Economic news(2017/12/28)
Keihin Tohoku part operation postponed
2017-12-28 23:57:00
JR Keihin-Tohoku Line has 40 minutes past 11 pm, under the influence of point inspection in the vertical line between the Ofuna Station and the Yokohama Isogo Station in Kanagawa Prefecture postpone the operation.
In operation postponed Koriyama Tohoku Shinkansen high winds - between Fukushima
2017-12-28 23:02:00
Tohoku Shinkansen is under the influence of strong winds, we postponed the operation in the vertical line between the Koriyama Metropolitan Fukushima minutes to 10 pm 42 pm.
JR Saikyo Line operation Resume
2017-12-28 22:50:00
JR Saikyo Line is under the influence of the injury that occurred in Jujo Station, but had postponed the operation in the vertical line between the Osaki Metropolitan Omiya, 10 at 42 pm, has resumed operation in the whole line.
JR Saikyo Line operation postponed
2017-12-28 22:01:00
JR Saikyo Line is 9 pm 50 minutes around, under the influence of the injury that occurred in Jujo Station, has postponed the operation in the vertical line between the Osaki Station and Omiya Station.
Request for next year's visit to Japan in the Liberal Democratic Party upstairs Mr. China's Xi Jinping Chief
2017-12-28 21:15:00
The second floor secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party, which visited China 28 days, Beijing met with Xi Jinping Jintao in the Great Hall of the People, towards the improvement of relations between the two countries, next year, request a visit to Japan and want to realize mutual visits of leaders to each other Did.
Request for next year's visit to Japan in the Liberal Democratic Party upstairs Mr. China's Xi Jinping Chief
2017-12-28 21:15:00
The second floor secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party, which visited China 28 days, Beijing met with Xi Jinping Jintao in the Great Hall of the People, towards the improvement of relations between the two countries, next year, request a visit to Japan and want to realize mutual visits of leaders to each other Did.
Takanohana master the director dismissal to the deliberation on January 4 proposal
2017-12-28 20:55:00
In the issues surrounding the original yokozuna Nichiba Fuji of injury incidents of sumo, while the Council of the ad hoc Japan Sumo Association issued a damage report to the police about the Takanohana master, responsible for did not come to cooperate with the investigation of the Association as a heavy "demoted "corresponding to the dismissal of the director, it decided to propose to the Council that has the authority unanimously. Proposal of fixed Takanohana master of the Board dismissal by the Board is now to discuss at the next extraordinary Council, which is scheduled for next month four days.
30 are women died of influenza nosocomial outbreaks or 80 generations of patient
2017-12-28 20:41:00
In Maebashi hospital, 30 people together hospitalized patients and staff are diagnosed with influenza, female patients of these, 80 generations is 27 days night, died. Maebashi City, 28 days to see the outbreak at the hospital, performs a site inspection to the hospital, was guidance and thorough disinfection.
30 are women died of influenza nosocomial outbreaks or 80 generations of patient
2017-12-28 20:41:00
In Maebashi hospital, 30 people together hospitalized patients and staff are diagnosed with influenza, female patients of these, 80 generations is 27 days night, died. Maebashi City, 28 days to see the outbreak at the hospital, performs a site inspection to the hospital, was guidance and thorough disinfection.
To the prosecution trial for stealing the captain of the North Korean wooden ship
2017-12-28 20:26:00
Last month, the captain of the found North Korean wooden ship Hokkaido Matsumae off the coast, stealing such as a generator and home appliances from such uninhabited hut, has been indicted on charges of 28 days theft. In the future, the trial is opened, you will be hearing in the court of public is carried out.
Note, such as in an accident in heavy snow avalanche and snow removal in various places
2017-12-28 20:25:00
In northern Japan and along the mountain, such as Hokuriku, become a heavy snow in many places, we have observed three times the snow from 2 times the average year at large. Although the peak of the heavy snow was over, with also expected to get off easy state continues of snow 29 days, the Japan Meteorological Agency has urged that sufficient attention, such as in an accident in the snow removal to that effect and the avalanche of to traffic due to snow.
