[Details] Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony: Speech by Mr. Hiromi Tanaka of the Japan Confederation of A-bomb Victims Organizations
2024-12-10 22:51:00
The Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony was held in Oslo, the capital of Norway.
2024-12-10 22:51:00
The Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony was held in Oslo, the capital of Norway.
2024-12-10 22:14:00
The Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony was held in Oslo, the capital of Norway.
2024-12-10 21:50:00
On the evening of the 10th, a truck crashed into two other trucks that had stopped on a national highway in Saitama City to carry out work on the road, and two male workers who were on the road were killed when the truck collided with them.
2024-12-10 21:49:00
The Japan Coast Guard and other organizations have investigated the topography of the ocean floor off the coast of the Noto Peninsula and found that the ocean floor has risen over an area of approximately 80 kilometers from east to west. As it is along an active fault, the Japan Coast Guard believes that it is likely caused by the slippage that occurred during the Noto Peninsula earthquake in January.
2024-12-10 21:45:00
Regarding seismic activity around the Noto Peninsula, the Government's Earthquake Investigation Committee has concluded that active activity continues off the west coast of Ishikawa Prefecture following the earthquake on the 26th of last month that recorded shaking of magnitude 5-lower in Wajima City and other areas, and that caution is needed around the Noto Peninsula for future earthquakes accompanied by strong shaking and tsunamis.
2024-12-10 21:19:00
Japan Airlines announced that two pilots tested positive for alcohol during pre-flight tests on the 1st of this month, causing the departure of the return flight from Australia they were scheduled to fly to be delayed by approximately three hours.
2024-12-10 21:17:00
The Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony will be held in Oslo, the capital of Norway, at 9 p.m. on the 10th (Japan time). At the ceremony, Tanaka Hidemi, representative of the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations, will give a speech, appealing to the world for the abolition of nuclear weapons, based on his own experience of losing five family members to the atomic bombing.
2024-12-10 21:12:00
This is the Japanese government's response to the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations' Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony.
2024-12-10 21:07:00
On the evening of the 10th, a truck crashed into two other trucks that had stopped on a national highway in Saitama City to carry out work on the road, and two male workers who were on the road were killed when the truck collided with them.
2024-12-10 20:52:00
In July of this year, a man with severe intellectual disabilities was denied admission to a Kanagawa prefectural facility and then murdered in his home in Chiba prefecture, where he had moved. An investigation team set up by the Kanagawa prefectural government released an interim report stating that "the mechanical response when the man was asked to enter the facility drove the family into a corner, and the prefectural government did not check on his living conditions even after he moved."
2024-12-10 20:04:00
The perpetrator of an illegal part-time job allegedly involved in a robbery and assault that took place at a house in Yotsukaido City, Chiba Prefecture last month, has been rearrested on suspicion of breaking into another house shortly before that.
2024-12-10 19:55:00
A special class was held online connecting elementary schools in Obama City, Fukui Prefecture; Kashiwazaki City, Niigata Prefecture; and Sado City, the sites of the abductions by North Korea, where children discussed efforts to resolve the abduction issue.
2024-12-10 19:44:00
A former TV announcer who was subordinate to Constitutional Democratic Party candidate Tsuyoshi Yanagisawa, who was elected in the 3rd Miyagi district in the October House of Representatives election, held a press conference and accused him of power harassment while he was employed there. Yanagisawa said that although there were differences in perception, he would like to reflect on his actions if his true intentions were not fully conveyed.
2024-12-10 19:34:00
Regarding the wage requirement for joining the Employees' Pension Insurance, known as the "1.06 million yen annual income barrier," the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare presented a proposal to abolish it at a subcommittee of the council on the 10th, which was approved, stating that the need for it has diminished following the increase in the minimum wage.
2024-12-10 19:34:00
On the evening of the 10th, a truck crashed into two other trucks that had stopped on a national highway in Saitama City to carry out work on the road. Two male workers who were on the road were caught up in the accident and are both unconscious and in critical condition.
