Economic news(2016/10/20)
ECB decision now of the monetary policy maintained
2016-10-20 22:34:00
European Central Bank, open the Board of Directors to determine the monetary policy of the single currency, the euro, financial instability and smoldering in the euro area, the determination of the departure from the United Kingdom of the EU = European Union, need to assess the impact on the economy and financial markets It is as certain, such as deferring the level of policy interest rates, decided to maintain the now of monetary policy.
Released on driver disposal hold of suspicion of hit-and-run elementary school students
2016-10-20 22:08:00
Last month, in Aomori Prefecture Misawa, was hit by a elementary school sophomore girls track, in a hit-and-run incident that died, the prosecution, was released at the disposal hold the driver of which was arrested Misawa
Long-range ballistic missile launch continue posture on North Korea fact
2016-10-20 21:43:00
North Korea 20 days, announced a discourse that "artificial satellite further launch a", was once again clear the attitude to continue the launch of long-range ballistic missile on the fact.
ECB decision now of the monetary policy maintained
2016-10-20 21:40:00
European Central Bank, open the Board of Directors to determine the monetary policy of the single currency, the euro, financial instability and smoldering in the euro area, the determination of the departure from the United Kingdom of the EU = European Union, need to assess the impact on the economy and financial markets It is as certain, such as deferring the level of policy interest rates, decided to maintain the now of monetary policy.
Award cancel withdrawal Kuroishi mayor and circumstances described in the bereaved family apology
2016-10-20 20:46:00
In the photo contest of the summer festival, which is open, such as Aomori Prefecture Kuroishi, a problem that works that copy the girls junior high school students believed to have committed suicide bullying bother it is canceled the award, of Kuroishi to 20 days Takae Ken mayor bereaved describes a series of circumstances in, he apologized.
Seek improvement in the year-end construction concentration of financial court public works
2016-10-20 20:44:00
Country's financial Fiscal System Council to discuss the problem, 20 days, to discuss public business, that construction work at the end of the year from the annual fall is concentrated, it pointed out that problems such as the cost of soaring and unstable employment has occurred and, now that we seek improvement in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
Cooperation in the ratio president and the South China Sea issue to Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary
2016-10-20 20:41:00
Kan Chief Cabinet Secretary press conference, Duterute the President of the Philippines, about what this month visiting Japan, even to develop a strategic partnership, will continue to cooperate towards the freedom of the securing of navigation in the South China Sea, which China advances the base construction It showed the idea that you want.
Account illegal buying and selling site opened to transfer passbook approached or 11 people arrested
2016-10-20 20:39:00
Opened a site that illegally buying and selling bank account on the Internet, as such approached to cede such as passbook, 11 people, including web designers of Tokyo has been arrested. The administrator of the site you want to buy and sell the account has been arrested is that it's the first time, police are investigating to see to have been exploited in crimes such as billing fraud.
About 2% criteria to wage demands of the policy in the next year's spring labor offensive Union
2016-10-20 20:22:00
Union open the Central Executive Committee in 20 days, next year's spring labor offensive, in addition to an important issue to raise and disparities of wages of people working in small and medium-sized enterprises and non-regular Following the year, the order of 2% we decided the policy set forth a request for a wage increase to the standard.
Request the cooperation in power companies in Yoko Economy, Trade and Industry-phase power outages
2016-10-20 20:19:00
Yoko Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry is 20 days, and top with the meeting of the national power company, last week, in light of the massive power outage that occurred in Tokyo, when the renovation of the cable of the aging transmission lines, each company is in cooperation tackle as I requested.
About 100 million yen compensation ordered judgment finalized in green Ownership System countries
2016-10-20 20:12:00
Raise the state-owned forests from the general public soliciting investment On "Green Ownership System", the Forestry Agency as did not fully explain the risk of loss of principal, in the trial nationwide owner complained of a country, the country of responsibility ruling that ordered the compensation of about 1 billion yen admitted, it was confirmed by the Supreme Court.
Seek the ruling and opposition parties consultation at the local public hearing held over TPP
2016-10-20 20:07:00
Sato, chairman of the Board of the House of Representatives Rules and Administration Committee, On TPP agreement, after that, such as the DPP has leave to 19 days, for the regional hearings held has been voting in the next week 24 days, "the agreement of some of the opposition stated that it is not observed, "remains no, was asked to consult again with the ruling and opposition parties.
Long working hours of doubt super and the officer two people sent papers Osaka
2016-10-20 19:59:00
As a company to expand the supermarket was allowed to illegal working long hours to employees, such as Kansai, Osaka Labor Bureau has sent papers on suspicion of the Labor Standards Law violations the two companies and executives.
Four opposition party Diet affairs committee chairman to confirm the resignation request of talks Yamamoto Agriculture Minister
2016-10-20 19:58:00
In response to the remarks on railroaded of Yamamoto, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries over a proposal to seek Diet approval of the TPP agreement, and talks Diet affairs chief of the four opposition parties such as the Democratic Progressive Party and the Communist Party, together with obtaining the resignation of Yamamoto minister, the government and the ruling parties while assess the correspondence, it has confirmed the policy to determine the response to the future of Diet deliberations.
Four opposition party Diet affairs committee chairman to confirm the resignation request of talks Yamamoto Agriculture Minister
2016-10-20 19:58:00
In response to the remarks on railroaded of Yamamoto, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries over a proposal to seek Diet approval of the TPP agreement, and talks Diet affairs chief of the four opposition parties such as the Democratic Progressive Party and the Communist Party, together with obtaining the resignation of Yamamoto minister, the government and the ruling parties while assess the correspondence, it has confirmed the policy to determine the response to the future of Diet deliberations.
