Political News(2024/08/02)
Prime Minister Kishida meets with LDP General Affairs Chairman Moriyama to exchange views ahead of the presidential election
2024-08-02 23:38:00
On the evening of the 2nd, Prime Minister Kishida met with LDP Executive Committee Chairman Moriyama for approximately an hour at the Prime Minister's Official Residence. During the meeting, the two exchanged views on internal party movements ahead of the party's presidential election in September. Moriyama also reported on his visit to China last month and his meeting with Foreign Minister Wang Yi, as well as his visit to Ishikawa Prefecture on the 2nd to inspect areas affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake. Afterwards, Moriyama told reporters, "We talked about what kind of people are willing to run in the presidential election. There was absolutely no discussion about what Prime Minister Kishida will do."
Defense Ministry Administrative Vice-Minister punished for not reporting arrest for second time
2024-08-02 21:04:00
The Ministry of Defense has given a verbal warning to Administrative Vice-Minister Kazuo Masuda for failing to report to Defense Minister Kihara the arrest of a former Self-Defense Force member who had fraudulently received diving allowances. This is the second time that an administrative vice-minister has been disciplined for a series of scandals.
LDP Secretary-General Motegi meets with Philippine President, agrees to strengthen cooperation
2024-08-02 21:03:00
LDP Secretary-General Motegi met with President Marcos in the Philippines during his visit, and the two leaders agreed to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in various fields, including security, citing China's maritime expansion and economic coercion as a threat to the region.
"Izumi cannot use his youth as an advantage," says Shigenori Shigenori, leader of the Democratic Party of Japan, as he considers how to handle the leadership election
2024-08-02 20:50:00
Regarding the Constitutional Democratic Party leadership election, House of Representatives member Kazuhiko Shigenori, who leads a group of mid-ranking and young lawmakers within the party, pointed out that Representative Izumi has not been able to use her youth as an advantage, and indicated his intention to consider how to respond, including whether the group will field a candidate.
Heavy rain damage in Yamagata and Akita: Prime Minister "Promptly proceed with designating these areas as severe disasters"
2024-08-02 20:34:00
Following the damage caused in Yamagata and Akita prefectures by the record-breaking heavy rains in July, Prime Minister Kishida met with Minister of Disaster Management Matsumura and instructed him to swiftly proceed with the procedures to designate the area as a "disaster of extreme severity," which would allow the national government to support the costs of recovery efforts.
Prime Minister Kishida: "Promoting financial education to realize a virtuous cycle of growth and distribution"
2024-08-02 20:33:00
Prime Minister Kishida visited the Japan Financial and Economic Education Promotion Organization, which was launched this year to promote financial education. He stated his intention to work with the organization to promote financial education, saying that it is an essential initiative to achieve a virtuous cycle of growth and distribution.
Minister of Justice Koizumi apologizes to plaintiffs in former Eugenic Protection Law cases, "Measures to eradicate discrimination and prejudice"
2024-08-02 19:27:00
Justice Minister Koizumi met with the plaintiffs in the lawsuit over the former Eugenic Protection Law and offered an apology on behalf of the government. He then indicated his intention for the Ministry of Justice to take the lead in implementing permanent measures to eradicate discrimination and prejudice.
Elementary and junior high school students become reporters and hold press conference with Minister of Children Kato
2024-08-02 19:13:00
A press conference was held in which elementary and junior high school students acted as journalists and asked questions of Minister of State for Children's Policy, Kato, and the children asked a series of questions about the issue of bullying and the efforts of the Agency for Children and Families.
Supporters of the CDP-Kokumin coalition call for early policy discussions with leaders of both parties
2024-08-02 18:52:00
Diet members from the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Democratic Party for the People, who are supported by labor unions affiliated with Rengo, have called on their representatives to begin policy discussions as soon as possible in order to strengthen cooperation in the next House of Representatives election, and the two parties will begin coordinating their efforts.
Minister of Justice Koizumi apologizes to plaintiffs in former Eugenic Protection Law cases, "Measures to eradicate discrimination and prejudice"
2024-08-02 18:51:00
Justice Minister Koizumi met with the plaintiffs in the lawsuit over the former Eugenic Protection Law and offered an apology on behalf of the government. He then indicated his intention for the Ministry of Justice to take the lead in implementing permanent measures to eradicate discrimination and prejudice.
