
House of Representatives election soon vote Exit
2014-12-14 19:47:00
Vote of the 47th House of Representatives elections, will be closed shortly at 20:00. Turnout of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 6:00 pm now that summarizes nationwide, with 34.98%, compared with the election of the last-in 2012, has become 6.79 points lower.
Resume operation such as Seibu Ikebukuro Line
2014-12-14 19:25:00
Seibu Ikebukuro line, because of the injury that occurred in Hibarigaoka Station, had been suspended operation at the top and bottom lines between the Ikebukuro Metropolitan Hanno, 18:57, was resumed operation. In this effect, Yurakucho Seibu had suspended the operation and Toshimasen were also resume operation.
"Entry to North Korea," US men conference
2014-12-14 19:25:00
American man named was immigration to North Korea across the river from China, opened the conference to criticize the United States in Pyongyang, future, North Korea There is also potential to negotiate material with the United States government to handle men.
Description was wrong to fill voters about 900 people of ballot
2014-12-14 19:10:00
When you pass the ballot of proportional representation to people who came to vote at the polling place of the House of Representatives election in Nara Prefecture Heguri, it was found that it was the wrong description to fill in the political party name or candidate's name. Received a wrong description voters is that up to approximately 900 people.
Also vote start delay paper delivery misses in snow or oversleeping
2014-12-14 19:10:00
In the polling stations of various places, was succession of delivery mistake of trouble and ballot the start of the vote is delayed.
Suspended operation such as Seibu Ikebukuro Line
2014-12-14 18:47:00
Seibu Ikebukuro line, because of the injury that occurred in Hibarigaoka Station to o'clock 6 pm, has suspended operation at the top and bottom lines between 6:30 pm now, Ikebukuro Metropolitan Hanno. Seibu Yurakucho and Toshimasen also suspended the operation in the whole line in this effect.
COP20 draft agreement also adopted remain conflict
2014-12-14 18:47:00
UN conference COP20 to discuss a new framework of global warming measures, the draft agreement in consideration for both developed and developing countries that conflict was adopted, was ended. Countries, but we aim to agreement of a new framework by the end of next year, still deep-rooted conflict has also been left, is expected tough negotiations.
First Snow observed in the center of Tokyo
2014-12-14 18:20:00
More you to the Japan Meteorological Agency, in Tokyo of downtown, and hail was falling from the 14th evening, but because it was changed to sleet in 50 minutes around 5:00 pm, "first snow" has been observed. Downtown First Snow in Tokyo, average year than the 20th, early each the 6th than last year, has become faster in the second in the past 10 years.
Hokuriku and the snow cover increases expected in northern Japan
2014-12-14 18:20:00
Under the influence of strong cold, the snow in the Sea of Japan side and along the mountain of Honshu intensified, at Niigata and Nagano Prefecture of many was snow of around one meter in 24 hours 14 days. In Hokuriku and northern Japan expected to increase even more snow through the 15th in such, the Japan Meteorological Agency, in addition to the impact on traffic, is calling to attention to such 落雪 from avalanche and roof.
1.11 million people more than the early voting last
2014-12-14 18:07:00
Who finished the early voting in this House of Representatives election in approximately 13.15 million people, the last time, that 1.11 million people less often compared with two years ago was found in the summary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
Ako loyal retainers Festival this year the same day as the election
2014-12-14 17:51:00
Ako forty-seven mechanic 14 days falls on the day of the raid, which is known in Chushingura, the annual "Ako loyal retainers Festival" was held in Hyogo Prefecture Ako. This year, from the fact that it overlaps with the voting day of the House of Representatives election, instead of city officials to be engaged in such traffic control of loyal retainers Festival, hastily, and now chased by measures such as placing a staff of nursery and kindergarten to the polls was.
The effect on the Joetsu Shinkansen 20,000 power outages in snow
2014-12-14 17:14:00
In the Joetsu Shinkansen, the 14th morning, the train had been traveling on the Niigata prefecture there was trouble to be stuck in a power outage for snow adhering to the pantograph. Followed by a suspended driving over more than 6 hours in the vertical line between Niigata and Echigo Yuzawa, came out the impact on passengers in excess of at least 20 000 people.
The effect on the Joetsu Shinkansen 20,000 power outages in snow
2014-12-14 17:14:00
In the Joetsu Shinkansen, the 14th morning, the train had been traveling on the Niigata prefecture there was trouble to be stuck in a power outage for snow adhering to the pantograph. Followed by a suspended driving over more than 6 hours in the vertical line between Niigata and Echigo Yuzawa, came out the impact on passengers in excess of at least 20 000 people.
Even in district temporary isolation in heavy snow to vote Tokushima
2014-12-14 16:37:00
The 14th of the House of Representatives election election day, with heavy snow of this month the 5th, the temporary, even in Tokushima Prefecture Miyoshi City district came out to be an isolated state, amid snow Lieing thick, vote have been made.
