This page is the news announced by NHK, a representative TV station in Japan.

Political News(2022/07/04)

Kyoto   Hakone

Over 7% of voters who vote before the upper house election (up to 3 days) 23% increase from the previous time

2022-07-04 20:31:00
In this House of Councilors election, the number of people who completed early voting in the 11 days until the 3rd of this month is about 7.787 million, which is more than 7% of the voters nationwide, which is 20 compared to the same time in the previous election three years ago. % It has increased too much.


Approval rating of each party is NHK poll

2022-07-04 19:26:00
Approval rating of each party.


House of Councilors election "Make sure to go" and "Vote early" 59% Opinion poll

2022-07-04 19:00:00
According to the opinion poll conducted by NHK before the Upper House election, 59% of the respondents answered that they "must go" to vote, including those who "voted before the deadline", which is 4 points from the survey one week ago. It became expensive.


Foreign Minister Hayashi meets with Foreign Minister Honduras “Strongly opposed to“ control of power ””

2022-07-04 16:00:00
Foreign Minister Hayashi met with Foreign Minister Reina of Honduras in Central America, who is visiting Japan, strongly opposed "control of power" such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and cooperated with international issues such as strengthening the functions of the United Nations. I confirmed that I would work on it.


Remarks by Minister Yamagiwa in a street speech Noted by Chief Cabinet Secretary

2022-07-04 14:50:00
Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno cautioned that the Minister of Economic Revitalization Yamagiwa said in a street speech, "We, the government, do not hear anything from the opposition."


Coordinating to establish a new minister in charge to strengthen support for start-up companies Government

2022-07-04 14:35:00
The government has begun to coordinate with the establishment of a new minister in charge in order to strengthen support for start-up companies as a united ministry for future economic growth and resolution of social issues.


Parliamentarians' income disclosure last year Averaged 22.55 million yen, the highest was over 1.2 billion yen

2022-07-04 10:11:00
The income of the members of parliament of both houses of parliament last year was released on the 4th, and the average per member was 22.55 million yen.


House of Councilors election Cuts one week until polling Party leaders make every effort to expand support

2022-07-04 04:04:00
The House of Councilors election was less than a week before the polling date. Each party is making every effort to expand its support by narrowing down the constituencies where executives will focus on supporting.


Kyoto   Mt.Fuji

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