Note, such as in an accident in heavy snow avalanche and snow removal in various places
2017-12-28 20:25:00
In northern Japan and along the mountain, such as Hokuriku, become a heavy snow in many places, we have observed three times the snow from 2 times the average year at large. Although the peak of the heavy snow was over, with also expected to get off easy state continues of snow 29 days, the Japan Meteorological Agency has urged that sufficient attention, such as in an accident in the snow removal to that effect and the avalanche of to traffic due to snow.
To innocence determined without women prosecution appeal that was hit by six elementary school students
2017-12-28 20:22:00
Year before last, plunged passenger cars in the column of elementary school students in the school in Osaka Toyonaka, in an accident six people suffered Jukeisho, accused of dangerous driving injury as was driving a car with a cup of sleep-inducing agents, one trial About women who acquitted at 2 trial, the prosecution decided not to appeal, now that innocence is determined.
To innocence determined without women prosecution appeal that was hit by six elementary school students
2017-12-28 20:22:00
Year before last, plunged passenger cars in the column of elementary school students in the school in Osaka Toyonaka, in an accident six people suffered Jukeisho, accused of dangerous driving injury as was driving a car with a cup of sleep-inducing agents, one trial About women who acquitted at 2 trial, the prosecution decided not to appeal, now that innocence is determined.
After the incident at SNS "death wish" 68 percent female support group survey
2017-12-28 19:55:00
But will be two months from Kanagawa Prefecture Zama City apartment in the nine bodies were found incident, in the questionnaire that women support groups went to after the incident, "I want to die" in 68 percent of the respondents were women SNS it was found that there is muttered experience. In many cases you are using the "back account" that does not put the family and friends to the members, the real intention is has emerged situation has become difficult to see.
Helping residents organization snow removal Akita Yokote
2017-12-28 19:21:00
In Akita Prefecture Yokote that snow was organized since the beginning of this week, helping the organization make the residents gave the snow removal of elderly housing.
Paid work in Fukushima Iitate village of refuge released by majority
2017-12-28 19:18:00
Evacuation order is this year due to the nuclear power plant accident, a village in Fukushima Prefecture Iitate village has been released in a large part, welcomed the end of the year, which will be the first after the release, the formula paid work in the town hall was held.
Request for next year's visit to Japan in the Liberal Democratic Party upstairs Mr. China's Xi Jinping Chief
2017-12-28 19:07:00
The second floor secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party, which visited China 28 days, Beijing met with Xi Jinping Jintao in the Great Hall of the People, towards the improvement of relations between the two countries, next year, request a visit to Japan and want to realize mutual visits of leaders to each other Did.
Lonely death 15 people victims of male mortality Kumamoto earthquake in considered temporary
2017-12-28 19:03:00
Kumamoto 70-something men Kumamoto City for the victims had died in this year October in the apartment that was rented in the earthquake, we found that anyone seen as an isolated death die without Mitra. Kumamoto earthquake case seen as an isolated death in victims came to this with 15 people.
Takanohana master the director dismissal to the deliberation on January 4 proposal
2017-12-28 19:01:00
In the issues surrounding the original yokozuna Nichiba Fuji of injury incidents of sumo, while the Council of the ad hoc Japan Sumo Association issued a damage report to the police about the Takanohana master, responsible for did not come to cooperate with the investigation of the Association as a heavy "demoted "corresponding to the dismissal of the director, it decided to propose to the Council that has the authority unanimously. Proposal of fixed Takanohana master of the Board dismissal by the Board is now to discuss at the next extraordinary Council, which is scheduled for next month four days.