2024-12-10 19:06:00
On the morning of the 10th, a 74-year-old man was found bleeding and collapsed in a house in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and later died. The man is believed to have been murdered, and police have arrested a 68-year-old acquaintance of the man on suspicion of breaking into the house and are currently investigating the details.
2024-12-10 19:02:00
In the "International Adult Competencies Survey" conducted by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), Japan ranked first in "problem-solving ability" and second in "reading comprehension" and "numeracy," both of which were among the best in the world. However, issues were also highlighted, such as a high percentage of people who answered that they lacked their own skills and that their major did not match their current job.
2024-12-10 18:59:00
The Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony will be held in Oslo, the capital of Norway, at 9 p.m. on the 10th, Japan time. At the ceremony, Hiromi Tanaka, representative of the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations, will give a speech, appealing to the world for the abolition of nuclear weapons, based on his own experience of losing five family members to the atomic bombing.
2024-12-10 18:53:00
While the so-called "1.06 million yen annual income barrier" among the requirements for joining the Employees' Pension Insurance has been abolished, the requirement of "20 hours or more per week" of working hours remains. Some people say, "Will the abolition of the 1.06 million yen barrier alone not be enough to secure the necessary workers?" How are workers responding?
2024-12-10 18:42:00
On the evening of the 10th, an accident involving three trucks occurred on a national highway in Saitama City, leaving three people injured and taken to the hospital.
2024-12-10 18:40:00
The city of Suzu in Ishikawa Prefecture has announced plans to build public disaster housing for people affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake and who are finding it difficult to rebuild their homes.
2024-12-10 18:24:00
A 40-year-old clerk at the Prime Minister's Office was arrested by police in April this year for sexually assaulting two junior high school girls in Yokohama after promising to pay them cash.
2024-12-10 18:23:00
On the morning of the 10th, a fire broke out in Sapporo, completely burning down an apartment building, and three people were injured and taken to the hospital.
2024-12-10 18:22:00
A member of the Hyogo Prefectural Assembly's 100-Article Committee, which is investigating the accusations against Hyogo Governor Saito of power harassment, has announced that he has filed a request with the video sharing site operator to delete a video that contained false information, damaging his reputation.
2024-12-10 18:07:00
In January of this year, a mother was charged with abandonment resulting in death after she doused her 5-year-old daughter in water and left her to die in an apartment in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture. The Aomori District Court sentenced her to nine years in prison, stating, "The result of allowing the girl to die unjustly in a situation where no one would help her, despite the girl apologizing repeatedly, is serious."
2024-12-10 17:57:00
According to the police and fire department, at around 4:00 pm on the 10th, an accident involving three trucks occurred on a national highway in Sakura Ward, Saitama City. According to the police, three people were injured in the accident and were taken to the hospital. The extent of their injuries and their detailed conditions are unknown. The police are currently investigating the details of the accident.
2024-12-10 17:54:00
On the morning of the 10th, a 74-year-old man was found bleeding and collapsed in a house in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and later died. He is believed to have been murdered, but according to investigators, a male suspect was subsequently arrested on suspicion of breaking into the house, and police are currently investigating the details of the incident.
2024-12-10 17:20:00
Regarding the wage requirement for joining the Employees' Pension Insurance, known as the "1.06 million yen annual income barrier," the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare presented a proposal to abolish it at a subcommittee of the council on the 10th, which was approved, stating that the need for it has diminished following the increase in the minimum wage.
2024-12-10 17:18:00
A private think tank recently released a ranking of the world's cities based on their overall strength, placing Tokyo in third place for the ninth consecutive year. The weak yen has led to an increase in foreign visitors, and Tokyo has been highly praised as a tourist destination, but its economic indicators, such as GDP per capita, are sluggish.
2024-12-10 17:14:00
In the Tokyo gubernatorial election in July, in which a record 56 people ran, there was not enough space on bulletin boards for election posters, causing some candidates to put up their posters outside the spaces. One of the candidates filed a lawsuit claiming that this was unfair and invalidated the election. The Tokyo High Court dismissed the lawsuit, saying that "it cannot be said that this undermined the fairness of the election."
