This page is the news announced by NHK, a representative TV station in Japan.

Political News(2024/07/14)

Kyoto   Hakone

Komeito Representative Yamaguchi: "Use experience to help remove landmines in Ukraine"

2024-07-14 21:19:00
Komeito leader Yamaguchi visited mine-clearance facilities in Cambodia, where he emphasized his view it is important to continue supporting mine removal in Ukraine by making use of the technology and experience that the party has accumulated.


LDP Policy Research Council Chairman Tokai: "We want to have a presidential election that does not require a lot of funding"

2024-07-14 17:43:00
Regarding the format of the LDP presidential election, Chairman of the Policy Research Council Tokai expressed the view that, given the public's critical eye on the party over issues of politics and money, the system should be set up so that candidates do not need to spend large amounts of money.


Parties discuss the nature of elections, including the need to revise the Public Election Law Sunday Debate

2024-07-14 11:45:00
Following the recent House of Representatives by-elections and Tokyo gubernatorial election, leaders of the ruling and opposition parties exchanged opinions on the future shape of elections, including the need to revise the Public Offices Election Act, on NHK's "Sunday Debate."


Prime Minister Kishida returns from visit to the US and Germany

2024-07-14 08:21:00
Prime Minister Kishida, who was visiting Germany after attending the NATO summit in the United States, completed his scheduled schedule and returned to Japan on the morning of the 14th.


Government considers setting up third-party agency to operate "active cyber defense"

2024-07-14 05:26:00
Regarding the introduction of "active cyber defense" to prevent cyber attacks, the government wants to build a system to collect communications information from the private sector on a regular basis. During operation, the government is considering setting up a third-party organization to monitor the information to ensure it is not used for any other purpose.


Kyoto   Mt.Fuji

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