Pneumonia "is not carried out active treatment also select" Society of the draft guidelines
2016-10-20 19:50:00
The elderly to take death to pneumonia for end-of-life and old age, such as cancer, if you have seen as many as 100,000 a year or more in Japan, the Japanese Respiratory Society is desired by the patient himself about these pneumonia It has put together a draft guidelines to admit for the first time the option of not carried out aggressive treatment to. These pneumonia is followed by a pain, such as repeating the recurrence, but because the quality of life is often impaired professionals, wide, such as the field of medical practice and care only to a lot of people take the disease in the final stage of "life impact on the range is expected to come out. to respect the person of the intention has been talking with large principle it's important to keep talking on a regular basis whether you want to celebrate the death how well the side of the patient and family. "
Japan Bank for International Cooperation is to co-financing in the LNG development of the Arctic Circle
2016-10-20 19:43:00
As part of economic cooperation for Russia, "Japan Bank for International Cooperation" of the government-affiliated financial institutions, in the development project of the production base of LNG = liquefied natural gas that Russian companies have advanced in the Arctic Circle, about the total amount along with the financial institutions of Europe (in the Japanese yen 60 billion yen) $ 600,000,000 we are promoting the adjustment in the direction to perform the co-financing of.
Dismantling full-scale of the aging facilities of Nara Dreamland site
2016-10-20 19:42:00
Former amusement park of Nara were closed down 10 years and is popular before in to, such as parents and children Kansai, work to tear down the facility was dilapidated left in the grounds of the "Nara Dreamland" has begun in earnest.
Soka Tanaka of the draft conference attention 5 baseball team is ranked first nomination
2016-10-20 19:38:00
Professional baseball draft meeting is opened, authentic one of the best college baseball, Masayoshi Tanaka pitcher of Soka is, 5 baseball team is named in the first place, as a result of the lottery, Softbank won the joining bargaining rights.
In just five days from the failure of the North Korean missile re-launch last
2016-10-20 19:32:00
North Korea is seen to have failed but tried to 20 days in the morning, a new type of medium-range ballistic missile "BM25 MUSUDAN" one shot of the firing. Just five days from the previous launch failure of this month 15 days, becomes the launch of at short intervals ever, Ukagaemasu North Korea's attitude to rush the development.
Criticism without vowed to accept the US presidential election Trump Mr. result
2016-10-20 19:31:00
President of the United States last TV debate for the election is carried out, Trump candidate of the Republican Party, when defeated in the election, not stated about whether or not to accept the results, from the American media has come out criticism, of the Democratic Party Trump, who is lead to the Clinton candidate is a situation that it can not be said that was Seize the opportunity of catch-up.
Refine consider Olympics boat canoe venue review 3 draft
2016-10-20 19:21:00
Tour of the review of the competition venue of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic, the research team of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, not only to develop as expected for boat canoe venue a "sea of forest Water stadium" of the current plan, temporary facilities that removal after the tournament that the development was added as a new proposal as, along with the proposal to change the boat field of Miyagi Prefecture, was it clear to proceed with the investigation narrowed down to three of the draft.
Kansai Electric Power employees examination of Takahamagenpatsu support of management of suicide
2016-10-20 19:13:00
Hit in the corresponding examination aimed at Takahama operation extension of the nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture, male employees of the Kansai Electric Power Co. that overwork has been certified to have committed suicide in the cause, negotiated responsible management of to create documents required for examination such as the role is also responsible, it was found to be seen to have been a consuming pressure work. Men, died on the day the examination of the safety measures of nuclear power plant has become a so-called "pass".
Kansai Electric Power employees examination of Takahamagenpatsu support of management of suicide
2016-10-20 19:13:00
Hit in the corresponding examination aimed at Takahama operation extension of the nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture, male employees of the Kansai Electric Power Co. that overwork has been certified to have committed suicide in the cause, negotiated responsible management of to create documents required for examination such as the role is also responsible, it was found to be seen to have been a consuming pressure work. Men, died on the day the examination of the safety measures of nuclear power plant has become a so-called "pass".
Marks for women death bodies were bitten by animals in the grounds of the house
2016-10-20 18:31:00
In the grounds of the house in the mountainous area of Tanabe, Wakayama Prefecture, 19 days, they found the 93-year-old woman have died, the corpse there was a scar that is seen to have been bitten by an animal. Police in the fact that hunting with dogs has been performed in the vicinity of the site has examined the association.
"Suicide is bullying cause" order death ex gratia payment of judgment
2016-10-20 18:26:00
Six years ago, the elementary school girl committed suicide in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture is, as it is caused by bullying, to the organization that his mother pay the death ex gratia payment in the school accident, in a trial that was asked to pay 28 million yen, Utsunomiya District Court as a "substantial causal relationship to suicide and bullying", was handed down a judgment ordering the payment of claims as expected full amount.
It announced the AI technology that specializes in the discovery of Fujitsu new medicine
2016-10-20 18:24:00
Fujitsu's major electronics manufacturer, announced that it has developed an AI = artificial intelligence to the discovery of new drugs and the good, and to be sold, such as in research institutions and pharmaceutical companies the system as a technology to reduce the cost and shorten the development time you have.
Some of the cocaine seized banana containers from cargo ship
2016-10-20 18:15:00
About 100 kilograms of powder to be seen as cocaine seized found from the cargo ship entered the port last month in Yokohama Port, has been hidden in three bags in the banana that has been exported to Japan from South America has been loaded container was it was found in the new in an interview to the investigation officials.
History tell event of withdrawal from, such as Manchuria
2016-10-20 18:14:00
After the war, withdraw from, such as the former Manchuria began in earnest, according to the become 70 years this year, the event that'll let you know extensively the history of the withdrawal was held in Tokyo.
Protest against the police chief in Okinawa governor discriminatory remarks
2016-10-20 18:13:00
A problem that riot, which was sent from the Osaka prefectural police for the security of Okinawa US military Northern Training Area has a discriminatory remark, Onaga governor 20 days, it referred to prefectural government Ikeda Katsushi Division of the Okinawa Prefectural Police Headquarters, " I protested severely and not to be allowed in the outrageous. " Ikeda General Manager for this is, "in remarks unforgivable, deeply want to apologize to everyone of citizens" was apology and.