2024-12-10 17:10:00
With robberies occurring one after another across Tokyo, a joint training session was held on the 10th in Adachi Ward, with the participation of employees from seven convenience stores.
2024-12-10 16:34:00
The award ceremony for the NHK Disability Welfare Award, which is given to memoirs written by people with disabilities and their families, was held at the NHK Broadcasting Center in Shibuya, Tokyo.
2024-12-10 15:44:00
Regarding the wage requirement for joining the Employees' Pension Insurance, known as the "1.06 million yen annual income barrier," the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare presented a proposal to a subcommittee of the council on the 10th to abolish it, stating that the need for it has diminished following the increase in the minimum wage.
2024-12-10 15:32:00
The Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony will be held in Norway on the evening of the 10th (Japan time). The three representative committee members of the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations signed the guest book ahead of the ceremony, writing the message, "Let's create a world without nuclear weapons or war."
2024-12-10 15:12:00
At Narita Airport, customs began special vigilance against smuggling of drugs and other items on the 10th, in line with the increase in passengers using international flights towards the end of the year.
2024-12-10 15:06:00
In March of this year, the bodies of five parents and children were found inside a light vehicle in Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture. Police have referred the 40-year-old father, who was found dead inside the vehicle, to prosecutors on suspicion of strangling the four children to death. It is believed that the father attempted a double suicide.
2024-12-10 15:01:00
It has been learned from investigators that the Kanagawa Prefectural Police have referred documents to prosecutors on suspicion of defamation against a person who posted slanderous comments on social media about a former talent who had come forward to claim she was a victim of sexual assault by Johnny Kitagawa.
2024-12-10 14:29:00
It has been revealed that a former police officer working at a police box in Kumamoto Prefecture was indicted on charges of indecent assault and injury for injuring a female subordinate, and was dismissed from his job. Meanwhile, the Kumamoto Prefectural Police have not made public the incident or the punishment, citing the need to protect the victim.
2024-12-10 14:07:00
Work has begun in Nanao City to transport waste generated by the demolition of buildings destroyed in the Noto Peninsula earthquake out of Ishikawa Prefecture by ship.
2024-12-10 13:58:00
In the early hours of the 10th, a male worker was killed after being hit by a freight train while replacing rails on the JR Tokaido Line in Shizuoka Prefecture. Police are currently investigating the exact circumstances of the incident.
2024-12-10 13:57:00
Freelance announcer Tomoaki Ogura, who hosted a commercial TV information program for many years and gained popularity for his witty way of speaking, passed away on the 9th. He was 77 years old.
2024-12-10 13:31:00
Four contract employees working at a boat racing venue in Tokyo were referred to prosecutors on suspicion of violating the Motorboat Racing Act for purchasing boat tickets, which is prohibited for employees. All of them have admitted to the charges, stating that they were "making some pocket money" and "buying boat tickets while at work was exciting."
2024-12-10 13:25:00
The number of patients with "erythema infectioides," also known as fifth disease, reported nationwide in the week ending December 1st was 0.89 per medical institution, which is on par with the highest number for this time of year in the past 10 years in 2018. If a pregnant woman becomes infected for the first time, there is a risk of miscarriage or damage to the fetus, and specialized academic societies are calling for measures to prevent infection.
2024-12-10 12:27:00
A 40-year-old clerk at the Prime Minister's Office was arrested by police in April this year for sexually assaulting two junior high school girls in Yokohama after promising to pay them cash.
2024-12-10 12:24:00
With the 24th anniversary of the murder of a family of four in a home in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo approaching soon, the Metropolitan Police Department on the 10th publicly announced for the first time the opinion of its Special Investigation Headquarters that it is highly likely that the culprit broke in and escaped through a bathroom window on the second mezzanine floor of the home, and is continuing to call for information.
