Political News(2023/05/22)
``Sexual activity between junior high school students and adults is not uniformly acceptable''
2023-05-22 22:29:00
In the discussion between the four ruling and opposition parties on revisions to the revision of the penal code, the ruling parties, based on the opposition party's request, said that sexual activity between junior high school students and adults is not uniformly permitted. proposed to be included in the supplementary resolution.
Communist Party Secretariat Director Koike “Actively recruiting candidates for the single-seat constituency for the House of Representatives election”
2023-05-22 20:30:00
Regarding the next House of Representatives election, in response to the fact that the Constitutional Democratic Party will not cooperate with the Communist Party in the election, Koike, the secretary general of the Communist Party, indicated that he would actively promote candidates in single-seat constituencies.
Representative Izumi Ritsumin mentions the possibility of submitting a no-confidence motion against the Cabinet
2023-05-22 19:09:00
In response to the G7 Hiroshima Summit, Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP) representative Izumi expressed his understanding that the dissolution of the House of Representatives and a general election could happen at any time. He mentioned the possibility of submitting a no-confidence motion against the Cabinet.
Request for teacher's "monthly salary increase" Liberal Democratic Party chairman Hagiuda
2023-05-22 19:08:00
Liberal Democratic Party political research chairman Hagiuda met with Prime Minister Kishida to improve working conditions, such as increasing the amount added to teachers' monthly salaries, which is paid in lieu of overtime pay, to more than 2.5 times the current level in order to resolve the shortage of teachers. I asked for
Prime Minister Kishida “Continues to work on diplomatic issues based on summit results”
2023-05-22 18:30:00
Regarding the G7 Hiroshima Summit, which ended on the 21st, Prime Minister Kishida conveyed to the world the importance of an international order based on the rule of law, and emphasized that it was of great significance, including the conclusion of the first statement on nuclear disarmament. Based on this, he expressed his determination to continue to work on diplomatic issues in the future.
Nagaoka Minister of Education consults with the Central Education Council to consider raising teachers' monthly salaries
2023-05-22 15:51:00
A general meeting of the Central Council for Education (Central Education Council) was held, and Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Nagaoka asked him to consider whether to increase the amount added to the monthly salary of teachers, which is paid in lieu of overtime pay, in order to solve the shortage of teachers. I consulted.
Liberal Democratic Party Chairman Miyazawa Tax Commission "Dissolution due to submission of no-confidence motion against opposition party"
2023-05-22 14:29:00
Regarding the dissolution of the House of Representatives and the general election, Liberal Democratic Party chairman Miyazawa, who is close to Prime Minister Kishida, said that if the opposition party submits a no-confidence motion against the Cabinet, Prime Minister Kishida may decide to dissolve the House of Representatives. I was.
Liberal Democrats “Promote financial support to establish evacuation shelters on Yonaguni Island”
2023-05-22 14:14:00
A group of lawmakers from the Liberal Democratic Party visited Yonaguni Island in Okinawa Prefecture, the westernmost island in Japan, which is the closest island to Taiwan. .
Chief Cabinet Secretary “I was able to experience the reality of the atomic bombing and share the time that is engraved in my heart.”
2023-05-22 13:19:00
At a press conference in the morning, Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno said, "In Hiroshima, where the atomic bomb was dropped, the leaders of the G7 and others learned about the reality of the atomic bombing and shared with us the moment that will be deeply engraved in their hearts. Also, Hiroshima's vision for nuclear disarmament is a world without nuclear weapons. I believe that it has become a powerful historical document that shows the determination of the G7 leaders to realize their ideals and the actions that should be taken.Based on the results of this summit, we will continue our efforts to gain the involvement of more nuclear-weapon states. At the same time, I would like to strongly promote realistic and practical efforts." He added, "It was extremely meaningful that we were able to send a stronger message to the international community with the participation of President Zelensky. As the G7 presidency, we hope to bring a just and lasting peace to Ukraine as soon as possible." In order to bring about this, we will lead the response while cooperating with our fellow countries, including the G7." On the other hand, regarding the issue of China brought up at the summit, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a complaint to the Japanese side, saying that it was "violently interfering in domestic affairs." We will make counterarguments and explanations based on this, and we will continue to make efforts to build a constructive and stable relationship with China."
Liberal Democrats Dissatisfaction with the Komei backing policy One after another to leave the response to executives
2023-05-22 11:52:00
The Liberal Democratic Party's Tokyo Metropolitan Federation held a meeting to deal with Tokyo, which will have five single-seat constituencies starting with the next House of Representatives election. I confirmed the policy to entrust future actions to executives.
Prime Minister Kishida to Continue Diplomatic Efforts Based on G7 Hiroshima Summit Results
2023-05-22 06:17:00
Regarding the G7 Hiroshima Summit, which ended on the 21st, Prime Minister Kishida said that he was able to demonstrate his determination to uphold the international order and the solidarity of the G7 with the attendance of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Based on this message, I would like to urge the international community to take action and lead to concrete results such as stopping Russia's aggression.
Less than a month until the end of the Diet session, ruling and opposition parties expected to intensify
2023-05-22 05:19:00
The G7 Hiroshima Summit has come to an end, and the Diet is less than a month away from the end of the session. While the ruling party plans to do everything in its power to enact the remaining important bills during the session, the opposition parties are poised to step up their pursuit of policies such as tax increases in line with the increase in defense spending. It is also expected that