Summer day Hokkaido is the first snow in various places in the east - western center
2016-10-20 18:09:00
20 days raises the temperature sunny around the eastern and western Japan, the highest temperature during the day is an average year the exceeded from 3 degrees 7 degrees before and after in many places, was the heat of the par late from early September. On the other hand, due to the influence that flows into a strong cold air into the sky in Hokkaido, I was observing the first snow, etc. Sapporo.
Tokyo foreign exchange market exchange rate of the yen modest price movements
2016-10-20 18:03:00
Tokyo foreign exchange market, is ahead of the European Central Bank wants and to unilateral trade assess the outcome of the Board of Directors to determine the monetary policy to open 20 days night Japan time, the yen became a modest price movements.
Match at medium ratio summit the South China Sea problem Tour of bilateral dialogue
2016-10-20 17:49:00
Duterute president of the Philippines, which are visiting China, China's Xi Jinping Jintao and 20 days, in Beijing, gave a first summit meeting. The Chinese side, for the issues surrounding the South China Sea as such was agreed to carry out a dialogue between the two countries, announced that it was possible to restore the relationship between the two countries to normal orbit.
House of Representatives Affairs Committee Ryukai
2016-10-20 17:29:00
House of Representatives Affairs Committee, at the 20th Council of the morning, because it was claimed that "not in a situation that can question is in a state in which the trust relationship between the ruling and opposition parties is broken," such as the DPP is, the lead director of the ruling and opposition parties, we intermittently consultation It was. However, discussion is Tsukazu, committee had been scheduled 20 days without being opened, became the Ryukai.
To the eruption alert level judgment standard review of the Japan Meteorological Agency Secretary Aso
2016-10-20 17:15:00
This month 8 days, about what explosive eruption was not able to raise the eruption alert level before they occur in Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture, Hashida Secretary of the Japan Meteorological Agency said, "must be very seriously", of Mt. in addition to reviewing the criteria for eruption alert level to the prospect of the end of the year, it showed the policy to announce every day the data such as the number of volcanic earthquakes from next week.
Koike governor market is a major principle of "responsibility to have work."
2016-10-20 17:05:00
Koike governor of Tokyo, visited the central wholesale market, which revamped the executive, such as the top in the issues surrounding the TOYOSU market, the Staff "to return to the large principle that corresponds to the work with responsibility, I want to work hard in the residents first." He said for the early resolution and restore confidence of the problem and were instructed to strive to work.
Less than the previous year at a department store sales 7 consecutive month of nationwide
2016-10-20 17:02:00
Last month the national department stores, sales in September, in addition to sales of clothing of high day many autumn and winter the temperature was disappointing, and the like that is followed by a decrease in sales for the foreign travelers, It was lower than in the last year same month of seven months in a row.
House of Representatives Constitution Review Board discussion of the resumption of later next month outlook
2016-10-20 16:57:00
House of Representatives Constitution Review Board in the future, Tsukazu the adjustment of the ruling and opposition parties led by the secretary of around a theme to discuss, from the fact that the holding of the Secretary meeting that had been scheduled 20 days has been shelved, the resumption of the discussion, since the next month postponed was the outlook.
"Door-to-door sales disabled can be" six people arrested on suspicion of fraud
2016-10-20 16:54:00
To, such as the elderly who have purchased goods from door-to-door sales of skill in the art, to say a lie and "can disable the sale and purchase agreement", suspicion of the as was defrauded the money in return, company presidents six Yokohama fraud in the arrest, the police, the damage has been investigating to see and climb to 1.1 billion yen in the approximately 900 people, the amount in the nation. Two of the six to the investigated is that has denied the charges.
Show discomfort in post of Onaga governor Matsui governor of Osaka
2016-10-20 16:52:00
For the security of the United States Army Northern Training Area, the issues that were dispatched riot was the hate speech from the Osaka prefectural police, Matsui governor of Osaka Prefecture 19 days, on Twitter, "hard, to perform the duties in accordance with instructions and I had was found. posted a business trip hardship like ". In contrast, Onaga is governor at a press conference of 20 days, "consideration of the people of Okinawa is or not is not enough," he showed discomfort with.
News Up suddenly, "falling objects" of car cargo deprives the ... life
2016-10-20 16:35:00
Suddenly, "falling objects" such as cargo falling from such a truck bed. In fact, if you are driving a car, or to witness an unstable load collapse likely cargo, with or become likely to ride on the falling object on the road I think that some people who have felt the fear. These falling objects and collision of the car of a subsequent or facing, or cause an accident "falling object accident" has one after another across the country.
Canceled the Princess Masako Iwate visit
2016-10-20 16:27:00
Masako, which had planned a visit to Iwate Prefecture from 21 days along with the crown prince to attend to, such as the opening ceremony of the national disability sport competition, Princess Aiko of nursing and recent public service of the eldest daughter has been absent from school for our tired out in the schedule, now it is canceled the visit.
Officially announced Ghosn inauguration of Nissan president in Mitsubishi Motors president
2016-10-20 16:20:00
Nissan Motor Co. is 20 days, to get the approximately 34% of the shares of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, was housed under the umbrella on the facts. Along with this, Carlos Ghosn has announced officially the personnel to be appointed to Mitsubishi Motors' chairman.
Officially announced Ghosn inauguration of Nissan president in Mitsubishi Motors president
2016-10-20 16:20:00
Nissan Motor Co. is 20 days, to get the approximately 34% of the shares of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, was housed under the umbrella on the facts. Along with this, Carlos Ghosn has announced officially the personnel to be appointed to Mitsubishi Motors' chairman.
