This page is the news announced by NHK, a representative TV station in Japan.

News of Japan

Kyoto   Hakone

Main news

"Active cyber defense" - Considering using police powers to neutralize servers that are the source of attacks

2024-07-27 07:02:00
Regarding "active cyber defense" to prevent cyber attacks before they occur, the government is considering infiltrating the servers of attacking entities and neutralizing them as necessary. The government envisions criminal groups as the source of attacks, and would like to be able to exercise this power based on police powers to protect public order within the country.


Economic news

Political News

"Active cyber defense" - Considering using police powers to neutralize servers that are the source of attacks

2024-07-27 07:02:00
Regarding "active cyber defense" to prevent cyber attacks before they occur, the government is considering infiltrating the servers of attacking entities and neutralizing them as necessary. The government envisions criminal groups as the source of attacks, and would like to be able to exercise this power based on police powers to protect public order within the country.


LDP to begin full-scale review of presidential election format; some call for cost reduction

2024-07-27 06:02:00
Regarding the LDP presidential election, some within the party have expressed the view that it is necessary to hold lively policy debates while keeping costs down, taking into account the issue of politics and money. The party hopes that the presidential election will help restore the party's strength, and has decided to begin full-scale consideration of the form the election should take.


Social News

"Active cyber defense" - Considering using police powers to neutralize servers that are the source of attacks

2024-07-27 07:02:00
Regarding "active cyber defense" to prevent cyber attacks before they occur, the government is considering infiltrating the servers of attacking entities and neutralizing them as necessary. The government envisions criminal groups as the source of attacks, and would like to be able to exercise this power based on police powers to protect public order within the country.


Kobayashi Pharmaceutical: Two Red Koji Suppliers Use Raw Materials with Pubellulic Acid Detection in Their Products

2024-07-27 06:52:00
Regarding the issue of people who took Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's red yeast rice supplements developing kidney problems, the company revealed that there is a possibility that two companies that supplied the red yeast rice ingredients may have used ingredients that contained "puvelluric acid," which is made from blue mold. There have been no reports of health damage from the products of the two companies so far.


Kyoto   Mt.Fuji

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