The paper issued mistake to voters who visited another polling place
2014-12-14 16:37:00
In Kochi Prefecture Yusuhara, to the designated polling stations visited another polling place voters, by mistake ballot is issued, there was a mistake that voting is carried out.
Forward House of Representatives election vote
2014-12-14 15:54:00
47th House of Representatives elections, voting has been done in the 48 000 places over the polling stations nationwide. 14:00 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has collectively turnout of current nationwide 22.66%, has become the last time, 4.74 points lower than the election of 2012.
Forward House of Representatives election vote
2014-12-14 15:54:00
47th House of Representatives elections, voting has been done in the 48 000 places over the polling stations nationwide. 14:00 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has collectively turnout of current nationwide 22.66%, has become the last time, 4.74 points lower than the election of 2012.
COP20 and adopted the draft agreement
2014-12-14 15:49:00
COP20 to discuss a new framework of global warming, which has been held in South America of Peru, the 14th, was adopted a draft agreement. While in the agreed document, that in terms of creating a new framework that aims to agreement after ▽ 1 year, Incorporating clearly distinguish express the responsibility of developed and developing countries, and showed consideration to developing countries, ▽ also friendly to developed countries such as the funding is not required by developed countries, making it the things that are friendly to both developed and developing countries that have continued to conflict. In response to the results of the meeting, each country will be to continue the negotiations towards an agreement of a new framework for the forthcoming one year later.
COP20 and adopted the draft agreement
2014-12-14 15:49:00
COP20 to discuss a new framework of global warming, which has been held in South America of Peru, the 14th, was adopted a draft agreement. While in the agreed document, that in terms of creating a new framework that aims to agreement after ▽ 1 year, Incorporating clearly distinguish express the responsibility of developed and developing countries, and showed consideration to developing countries, ▽ also friendly to developed countries such as the funding is not required by developed countries, making it the things that are friendly to both developed and developing countries that have continued to conflict. In response to the results of the meeting, each country will be to continue the negotiations towards an agreement of a new framework for the forthcoming one year later.
I intensified snow in the Sea of Japan side, along the mountain of Honshu
2014-12-14 15:24:00
Strong under the influence of cold, intensified snow in the Sea of Japan side and along the mountain of Honshu, has piled up snow by location, there is also in the plains of the Pacific Ocean side. Japan Meteorological Agency, in addition to the impact on traffic, snow and lightning, has called for a sufficient attention to such as wind gusts.
I intensified snow in the Sea of Japan side, along the mountain of Honshu
2014-12-14 15:24:00
Strong under the influence of cold, intensified snow in the Sea of Japan side and along the mountain of Honshu, has piled up snow by location, there is also in the plains of the Pacific Ocean side. Japan Meteorological Agency, in addition to the impact on traffic, snow and lightning, has called for a sufficient attention to such as wind gusts.
I lead in Senseki interruption interval rail disaster
2014-12-14 14:43:00
In JR Senseki connecting the Sendai and Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, also leads in the interval is one rail that has become disconnected now is damaged by the tsunami of the Great East Japan Earthquake, and moved to a hill of Miyagi Prefecture Higashimatsushima city ceremony of commemoration in the new station, which is has been made.
Joetsu Shinkansen to resume operation for the first time in 6 hours
2014-12-14 13:11:00
Joetsu Shinkansen, the 14th morning, with stuck the impact caused a power outage for snow the train that was traveling on the Niigata Prefecture was attached to the pantograph, had continued to suspended driving up and down line between Niigata and Echigo-Yuzawa was but, as a result of the will, such as by removing the snow, we resumed the operation to one o'clock just over 6 hours in the afternoon.
Joetsu Shinkansen to resume operation for the first time in 6 hours
2014-12-14 13:11:00
Joetsu Shinkansen, the 14th morning, with stuck the impact caused a power outage for snow the train that was traveling on the Niigata Prefecture was attached to the pantograph, had continued to suspended driving up and down line between Niigata and Echigo-Yuzawa was but, as a result of the will, such as by removing the snow, we resumed the operation to one o'clock just over 6 hours in the afternoon.
Complained to provide Setagaya family murder information
2014-12-14 12:58:00
Before that the four family is soon 14 years from murder in Tokyo Setagaya, such as survivors and local residents held a rally at the scene near the park, I was sued early resolution of the case.
Forward House of Representatives election vote
2014-12-14 12:58:00
47th House of Representatives elections, voting has been done in the 48 000 places over the polling stations nationwide from the 14th morning. turnout of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications morning 11 o'clock currently summarized nationwide at 11.08%, has become the last time, 2.95 points lower than the election of 2012.
Forward House of Representatives election vote
2014-12-14 12:58:00
47th House of Representatives elections, voting has been done in the 48 000 places over the polling stations nationwide from the 14th morning. turnout of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications morning 11 o'clock currently summarized nationwide at 11.08%, has become the last time, 2.95 points lower than the election of 2012.
Also vote start delay paper delivery misses in snow or oversleeping
2014-12-14 12:22:00
In the polling stations in Aomori, in addition to came out delay to the start time of the vote under the influence of heavy snow, the ballot of proportional representation and a small constituency in polling stations around the mistakes such as passing a mistake to voters has one after another .