Prime Minister Kishida exchanges views with Vice President Aso regarding the LDP presidential election?
2024-08-02 17:44:00
Prime Minister Kishida met with Vice President Aso of the Liberal Democratic Party. They are believed to have exchanged views on the party's internal movements ahead of the presidential election next month and on the future administration of the government.
LDP Presidential Election: Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Saito: "Voting should not be done on a faction-by-fact basis"
2024-08-02 16:55:00
Regarding the LDP presidential election, Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Saito pointed out that it will be a turning point in whether the party can restore trust, and expressed the view that voting should not be done on a faction basis.
LDP exchanges opinions regarding emergency meetings of the House of Councillors in the event of large-scale disasters
2024-08-02 16:37:00
The Liberal Democratic Party, which is seeking to amend the constitution, held a meeting of a working group consisting of members of both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, and exchanged opinions on issues such as the period for which the Diet will maintain its functions at an emergency session of the House of Councillors in the event of a large-scale disaster or other emergency.
National Governors Conference Calls on Government to Establish Control Center for Policy Promotion on Declining Population Issue
2024-08-02 15:36:00
The National Governors' Conference, held in Fukui City, concluded its two-day session with the adoption of a declaration that stated that the issue of population decline is Japan's biggest strategic challenge, and that it called on the government to establish a control center organization to promote policy.
CDP leader Izumi reiterates his view that "Representative Hirose needs to resign"
2024-08-02 13:59:00
Regarding Senator Megumi Hirose, who is being investigated by prosecutors on suspicion of defrauding her public secretary's salary, Constitutional Democratic Party leader Izumi reiterated his view that she should resign from her seat in the Diet.
Prime Minister Kishida: "Consider necessary systems, including new laws and regulations"
2024-08-02 11:27:00
The first meeting of the government's expert panel was held to discuss countermeasures to the risks associated with the spread of generative AI, such as the spread of false information. Prime Minister Kishida called for the consideration of necessary systems, including the introduction of new laws and regulations.
Prime Minister Kishida's Activities August 1, 2024
2024-08-02 10:07:00
(Prime Minister Kishida's Activities, August 1, 2024) 09:05 Departure from the Prime Minister's Office on foot 09:06 Arrival at the Prime Minister's Office 09:33 GX2040 Leaders Panel (until 10:40) 10:50 Receive a proposal for revitalizing the LDP from Suzuki Takako, Director of the LDP Youth Bureau (until 11:16) 14:09 Courtesy call from Grand Secretary Qiu Yong Tsinghua (until 14:23) 14:25 Met with Cabinet Advisor Kanda Masato. Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi Yoshimasa also in attendance (until 14:29) 14:35 Departure from the Prime Minister's Office 15:38 Arrive at the Sakura Castle Town Shopping Association in Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture. Walk around and sample Japanese sweets. Sample cold tea 16:04 Departure from the same place on foot 16:09 Arrive at Yumesakikurakan, a complex in the city. Inspection tour. Interacted with local high school students16:22 Departed from the same place16:31 Arrived at Sennari Kindergarten, a certified early childhood education and care facility in the city. Toured the facility. Interacted with children. Planted trees17:05 Interviews with media companies (until 17:10)17:14 Departed from the same place18:23 Arrived at the Prime Minister's Official Residence18:41 Departed from the Prime Minister's Official Residence18:49 Arrived at Palace Hotel Tokyo in Marunouchi, Tokyo. Had dinner with Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki at the Japanese restaurant Wadakura22:12 Departed from the same place22:20 Arrived at the Prime Minister's Official Residence
First meeting of government panel of experts to discuss measures to deal with risks associated with widespread use of generative AI
2024-08-02 06:09:00
The government will hold the first meeting of the Council of Experts on the 2nd to discuss measures to deal with the risks associated with the spread of generative AI, such as the spread of false information. Prime Minister Kishida has decided to call for the consideration of necessary systems, including the introduction of new laws and regulations.