Coming home one o'clock to road recovery to the isolated settlements also acknowledge policy Fukushima Okuma-machi
2017-12-28 18:59:00
Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Prefecture, Okuma town was severely damaged in the nuclear power plant accident, the road of the mountains that had become impassable by landslides are now expected to recover by March next year up to now. Although settlement of the previous road that is the feedback difficult area was no longer able to even one o'clock go home, the town is that plans to admit a temporary return home in about seven years.
Prosecute the man of female mortality acquaintance of 20-year-old murder Chiba
2017-12-28 18:48:00
In the incident, which is found the 20-year-old woman in Chiba City apartment of the room have died, for the man of the acquaintance of 30-year-old was arrested on suspicion of assault, Chiba District Public Prosecutors Office, strangled the woman with both hands as was killing Te, he was indicted on charges of murder.
2 people or Osaka couple who died distress in the Yatsugatake mountain range
2017-12-28 18:45:00
Osaka of the couple who was climbing in yatsugatake mountains of Nagano Prefecture, as can no longer be hamstrung by the influence of snow and strong winds, but was looking for a rescue to the police, 28 days afternoon, two men and women in the vicinity of the climbing route It is that lying found, died. The police we are a confirmation to see that there is a possibility of the husband and wife.
Oharai ritual before New Year in Tomioka Hachiman Shrine 3 weeks from the incident
2017-12-28 18:43:00
This month, such as the women of the chief priest is killed, took place a ritual to cleanse the site gathered officials before the of the New Year in the "Tomioka Hachiman Shrine" in Tokyo, Koto 3 people has occurred incident to death It was.
Large trailer overturned fire Kochi in tunnel
2017-12-28 18:36:00
28 days afternoon, a large trailer overturned in the national highway of the tunnel of Kochi Prefecture Ino-cho, but fire to ignite the cargo of wood chips has occurred, the driver was not injured and fled from the tunnel on their own.
The military training Japanese government seek stop in South Korea military Takeshima off the coast
2017-12-28 18:35:00
South Korean military is in such waters of Shimane Prefecture, from 28 days Takeshima, have carried out a training someone and it is the purpose to prevent the landing on the island, the Japanese government, to protest strongly against the South Korean government, It sought to stop the training.
To the prosecution trial for stealing the captain of the North Korean wooden ship
2017-12-28 18:32:00
Last month, the captain of the found North Korean wooden ship Hokkaido Matsumae off the coast, stealing such as a generator and home appliances from such uninhabited hut, has been indicted on charges of 28 days theft. In the future, the trial is opened, you will be hearing in the court of public is carried out.
To the prosecution trial for stealing the captain of the North Korean wooden ship
2017-12-28 18:32:00
Last month, the captain of the found North Korean wooden ship Hokkaido Matsumae off the coast, stealing such as a generator and home appliances from such uninhabited hut, has been indicted on charges of 28 days theft. In the future, the trial is opened, you will be hearing in the court of public is carried out.
4 dead bodies from found wooden ship in the Tsugaru Strait
2017-12-28 18:29:00
Aomori Prefecture, off the coast of the wooden ship the 28 days it finds that is overturned in the Tsugaru Strait, the bodies of four people from the ship where the Coast Guard has been examined has been confirmed. The bow section have been written characters, such as Hangul, such as the police we are working to confirm the identities appears to have drifted from the Korean Peninsula.
4 dead bodies from found wooden ship in the Tsugaru Strait
2017-12-28 18:29:00
Aomori Prefecture, off the coast of the wooden ship the 28 days it finds that is overturned in the Tsugaru Strait, the bodies of four people from the ship where the Coast Guard has been examined has been confirmed. The bow section have been written characters, such as Hangul, such as the police we are working to confirm the identities appears to have drifted from the Korean Peninsula.