Also vote start delay paper delivery misses in snow or oversleeping
2014-12-14 12:22:00
In the polling stations in Aomori, in addition to came out delay to the start time of the vote under the influence of heavy snow, the ballot of proportional representation and a small constituency in polling stations around the mistakes such as passing a mistake to voters has one after another .
Men and women or during the exchange of tires kneaded death
2014-12-14 12:08:00
The 14th before dawn, two men and women died after being hit on the track can be seen to have been repaired punk of car tires at the national highway of Nagoya City, police are investigating the circumstances of the accident.
Is delayed voting started in overslept Yamaguchi staff
2014-12-14 11:33:00
14th morning, at polling stations in Yamaguchi of the House of Representatives election, officials in charge of the management of the ballot is late and overslept, the start of the vote was delayed 5 minutes. When depends on the Election Commission, is that voters seven people had been waiting for the start of the vote was like go home without voting.
New Year for red sea bream baked appearance making heyday triple
2014-12-14 11:33:00
Fishing in the thriving Mie Prefecture Owase, to gifts and for New Year, making "figure baked" which was to whole roasted red sea bream have been actively carried out.
Intrusion into China Sea 警局 ship connection waters
2014-12-14 11:04:00
11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters and more you and the 14th 7:00 ago, has been confirmed that China Sea 警局 three ships ship off the coast of the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture has entered the connection waters, located just outside of Japan's territorial waters was. Three ships is continuing the warning and monitoring as 9:00 am now, the Coast Guard Headquarters If you are sailing the northwest about 27 km of the Diaoyu not approach to territorial waters.
Improve the light car new and welfare vehicle development
2014-12-14 11:04:00
Some responsible for the elderly is mainly nursing care in the "old old care" such as a home increases, automobile manufacturers, price and maintenance costs have focused on the development of the welfare vehicle with improved cheap light car.
Also the Pacific Ocean side of stronger mountain along the snow of Niigata and Nagano note
2014-12-14 10:15:00
Strong cold of center snow down to the Sea of Japan side under the influence, has been growing in the snow along the mountain, such as Niigata and Nagano Prefecture. 14th There is a risk that accumulate snow even in the plains of the Pacific Ocean side, the Japan Meteorological Agency is calling to attention to the influence of the traffic.
Begin House of Representatives election vote
2014-12-14 10:15:00
47th House of Representatives election is the 14th, celebrated the election day. Is it possible to maintain the seats ruling party can be a stable parliament operated to obtain the public's confidence in whether the focus can be secured forces close to the ruling party opposition side increase the seats, nationwide 48 000 places over polling place from 7:00 vote have been made in.
Closed to traffic part in Joshinetsu road accident
2014-12-14 09:09:00
Joshinetsu motorway because of the accident, the upper and lower lines between the Nakago interchange and Joetsu Takada interchange of Niigata Prefecture can no longer 40 minutes to pass 8:00 the 14th morning. Site has been investigating the cause of the police accident that has piled up snow on the road.
Joetsu, Niigata ~ Echigoyuzawa operation suspended
2014-12-14 08:30:00
Joetsu Shinkansen is, in effect the train that was traveling on the Niigata Prefecture is no longer able to drive causing the vehicle failure, has suspended operation at the top and bottom lines between Niigata and Echigo Yuzawa. Operation resumption of outlook does not stand.
Up interruption in Joetsu Shinkansen Echigo-Yuzawa-Urasa power outage
2014-12-14 07:30:00
Joetsu Shinkansen, I can no longer up line in the 14th 6:42 know operation between Echigo-Yuzawa and Urasa under the influence of the power outage.
House of Representatives election to election fraud about 70 items seized
2014-12-14 05:09:00
In this House of Representatives election, police across the country's policy is to embark on a caught for acquisition, such as about 70 reviews of election fraud from after 14 day and night voting ends.
Hit by a small one girl bus death Kanagawa
2014-12-14 04:11:00
13 day and night, immediately after the first grade girl has left the eateries along the road in Kanagawa Prefecture Yugawara-machi, was killed by being hit by a bus.
Each party has announced such statement
2014-12-14 04:11:00
Upon election day the House of Representatives election, each party has announced such a statement.
Return support of childcare leave employee company is looking for nursery
2014-12-14 04:11:00
To wait for a free nursery, amid elimination of the so-called "waiting children" becomes an issue, efforts to support such as looking for nursery so that employees who take childcare leave can be smoothly return to work has spread among the company .
Fear of heavy snow strong cold Pacific Ocean side along the mountain
2014-12-14 00:05:00
Strong under the influence of cold snow around the Sea of Japan side of the West from northern Japan Furitsuzuki, in along the mountain are increasingly snow. Also in the Pacific Ocean side to the 14th might serve as heavy snow to the center along the mountain, the Japan Meteorological Agency is calling to attention to the influence of the traffic.