Political News(2022/12/11)
Advisor to Prime Minister Nobuo Kishi solidifies his intention not to run for the next House of Representatives election
2022-12-11 21:33:00
Nobuo Kishi, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, who served as Defense Minister in the Yamaguchi 2nd District of the House of Representatives, has decided not to run for the next House of Representatives election.
“Partial use of special income tax for reconstruction to fund defense costs” Liberal Democratic Tax Commission official
2022-12-11 20:46:00
Executives of the Liberal Democratic Party's tax research committee held a meeting to discuss the shortage of financial resources due to the increase in defense spending. , confirmed that discussions will proceed based on the idea of combining multiple tax items.
Prime Minister “Discussing toward the realization of a world free of nuclear weapons at the G7 Hiroshima Summit”
2022-12-11 20:45:00
Prime Minister Kishida attended the closing session of the "International Council of Eminent Persons" and emphasized his intention to deepen discussions at next year's "G7 Hiroshima Summit" so that a powerful message can be sent toward the realization of a world free of nuclear weapons. .
Advisor to Prime Minister Nobuo Kishi solidifies his intention not to run for the next House of Representatives election
2022-12-11 19:19:00
Nobuo Kishi, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, who served as Defense Minister in the Yamaguchi 2nd District of the House of Representatives, has decided not to run for the next House of Representatives election.
“Partial use of special income tax for reconstruction to fund defense costs” Liberal Democratic Tax Commission official
2022-12-11 18:39:00
Executives of the Liberal Democratic Party's tax research committee held a meeting to discuss the shortage of financial resources due to the increase in defense spending. , confirmed that discussions will proceed based on the idea of combining multiple tax items.
Declining birthrate, doubling children's budget "Bones policy" to accelerate discussion
2022-12-11 12:28:00
Regarding the doubling of the children's budget proposed by Prime Minister Kishida, Minister Ogura, the minister in charge of the declining birthrate, said at NHK's Sunday discussion that he would like to show the path to realization and the specific use of the budget in next year's "Basic Policy." He expressed his intention to accelerate the discussion while listening to the opinions of Mr.
Liberal Democrats Hagiuda Policy Research Chair Defense Funding Funding
2022-12-11 12:11:00
Hagiuda, Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's Policy Research Council, gave a speech in Taiwan, where he was visiting, to check China's increasing military pressure on Taiwan. In addition, regarding the lack of financial resources due to the increase in Japan's defense budget, it is worth considering allocating part of the redemption costs of national bonds, and indicated the recognition that financial resources other than tax increases should be pursued.
Extraordinary session of the Diet may take time to adjust tax increase over defense spending
2022-12-11 07:13:00
With the extraordinary session of the Diet closed, Prime Minister Kishida emphasized that Japan will steadily produce results on key issues for the year, including the drastic strengthening of defense capabilities. However, it is expected that it will take time to adjust, such as opposition from within the Liberal Democratic Party, when considering the tax increase that was instructed to cover the financial resources that will be lacking due to the increase in defense spending.
Japan-U.S. Joint Memorial Ceremony for War Dead on Iwo Jima, Site of Fierce Battles at the End of the Pacific War
2022-12-11 04:27:00
A memorial service was held to commemorate the war dead of both Japan and the United States on Iwo Jima, the site of a fierce battle at the end of the Pacific War.