Note, such as in an accident in heavy snow avalanche and snow removal in various places
2017-12-28 18:12:00
In northern Japan and along the mountain, such as Hokuriku, in these two days, such as more snow is nearly one meter at large, was the heavy snow in many places. Although the peak of the heavy snow was over, and there are still three times the snow from 2 times the average year, the Japan Meteorological Agency, the influence and the avalanche of to traffic due to snow, it has been urged to pay attention, such as in accidents during snow removal.
Note, such as in an accident in heavy snow avalanche and snow removal in various places
2017-12-28 18:12:00
In northern Japan and along the mountain, such as Hokuriku, in these two days, such as more snow is nearly one meter at large, was the heavy snow in many places. Although the peak of the heavy snow was over, and there are still three times the snow from 2 times the average year, the Japan Meteorological Agency, the influence and the avalanche of to traffic due to snow, it has been urged to pay attention, such as in accidents during snow removal.
Nihon Keizai Shimbun headquarters fire death is found to be the original owner of the exclusive dealers
2017-12-28 18:08:00
In a fire that men fire come out from the toilet of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun headquarters building in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward died, died of the interview that was the exclusive dealers of the original owner of this newspaper is to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department understood. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has investigated seen as suicide, but that the trouble does not track and depends on the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Nihon Keizai Shimbun headquarters fire death is found to be the original owner of the exclusive dealers
2017-12-28 18:08:00
In a fire that men fire come out from the toilet of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun headquarters building in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward died, died of the interview that was the exclusive dealers of the original owner of this newspaper is to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department understood. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has investigated seen as suicide, but that the trouble does not track and depends on the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
From concerns about the yen exchange rate somewhat higher prices North Korea situation
2017-12-28 18:05:00
Of 28 days Tokyo foreign exchange market, from concerns about the North Korea situation, has risen yen exchange rate is somewhat bought a circle to be a relatively safe asset.
Summary charged with bodily harm the original yokozuna Fuji Nichiba
2017-12-28 18:03:00
Fuji Nichiba original grand champion of sumo is, in the sent papers have been incidents as was the injury hit noble Roh rock in Tottori city eateries, the prosecution 28 days afternoon, summary prosecution on charges of injury Fuji Nichiba Did.
Reprimand in catching dangerous flight of confectionery suspended from drone
2017-12-28 18:01:00
Confectionery and flight suspended drone in a commercial facility of Tokyo, as a dangerous act that the company had been allowed to grab the children could lead to a crash or contact accident, received administrative guidance of reprimand from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and had it was found.
Reprimand in catching dangerous flight of confectionery suspended from drone
2017-12-28 18:01:00
Confectionery and flight suspended drone in a commercial facility of Tokyo, as a dangerous act that the company had been allowed to grab the children could lead to a crash or contact accident, received administrative guidance of reprimand from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and had it was found.
To the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications NHK to prevent recurrence in the reception fees embezzlement of administrative guidance former employees
2017-12-28 17:57:00
For that the original staff of NHK Nagoyahosokyoku had embezzled the reception fee 580,000 yen more than, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, national, as such thing significantly impair the viewer's trust, drastic measures to prevent recurrence to the NHK It gave the administrative guidance that asks to be taken.
Speed Skating Women's 1000m Xiaoping won the national best
2017-12-28 17:47:00
Pyeongchang Olympic representative selection meeting of the speed skating the second day of the 28 days, women's 1,000 meters is carried out, Nao Kodaira players of the world record holder has won the national best record, second place to enter the Miho Takagi players the Olympics of 3 events eyes was to ensure.
2 people of Osaka was in distress cardiopulmonary arrest couple in the Yatsugatake mountain range
2017-12-28 17:45:00
Osaka of the couple who was climbing in yatsugatake mountains of Nagano Prefecture, but wanted a rescue to the police as no longer hamstrung by the influence of snow and strong winds, 28 days afternoon, two men and women in the vicinity of the climbing route that has fallen in the state of cardiopulmonary arrest found. The police we are a confirmation to see that there is a possibility of the husband and wife.
