This page is the news announced by NHK, a representative TV station in Japan.

Political News(2022/05/28)

Kyoto   Hakone

Prime Minister Kishida Benefits for the needy "Mechanism of benefits with My Number"

2022-05-28 18:28:00
Prime Minister Kishida wants to use my number to provide immediate benefits for people in need of living, which the local government independently provides by utilizing the grants included in the emergency measures for rising prices. I have shown the idea of ​​instructing you to make it available.


Prime Minister Kishida test drive a linear test vehicle to set up a meeting of experts on environmental conservation

2022-05-28 17:48:00
Prime Minister Kishida visited the "Yamanashi Linear Experiment Center" and took a test drive on the test vehicle of the Linear Chuo Shinkansen. After that, considering the concern about the environmental impact of the construction of the Chuo Shinkansen, he announced his intention to set up a national expert meeting on environmental conservation in the near future.


Involved in a meeting of executive experts on disposal due to improper processing of core statistics by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

2022-05-28 14:37:00
The issue was inappropriately processed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, such as double-counting data on "basic statistics," which is particularly important among national statistics. It turns out that an executive who was disciplined was involved.


Foreign Ministers of Japan, the United States and South Korea Joint Statement on North Korea “Stop Threatening Peace”

2022-05-28 12:11:00
On the 28th, the foreign ministers of Japan, the United States and South Korea issued a joint statement calling on North Korea, which repeatedly launches ballistic missiles, to immediately stop threatening peace and security and return to dialogue.


Prime Minister Kishida talks with Komeito representative Yamaguchi and others Confirms cooperation between the two parties to the Upper House election

2022-05-28 06:11:00
Prime Minister Kishida met with Komeito representative Yamaguchi and others on the night of the 27th, and faced with tension in the final session of the Diet, which had more than two weeks left until the end of the session, and the Liberal Democratic Party to win the upper house election in the summer. We have confirmed that the two parties will work together.


Bold policy To include "asset income doubling plan" such as expansion of NISA

2022-05-28 05:08:00
In order to realize the "new capitalism" advocated by Prime Minister Kishida, the government has drastically expanded the tax incentive system "NISA" for individual investors and invested the deposits and savings of the people in asset management. Our policy is to include the promotion of an "asset income doubling plan" such as the creation of a mechanism to guide employees.


Government New financial cooperation of 200 million yen for transportation of medical supplies to Ukraine

2022-05-28 05:07:00
For further humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, where Russia's military invasion continues, the government will provide a new financial cooperation of about 200 million yen to transport relief supplies such as medicines and medical devices that are in high demand locally. became.


Prime Minister Kishida Summit Meeting with Malaysian Prime Minister Cooperation in Ukrainian Humanitarian Aid

2022-05-28 00:10:00
Regarding the situation in Ukraine, Prime Minister Kishida agreed to hold a summit meeting with Malaysian Prime Minister Ismail Sabri, who is visiting Japan, in cooperation with the impact on the world economy and humanitarian assistance.


Kyoto   Mt.Fuji

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