Corresponding attitude to the Japan Chamber of Commerce and long working hours suppression
2016-10-20 16:14:00
Dentsu or women suicide was a new employee at a major advertising company, such as male employees of the Kansai Electric Power or to commit suicide, for that long working hours is a problem, is Mimura president of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry 20 days in the press conference, in overwork death unusual incident by the "long working hours, the boss should be grasp properly the work of subordinates. I also have been working overtime for about 100 hours when it joined the twilight is head productivity also becomes worse , said that mental become amusing even to ", was criticized for a long time labor.
Attacked by a bear woman injured bear two horses extermination Kurobe, Toyama
2016-10-20 16:11:00
Early in Toyama Prefecture Kurobe 20 days morning, women who had a walk was a minor injury to the arm being attacked by a bear. Then, two horses of the bear is found, it has been disinfected at a distance about 1 km.
Discriminatory remarks Matsui governor "should reflect on" excessive criticism concerns
2016-10-20 16:05:00
On issues that riot of Osaka prefectural police had been dispatched to Okinawa Prefecture had a discriminatory remark, Matsui governor of Osaka Prefecture in terms of the "It should reflect", excessively criticize a particular police officer It was also shown concern about the thing.
An early settlement of the Japanese construction industry Federation of Olympic competition venues review
2016-10-20 15:50:00
For that Koike governor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is considering a review of the Olympic competition venues after four years, making a major construction company in the conference chairman 20 days of "Japan Construction Industry Federation," "as soon as possible policy decided, he said to want you to, "so as not to impose a rush job, was asked to settle the problem at an early stage.
Nikkei high level of average share price five months the first time
2016-10-20 15:34:00
Tokyo stock market of 20 days, in response to the contents of the last TV debate for the US presidential election, stock prices rose significantly out buy orders in many stocks as they sense of vigilance is eased for the future of the American economy , we put the 17,200 yen level in about five months the first time at the closing.
Arrest suspected tax accountant in which the description of the lie to the bankruptcy trustee
2016-10-20 15:18:00
Tour of the bankruptcy proceedings of the company tax accountant had been an advisor that has served as the executive director of the Japan Federation of Certified Tax Accountant's Associations, was arrested on suspicion of bankruptcy law violations as was the description of the lie to the bankruptcy trustee, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is deliberately seeing that there is a possibility that hid the company's assets, it has been examined. Tax accountant is that has denied the charges.
Arrest suspected tax accountant in which the description of the lie to the bankruptcy trustee
2016-10-20 15:18:00
Tour of the bankruptcy proceedings of the company tax accountant had been an advisor that has served as the executive director of the Japan Federation of Certified Tax Accountant's Associations, was arrested on suspicion of bankruptcy law violations as was the description of the lie to the bankruptcy trustee, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is deliberately seeing that there is a possibility that hid the company's assets, it has been examined. Tax accountant is that has denied the charges.
I attended the welcome ceremony at the President of the Philippines Beijing
2016-10-20 15:12:00
The visit to have Duterute President 20 days morning in the Philippines, China, attended the welcome ceremony was held in Beijing was met by Xi Jinping Jintao. Two countries that have been at odds sharply in the South China Sea issue was impressed that it has taken to improve relations.
Corresponding seek opinion with a sense of tension from railroaded remark within the party
2016-10-20 14:58:00
At the meeting, such as each faction of the Liberal Democratic Party, over a proposal to seek Diet approval of the TPP agreement, for remarks on railroaded of Yamamoto, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, from the executive, the voice of "are threatened or not seen as arrogance of the Liberal Democratic Party" Ya was succession of opinion to find the correspondence with a sense of tension.
Tesla to all models to a device equipped with a fully automatic operation
2016-10-20 14:54:00
American electric car manufacturer, Tesla Motors, a device such as a camera and sensors necessary to the realization of full automatic operation, announced that it installed in all of the car that you will production, is thought to accelerate the development of the automatic operation.
Outlook of the TPP agreement special committee tomorrow the establishment of the House of Councilors
2016-10-20 14:42:00
By the Board of the Upper House Rules and Administration Committee, for the establishment of the special committee to deliberate, such as a proposal to seek Diet approval of the TPP agreement, the Communist Party, but was opposed received a remark about railroaded of Yamamoto, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 21 days House of Councillors vote in the plenary session became expected to be installed been made of.
Rugby former Japanese representative playmaker Seiji Hirao's death
2016-10-20 14:32:00
Seiji's Hirao, who was active as a player to represent Japan, such as the Rugby Japan Championship 7 consecutive has died at Kobe Steel. I was 53 years old.
1 vote of the disparity July upper house election "unconstitutional" Osaka High Court
2016-10-20 14:29:00
About disparity of so-called one vote in the Upper House election this year July was 3.08 times at the maximum, as the Osaka High Court "It's a significant inequality state to the extent that unconstitutional problems", was "unconstitutional" a ruling that it was was sentenced. On the other hand, action to seek the invalidation of the election was not recognized.
Refine consider Olympics boat canoe venue review 3 draft
2016-10-20 14:24:00
Tour of the review of the competition venue of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic, the research team boat canoe venue in Tokyo, not only to develop the current planned "Forest Water stadium of the sea", temporary facilities that removed after the tournament It added as a new proposal to be developed as was revealed to proceed with the investigation narrowed down to three of the proposal along with the proposal to change the boat field of Miyagi Prefecture.
1 vote of the disparity July upper house election "constitutionality" the Fukuoka High Court Naha branch
2016-10-20 14:19:00
About disparity of so-called one vote in the Upper House election this year July was 3.08 times at the maximum, the Fukuoka High Court Naha branch of one vote gap in the introduction of the "so-called" case-ku "was significantly reduced "as such, it was handed down a ruling that does not violate the Constitution.