2 people of Osaka was in distress cardiopulmonary arrest couple in the Yatsugatake mountain range
2017-12-28 17:45:00
Osaka of the couple who was climbing in yatsugatake mountains of Nagano Prefecture, but wanted a rescue to the police as no longer hamstrung by the influence of snow and strong winds, 28 days afternoon, two men and women in the vicinity of the climbing route that has fallen in the state of cardiopulmonary arrest found. The police we are a confirmation to see that there is a possibility of the husband and wife.
The distribution Saitama minano traffic safety wish mini Kadomatsu
2017-12-28 17:17:00
Towards the New Year in Saitama Prefecture minano, it has called for a traffic safety while distribute the local high school students of handmade miniature kadomatsu to the driver.
Prosecute Rates president from a passenger in a small plane crash unauthorized Chofu
2017-12-28 17:11:00
Year before last, in Tokyo Chofu, small aircraft crashed in a residential area, in an accident in which three people were killed, including the residents, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office Tachikawa branch, company, which has been the development and management of small machines, unauthorized receives a fee from the passenger, was indicted president of the company, and more at sin of aviation law violations as has been operating a small aircraft.
Foreign Minister Yohei Kono adjustment in the visit to China next month late
2017-12-28 17:06:00
Kono Foreign Minister, South Korea three countries next spring around the summit of during the day, and want to create an environment in order to held in Japan, we are promoting the adjustment in the direction to visit China in late January the beginning of the year at the earliest.
Large trailer overturned fire Kochi in tunnel
2017-12-28 17:05:00
According to our contact, which entered the Kochi Prefectural Police Headquarters, 28 days 3 pm 40 minutes around, large trailer overturned in Kochi Prefecture, Ino-cho National Highway 194 Line of the "name of the valley tunnel", that fire has occurred thing.
The party new year of hope to the consultation of a unified parliamentary group of the Democratic Progressive Party
2017-12-28 17:04:00
The party of hope, open the Board of Directors of the extraordinary response to the fact that there has been a proposal of a unified parliamentary group formed in the National Assembly from the Democratic Progressive Party, as there is a need to hear the idea of the DPP side, confirm that the new year in, to consult with the Democratic Progressive Party want did.
The party new year of hope to the consultation of a unified parliamentary group of the Democratic Progressive Party
2017-12-28 17:04:00
The party of hope, open the Board of Directors of the extraordinary response to the fact that there has been a proposal of a unified parliamentary group formed in the National Assembly from the Democratic Progressive Party, as there is a need to hear the idea of the DPP side, confirm that the new year in, to consult with the Democratic Progressive Party want did.
Weather in the Pacific Ocean side of the year-end and New Year holidays are also sunrise
2017-12-28 16:52:00
Year-end and New Year holidays from 29 days until January 3 New Year, but in the Sea of Japan side are expected to be many days of cloudy and snow, Pacific Ocean side, sunny day is increased, the morning of New Year's Day is observed sunrise It is expected that in some places.
Three ships China Coast Guard ship sailing in the Senkaku off the coast of connecting waters
2017-12-28 16:50:00
28 days morning, off the coast of the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, China three ships ship of the sea 警局 that entered the connection body of water that lies just outside of Japan's territorial waters it has been confirmed, so that the Coast Guard Headquarters does not approach to the territorial waters warning and we continue to monitor.
Formally approved the joined the Tatsumin lotus 舫氏
2017-12-28 16:47:00
Constitutional Democratic Party, 28 days, was officially approved he joined the lotus 舫元 Democratic Progressive Party representative. Fukuyama Secretary-General has said, "such as the transmission power of the Diet, everywhere, I would like to have success."
It drops in stock prices yen trend
2017-12-28 16:01:00
Tokyo stock market of 28 days, under the influence of progress in the yen from concerns about the North Korea situation, out sell orders in the center of the export-related stocks entered the afternoon, stock prices drops.