2024-12-10 12:19:00
In a case in which a Tokyo company president and four others were arrested for forcing a former colleague onto train tracks and murdering him to make it look like a suicide, it was learned from an interview with an investigator that one of the suspects explained to voluntary questioning before his arrest that he had heard the man had shoplifted, so he went to his house and beat him up. At the time, the man had left the company, but the details of the incident are being investigated as it is believed that the relentless harassment he continued to cause had driven him to the brink of mental breakdown.
2024-12-10 12:12:00
A former prosecutor general of the Osaka District Public Prosecutors' Office, who is accused of sexually assaulting a female subordinate who was drunk and unable to resist, has decided to plead not guilty, his lawyer has revealed.
2024-12-10 11:40:00
A fire broke out at an apartment in Sapporo on the morning of the 10th, and firefighters are continuing their efforts to put out the blaze.
2024-12-10 11:31:00
The Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony will be held in Norway on the evening of the 10th (Japan time). The three representative committee members of the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations signed the guest book ahead of the ceremony, writing the message, "Let's create a world without nuclear weapons or war."
2024-12-10 11:17:00
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the enactment of the Law to Prevent Death from Overwork, aimed at eliminating death and suicide from overwork. As such, labor unions are providing free telephone counseling services across the country to answer concerns about long working hours and other issues.
2024-12-10 10:23:00
In the early hours of the 10th, a 49-year-old male worker was killed after being hit by a freight train while replacing rails on the JR Tokaido Line in Shizuoka Prefecture. Police are currently investigating the exact circumstances of the incident.
2024-12-10 07:20:00
Freelance announcer Tomoaki Ogura, who hosted a commercial TV information program for many years and gained popularity for his witty way of speaking, passed away on the 9th. He was 77 years old.
2024-12-10 06:30:00
Regarding the fact that the reconstruction of the National Theater, a center of traditional performing arts that closed last year, has not progressed due to unsuccessful bidding, popular Kabuki actor Onoe Kikunosuke said at a press conference held on the 9th, "I would like to work on all parties so that we can get back on the stage of the National Theater as soon as possible."
2024-12-10 06:16:00
On the night of the 9th, a 38-year-old mother and her two children were found dead in a house in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture. Based on the state of the bodies and the scene, the police suspect that it may have been a double suicide and are investigating the details.
2024-12-10 05:56:00
A private survey has found that the percentage of female company presidents nationwide was 8.4% as of October this year, the highest ever. However, the company that conducted the survey points out that the percentage is still low at less than 10%, and the pace of increase is also slow.
2024-12-10 05:53:00
In a case where the president of a Tokyo painting company and four employees were arrested for murdering a former male colleague by making it look like a suicide at a railroad crossing, it was revealed that the victim explained that "I was burned due to my own negligence" when he visited the hospital after the assault. The Metropolitan Police Department believes that he had been in deep fear after being repeatedly assaulted, and is investigating the details of the incident.
2024-12-10 05:48:00
Survivors of the atomic bomb, visiting Norway for the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, donated seeds from trees blasted by the atomic bomb to a local university botanical garden and called for the realization of a world free of nuclear weapons.
2024-12-10 02:30:00
A major travel agency has forecast that the cost of domestic travel this year will be the highest ever due to soaring accommodation prices, with the average cost per person being 43,000 yen.
2024-12-10 02:25:00
In November, elementary school students from Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture, visited Hiroshima as part of a peace studies program and listened to a male atomic bomb survivor speak to them. They then invited the man back to their school to report on what they had learned.
2024-12-10 02:22:00
Ahead of the New Year, a jumbo Kadomatsu decoration handmade by locals was put up at Osumi Yokogawa Station in Kirishima City, Kagoshima Prefecture.
2024-12-10 00:43:00
The Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony will be held in Norway on the evening of the 10th (Japan time). Hiromi Tanaka, representative of the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations, will be speaking at the ceremony, and will appeal to the world for the abolition of nuclear weapons, drawing on his experience of losing five family members to the atomic bombing.