Self-affirmation ministry of low child compared to other countries to be analyzed
2016-10-20 14:00:00
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry, Japan open children of self-affirmation is the first meeting of the investigation team in response to the survey results that low compared to other countries, academic ability and physical strength, it, such as household income has on the psychological aspects of the child influence now to be analyzed.
Disciplinary action in corporal punishment or indecent act to junior high school extracurricular activities adviser student
2016-10-20 13:48:00
As a man teacher of 49-year-old Yokohama City junior high school, the girls these volleyball that was the adviser, was repeated indecent acts such as touching the corporal punishment and the chest, such as forcibly pulled defeat the body over a period of one and a half years Yokohama City Board of Education has the disposal of disciplinary dismissal this teacher.
Not be able to participate as global warming "Paris agreement" Japan Parties
2016-10-20 13:24:00
For international framework of measures against global warming, "Paris agreement", Japan does not have led to the conclusion to up to 20 days. Next month, but is expected for the first time of the Meeting of the Parties in Morocco are discussed and detailed rulemaking of open agreement, Japan will not be able to participate as Parties not in time for the deadline of the conclusion that the United Nations showed.
To study towards a reduction of the Chief Cabinet Secretary expensive drug price
2016-10-20 13:15:00
Kan Chief Cabinet Secretary morning of the press conference, about the expensive drug prices, such as a therapeutic agent "Opujibo" such as lung cancer, and want to take the correspondence such as public understanding can be obtained while considering the impact on the insurance financial, to cut It showed proceed with consideration towards thinking.
Riot the "sake of Zetsumu" discriminatory remarks National Police Agency Commissioner
2016-10-20 13:12:00
Okinawa to the US Army Northern Training Area Helipad people that were protesting the construction of the, riot of Osaka Prefectural Police headquarters that had been dispatched for the security of the site is about what had been a discriminatory remark, in the conference of the National Police Agency of Masayoshi Sakaguchi Secretary 20 days, he said, "remark is inappropriate is extremely regrettable. in the future, you want the sake of Zetsumu".
Self-confidence to lecture cost reduction in the IOC Bach chairman Tokyo
2016-10-20 13:08:00
IOC = International Olympic Committee of Bach chairman 20 days, gave a lecture in Tokyo, the Tokyo Olympic Paralympic Games four years later, "is important to go now of competition contributes to the long-term development of the host city , showed confidence in that we certainly believe that it is significant cost savings story and to have ", Tokyo, government, we progressed discussion of cost reduction in the organizing committee and the agreed-upon 4-party talks of the tournament.
Thought that transmit knowledge of the prime minister disaster prevention measures in the world
2016-10-20 13:06:00
Abe Prime Minister, representatives of the economic community and labor is also to participate in the meeting of the "Disaster Prevention Promotion National Congress", along with the improvement of disaster prevention awareness to protect the lives of every one capita, it has been of disaster prevention measures accumulated in Japan It showed the idea of transmitting the knowledge in the world.
Seized company industrial hemp grass cultivation in the field also search Tottori
2016-10-20 12:51:00
A company representative of the man who has grown the cannabis plant for the industry in the Tottori Prefecture Chizu-cho, has been arrested on suspicion of the Cannabis Control Law violations, 20 days, the person in charge of the Drug Enforcement section and the Tottori Prefecture, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare cultivation seized cannabis grass that had been, we searched the company.
Doubt the popularity of self-development seminar company representative tax evasion
2016-10-20 12:48:00
As a woman center representative of Kanagawa Prefecture, the company that opened the popularity of self-development seminar in the will, were excluded from the sales charges collected from participants, it was hiding the income of approximately 140 million yen, the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau It has been charged with suspicion of tax evasion in.
To the most AC site half a year the children of victims of use
2016-10-20 12:43:00
Use of exchange sites such as SNS is the child a victim of crime in the wake was found that it is now the most by far and 889 people across the country in half a year this year.
Compensation instruction of 100 million yen extra safely folly music ranch former president, et al.
2016-10-20 12:40:00
Raise funds from all over the country of more than 70,000 members in the beef Ownership System, in the court in which the original members who sued the three former presidents of the bankrupt five years ago, "safety folly music ranch", the Tokyo District Court , he was handed down a ruling that ordered a compensation of 100 million yen more than as of appeal.
Dentsu three years for a long time also employees of the death labor overwork death of the cause before
2016-10-20 12:26:00
Last year woman was a new employee, Dentsu of major advertising company that committed suicide because of overwork, for the male employees who died in the 30-year-old at the time three years ago, is recognized as death from overwork of long working hours is cause to enter the year and had it was found in an interview to the officials. The Dentsu, Takahashi festival's was a new employee committed suicide (then 24) last December, the last month as was the overtime that exceeds the upper limit of the agreement with the labor union, has been recognized as workers' compensation.
Dentsu three years for a long time also employees of the death labor overwork death of the cause before
2016-10-20 12:26:00
Last year woman was a new employee, Dentsu of major advertising company that committed suicide because of overwork, for the male employees who died in the 30-year-old at the time three years ago, is recognized as death from overwork of long working hours is cause to enter the year and had it was found in an interview to the officials. The Dentsu, Takahashi festival's was a new employee committed suicide (then 24) last December, the last month as was the overtime that exceeds the upper limit of the agreement with the labor union, has been recognized as workers' compensation.
In overtime of the Kansai Electric Power employees 19 days of suicide is 150 hours
2016-10-20 12:23:00
Suicide is male employees of the Kansai Electric Power Co., which had been hit in the corresponding examination aimed at driving the extension of the Takahama nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture, but overwork due to long-term labor has been workers' compensation insurance and certification as was the cause, man this year from March is not a long-term business trip to Tokyo, that his death had been up as much as overtime even 150 hours of April until the day before it was found.
In overtime of the Kansai Electric Power employees 19 days of suicide is 150 hours
2016-10-20 12:23:00
Suicide is male employees of the Kansai Electric Power Co., which had been hit in the corresponding examination aimed at driving the extension of the Takahama nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture, but overwork due to long-term labor has been workers' compensation insurance and certification as was the cause, man this year from March is not a long-term business trip to Tokyo, that his death had been up as much as overtime even 150 hours of April until the day before it was found.
Solidify monthly 30,000 yen benefits of the policy from the benefit scholarship next year
2016-10-20 12:20:00
For benefit of scholarships that do not require repayment of the college students in the subject, to the economically harsh household of children, such as Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry, such as the welfare of households, and that meet the criteria of a certain performance from the next fiscal year to the conditions It was solidified a policy to benefit the monthly 30,000 yen.
Cocaine or past the second amount seized from cargo ship in Yokohama
2016-10-20 12:19:00
Yokohama Port to find about 100 kilograms of powder to be seen from the cargo of last month entry into port to ship the cocaine, that had been seized was found in an interview to the investigation officials in Yokohama Customs. To understand the results of cocaine that was appraised some of the powder, if it turns out all the cocaine in the seized amount of 1 degree in the country is that the second most common past.
Cocaine or past the second amount seized from cargo ship in Yokohama
2016-10-20 12:19:00
Yokohama Port to find about 100 kilograms of powder to be seen from the cargo of last month entry into port to ship the cocaine, that had been seized was found in an interview to the investigation officials in Yokohama Customs. To understand the results of cocaine that was appraised some of the powder, if it turns out all the cocaine in the seized amount of 1 degree in the country is that the second most common past.
Ease a sense of caution to the stock price rose US economic outlook
2016-10-20 12:18:00
Tokyo stock market of 20 days, in response to the last televised debate of the content for the US presidential election, as he eased a sense of caution about the future of the American economy, out buy orders in a number of stocks, stock prices rise Did.
Exchange fierce debate in the US presidential election last TV debate
2016-10-20 12:14:00
President of the United States last TV debate for the election is carried out, pick the candidate of each other the issues surrounding the e-mail of the behavior and the Democratic Party of Clinton against women of Trump candidate of the Republican Party, become a heated debate to condemn the suitability as president year.
North Korea's ballistic missile launch or failure of the US military announced that detection
2016-10-20 12:12:00
US forces, North Korea 20 days morning 7 o'clock Japanese time, but tried to medium-range ballistic missile "BM25 MUSUDAN" one shot of the launch of the new model, today announced that it is seen to have failed. North Korea is also in this month 15 days, has been seen to have failed to launch the BM25 MUSUDAN, we are the United States Army is detailed analysis.
Tohoku, Hokuriku, Joetsu Shinkansen operation Resume
2016-10-20 12:08:00
Earthquake affected by the Tohoku Shinkansen and Hokuriku Shinkansen, it Joetsu Shinkansen, but was suspended a temporary operation in the part of the section, it has resumed operation as a safety could be confirmed.
No abnormalities reported in Ibaraki Prefecture of nuclear facilities
2016-10-20 12:06:00
If it more in Ibaraki Prefecture Nuclear Safety Control Division, including the Tokai Daini nuclear power plant in Tokai-mura, is that there is no report that there is an abnormality from Ibaraki prefecture of nuclear-related facilities. Also, it was established in Ibaraki prefecture, is that changes in the value of the monitoring post to measure the radiation dose is not.
Tohoku, Hokuriku, Joetsu Shinkansen operation suspended
2016-10-20 12:04:00
And depends on the JR East Japan, Tohoku Shinkansen and Hokuriku Shinkansen under the influence of this earthquake, it Joetsu Shinkansen is, Tokyo Station and Utsunomiya Station, the temporary in the vertical line between Tokyo Station and the Karuizawa Station, but we suspended the operation, shortly operation resume is that it is expected.
Tokaido Shinkansen as usual service
2016-10-20 12:03:00
And depends on the JR Tokai, Tokaido Shinkansen is that you are driving as usual rather than the effects of the earthquake.
Seismic intensity 4 tsunami without fear of Ibaraki and Chiba
2016-10-20 11:53:00
20 days 11 am 50 minutes around, there was an earthquake to observe the shaking of seismic intensity 4 in Chiba Prefecture and Ibaraki Prefecture. There is no worry of tsunami caused by this earthquake.
Seismic intensity 4 tsunami without fear of Ibaraki and Chiba
2016-10-20 11:53:00
20 days 11 am 50 minutes around, there was an earthquake to observe the shaking of seismic intensity 4 in Chiba Prefecture and Ibaraki Prefecture. There is no worry of tsunami caused by this earthquake.
Olympics held the Governor of Fukushima Prefecture in the affected areas is welcome
2016-10-20 11:20:00
IOC = International Olympic Committee of Bach Chairman, about what has been revealed that there is thought to hold a part of the Tokyo Olympic competition in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, the inner moat governor of Fukushima Prefecture, visited New York, USA in, said, "become a driving force to challenge the reconstruction", it was welcome.
Four opposition party Diet affairs committee chairman to confirm the resignation request of talks Yamamoto Agriculture Minister
2016-10-20 11:19:00
In response to the remarks on railroaded of Yamamoto, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries over a proposal to seek Diet approval of the TPP agreement, and talks Diet affairs chief of the four opposition parties such as the Democratic Progressive Party and the Communist Party, together with obtaining the resignation of Yamamoto minister, the government and the ruling parties while assess the correspondence, it has confirmed the policy to determine the response to the future of Diet deliberations.
"Door-to-door sales disabled can be" five people arrested on suspicion of fraud
2016-10-20 11:12:00
Door-to-door sales of skill in the art "can disable the sale and purchase agreement" is in, such as the elderly be purchased a product from a good lie, as was defrauded of the money in return, police, fraud the company presidents five of Yokohama He was arrested on the suspicion. The police, the same kind of damage has been investigating to see the more than 11 billion yen in the approximately 900 people, the amount in the nation.
Starting last televised debate US presidential election
2016-10-20 11:12:00
Towards the United States presidential election of next month 8 days, the last TV debate will begin by Clinton and Trump candidate of the Republican Party of the Democratic Party, fierce debate around the problems such as gun control and immigration have been exchanged.
Corrective recommendation in the long working hours also Dentsu Kansai Branch
2016-10-20 10:51:00
Major advertising company, Dentsu Kansai branch, it was found that he had received corrective recommendation from Osaka Labor Bureau as was illegal for a long time working in the year before last employees. Last year at Dentsu, in addition to undergoing corrective recommendation also at the head office, the woman was a new employee has not committed suicide because of overwork, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has examined in detail the reality of work.
Attention to volcanic tremors future activities in Zao
2016-10-20 10:45:00
In Zao across the Miyagi Prefecture and Yamagata Prefecture, 19 days night, volcanic tremor has been observed. In since last month 25 days the fine movement has been observed, the Sendai District Meteorological Observatory, "the duration of the fine is relatively short, signs are not permitted to show signs of volcanic activity" in terms of was, be aware of the future activities we have urged.
Attention to volcanic tremors future activities in Zao
2016-10-20 10:45:00
In Zao across the Miyagi Prefecture and Yamagata Prefecture, 19 days night, volcanic tremor has been observed. In since last month 25 days the fine movement has been observed, the Sendai District Meteorological Observatory, "the duration of the fine is relatively short, signs are not permitted to show signs of volcanic activity" in terms of was, be aware of the future activities we have urged.
Announced that detect evidence of ballistic missile failure of US forces North Korea
2016-10-20 10:28:00
US forces, North Korea is Japan time of 20 days morning 7 o'clock, but tried to launch of new medium-range ballistic missile, it announced that it is seen to have failed. North Korea is also in this month 15 days, has been seen to have failed to the firing of ballistic missiles of the same type, it is the United States Army is detailed analysis.
Death lose consciousness man arrested overpowered police officer
2016-10-20 09:30:00
19 days night, on the streets of Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture, as were such as biting the arm of rushed police officers in response to the report, the man was arrested on the spot on suspicion of public affairs executive interference, lost consciousness immediately after that was overpowered on, he died in approximately one hour after. The police have said, "we believe that it is a legitimate public service in the executive".
Death lose consciousness man arrested overpowered police officer
2016-10-20 09:30:00
19 days night, on the streets of Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture, as were such as biting the arm of rushed police officers in response to the report, the man was arrested on the spot on suspicion of public affairs executive interference, lost consciousness immediately after that was overpowered on, he died in approximately one hour after. The police have said, "we believe that it is a legitimate public service in the executive".
Month 200 hours overtime the suicide of Kansai Electric employees in workers' compensation and certification primary examination corresponding
2016-10-20 09:02:00
Fukui Prefecture had been hit from one operation start in the corresponding examination aimed at Takahama operation extension of the nuclear power plant, which was more than 40 years, the suicide of 40-something male employees of the Kansai Electric Power Co., as is overwork due to long working hours was the cause , it has been recognized as workers' compensation. Overtime of man is that was sometimes up to a month for 200 hours.
Month 200 hours overtime the suicide of Kansai Electric employees in workers' compensation and certification primary examination corresponding
2016-10-20 09:02:00
Fukui Prefecture had been hit from one operation start in the corresponding examination aimed at Takahama operation extension of the nuclear power plant, which was more than 40 years, the suicide of 40-something male employees of the Kansai Electric Power Co., as is overwork due to long working hours was the cause , it has been recognized as workers' compensation. Overtime of man is that was sometimes up to a month for 200 hours.
Do pottery murder of care eldest son of 96-year-old woman died accidental death
2016-10-20 06:49:00
19 days, in Hiroshima Prefecture Miyoshi housing, in the incident which is found the 96-year-old woman has died after being stabbed with a kitchen knife, memo, such as the eldest son is testament of the 60-year-old who died in happened traffic accident near that I had to leave was found in an interview to the investigation officials. The woman has symptoms of dementia, the eldest son that it had a long-term care, police are investigating to see that there is a suspicion that the eldest son was killed at the end of care tired.
It landed on the very strong typhoon northern Philippines
2016-10-20 06:38:00
Very strong typhoon No. 22, to up to 20 days before dawn and landed in the northern part of the Philippines, in the regional meteorological authorities of local is to hit the path of the typhoon, heavy rain and storms, high waves, we have urged be wary strictly such as storm surge.
User sued seeking damages in Samsung's new smartphone rice
2016-10-20 05:47:00
There were numerous problems that fire out of the battery, On a new type of smartphone of South Korea and Samsung Electronics, as such has been paid a usage fee to have been asked not to use, an action the United States of the user 3 people to seek damages it was found that caused the court. This smart phone is, about 100 million units in only the United States has been sold, there is likely to develop into a large-scale class action lawsuit.
User sued seeking damages in Samsung's new smartphone rice
2016-10-20 05:47:00
There were numerous problems that fire out of the battery, On a new type of smartphone of South Korea and Samsung Electronics, as such has been paid a usage fee to have been asked not to use, an action the United States of the user 3 people to seek damages it was found that caused the court. This smart phone is, about 100 million units in only the United States has been sold, there is likely to develop into a large-scale class action lawsuit.
Increase in view of the interest rate hikes in the US FRB year
2016-10-20 05:41:00
FRB = Federal Reserve Board, which corresponds to the central bank of the United States, in the latest economic report, and the like that tight supply and demand of the labor market, shows the determination that the expansion of the economy is continuing, by the end of the year FRB is in the market It is increasingly view that go ahead in since last December rate hike.
Chinese or foreign students of cutting bodies 20s riverbed
2016-10-20 05:40:00
Seen in the dry riverbed of the Hyogo Prefecture Itami, in the incident in which the bodies were found of the cut man, from such a man of the story of Chinese involvement is suspected, bodies and 20s of Chinese students living in Osaka city it was found in an interview to the investigation officials to be. With examining the prehistory that police had died, we decided to proceed with the investigation in touch with the Chinese public security authorities.
Empress of the document answer full text
2016-10-20 05:30:00
Empress has greeted the 82-year-old birthday in 20 days. Upon birthday, to a reporter's question, it is the full text of the answer to the Empress were received.
Empress 82-year-old birthday
2016-10-20 05:29:00
Empress is 20 days, was celebrated the 82-year-old birthday. Upon Empress birthday, to a reporter's question, I was asked to say in the document while looking back to the past year.
Empress 82-year-old birthday
2016-10-20 05:29:00
Empress is 20 days, was celebrated the 82-year-old birthday. Upon Empress birthday, to a reporter's question, I was asked to say in the document while looking back to the past year.
Toshiba successive 3 questioned the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission by the President in any
2016-10-20 05:02:00
Toshiba of accounting fraud problem, that the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission has been questioned in any from the former president of three successive was found in an interview to the officials. 3 people are seen to have denied involvement in fraud, the monitoring committee have strengthened the view that should be criminal charges, to the careful prosecution to ask the criminal liability, and to seek a consultation seen.
Toshiba successive 3 questioned the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission by the President in any
2016-10-20 05:02:00
Toshiba of accounting fraud problem, that the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission has been questioned in any from the former president of three successive was found in an interview to the officials. 3 people are seen to have denied involvement in fraud, the monitoring committee have strengthened the view that should be criminal charges, to the careful prosecution to ask the criminal liability, and to seek a consultation seen.
US presidential election today, the last TV debate
2016-10-20 05:01:00
Towards the United States presidential election approaching next month 8 days, the last televised debate that Clinton and Trump candidate of the Republican Party of the Democratic Party is to confront directly will start from 20 days morning 10 o'clock Japanese time.
1 month Syria of the dead from the cease-fire collapsed in 3000 people more than
2016-10-20 04:59:00
Cease-fire is collapsed one month stood from Syria, more than 3,000 people who died in combat and air strikes in the meantime, remain invisible clue to overcome the situation, it continues to grow at the expense of citizens.
Intensifying battle of railroaded remarks ruling party and MinSusumu
2016-10-20 04:18:00
For remarks on railroaded of Yamamoto, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries over such proposal to seek Diet approval of the TPP agreement, ruling party aims to House of Representatives passage of this month, we want to converge the situation at an early stage. On the other hand, the Democratic Progressive Party asked for the resignation of Minister Yamamoto, 20 days later, if you are the also possible that you do not according to deliberations in other committees, offense and defense has become violently.
About 30 places of stab wounds to the father of the family four people killing incident death
2016-10-20 04:15:00
19 days, in Osaka Kadoma of housing, in the incident in which four families was attacked with a knife to the man, the father of 43-year-old who died, that there was such as approximately 30 places of the sting is to the police I understand in an interview. On the other hand, so far in the investigation, such as trouble between the 24-year-old man with this family who was arrested the same thing as not been confirmed, we examine the prehistory and motives of the police incident.
About 30 places of stab wounds to the father of the family four people killing incident death
2016-10-20 04:15:00
19 days, in Osaka Kadoma of housing, in the incident in which four families was attacked with a knife to the man, the father of 43-year-old who died, that there was such as approximately 30 places of the sting is to the police I understand in an interview. On the other hand, so far in the investigation, such as trouble between the 24-year-old man with this family who was arrested the same thing as not been confirmed, we examine the prehistory and motives of the police incident.
To China and the Philippines today summit
2016-10-20 04:14:00
China Duterute president of the Philippines, which has been visited 20 days, are going to perform Xi Jinping Jintao and the first summit, to avoid the conflict in the South China Sea issue, pull the economic support by showing the preferred posture improved relations it seems there is speculation that you want.
Challenge infant for liquid milk spread production and distribution costs of suppression
2016-10-20 04:13:00
Government for generally not sold infant for liquid milk in the country, is considered to be promulgated as a lead to the reduction of the child care burden. However, in addition to the development of specifications and standards, and if also likely to challenge whether the cost of production and distribution that are higher than in milk powder manufacturers can be suppressed how.
Challenge infant for liquid milk spread production and distribution costs of suppression
2016-10-20 04:13:00
Government for generally not sold infant for liquid milk in the country, is considered to be promulgated as a lead to the reduction of the child care burden. However, in addition to the development of specifications and standards, and if also likely to challenge whether the cost of production and distribution that are higher than in milk powder manufacturers can be suppressed how.
Toyosu market system after the operation is also not reduced the water level of the underground
2016-10-20 04:08:00
In issues surrounding TOYOSU market, for the water fill is accumulated in the basement of a building that has not been done, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, but had been described as "system to suppress the rise of the groundwater can be solved if the full-scale operation", Even though the system has been fully operational from this week, the water level is not reduced, we can see that they have left the water has accumulated.
Toyosu market system after the operation is also not reduced the water level of the underground
2016-10-20 04:08:00
In issues surrounding TOYOSU market, for the water fill is accumulated in the basement of a building that has not been done, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, but had been described as "system to suppress the rise of the groundwater can be solved if the full-scale operation", Even though the system has been fully operational from this week, the water level is not reduced, we can see that they have left the water has accumulated.
Outlook of the exclusive economic zone also increased in Nishinoshima area expansion
2016-10-20 04:05:00
For Nishinoshima of the Ogasawara Islands, Coast Guard showed the prospect of eruptive activity that is followed by the island area of has expanded to 12 times, the exclusive economic zone of Japan will increase further approximately 50 square kilometers in the western side of the island It was.