Korea "rice wine" export 70% down "failure to image strategy."
2017-12-28 15:55:00
Government agencies of Korea, a decrease of more than 70% from the peak in exports for the rice wine of Korean traditional liquor, in comparison, such as the sake that extending the export in the upscale image, and that it has failed to image strategy and pricing It has compiled a report cause that it is.
And the captain of the sea urchin fishery diving workers of 2 deaths Hokkaido Nemuro
2017-12-28 15:49:00
28 days morning, off the coast of Hokkaido Nemuro, it fell by mistake as the attempt to raise the workers that the captain of the sea urchin fishery of the ship had dived into the sea in a ship, both of them died. Coast Guard has examined the detailed situation.
To prevent accidents during snow removal?
2017-12-28 15:46:00
In became a heavy snow area, succession of accidents during snow removal operations such as snow removal in the past, every year, and he has a lot of dead and injured. When the snow removal, such as always at least two people, requires careful attention.
To prevent accidents during snow removal?
2017-12-28 15:46:00
In became a heavy snow area, succession of accidents during snow removal operations such as snow removal in the past, every year, and he has a lot of dead and injured. When the snow removal, such as always at least two people, requires careful attention.
Mitsubishi Materials illegal "revenue priority quality neglect" investigation committee
2017-12-28 15:17:00
Leading metal manufacturers, Mitsubishi subsidiary of the material is a problem that has been tampered with test data of products, investigation committee due to external lawyers, and priority share and revenue, an interim report to point out strictly to have been neglected the quality It has put together. The company has revealed that the three directors of the subsidiary is to resign to take responsibility.
Mitsubishi Materials illegal "revenue priority quality neglect" investigation committee
2017-12-28 15:17:00
Leading metal manufacturers, Mitsubishi subsidiary of the material is a problem that has been tampered with test data of products, investigation committee due to external lawyers, and priority share and revenue, an interim report to point out strictly to have been neglected the quality It has put together. The company has revealed that the three directors of the subsidiary is to resign to take responsibility.
9-year-old boy arrested their own abuse report mother
2017-12-28 15:12:00
To reduce the risk of injuries beaten from his mother in Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture, boy of 9-year-old or confronted the knife is, in the wake of that was the report itself 110 number, mother has been arrested on suspicion of injury.
9-year-old boy arrested their own abuse report mother
2017-12-28 15:12:00
To reduce the risk of injuries beaten from his mother in Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture, boy of 9-year-old or confronted the knife is, in the wake of that was the report itself 110 number, mother has been arrested on suspicion of injury.
To the prosecution trial for stealing the captain of the North Korean wooden ship
2017-12-28 15:09:00
Hokkaido Matsumae off the coast of was arrested as he stole the engine of the generator in the uninhabited North Korean wooden ship Kang Myonhaku captain (45), prosecution, prosecution Island crime of theft as was in the leading position did. In the future, the trial is opened, you will be hearing in the court of public is carried out.
Social Democratic secretary general, "the opposition party cooperation and Article 9 amendment prevents"
2017-12-28 15:07:00
Mataichi secretary general of the Social Democratic Party, in a paid party of work "constitutional amendment is, next year become a major focus of the" as the opposition is opposed to cooperation in the Abe administration, the idea that you want to prevent the revision of Article 9 of the Constitution It showed.
Summary charged with bodily harm the original yokozuna Fuji Nichiba
2017-12-28 14:56:00
In sumo former yokozuna Nichiba sent papers have been incidents as Fuji was shown the injury hit noble Roh rock in Tottori city eateries, the prosecution 28 days, was summary indictment on charges of injury Fuji Nichiba .
Summary charged with bodily harm the original yokozuna Fuji Nichiba
2017-12-28 14:56:00
In sumo former yokozuna Nichiba sent papers have been incidents as Fuji was shown the injury hit noble Roh rock in Tottori city eateries, the prosecution 28 days, was summary indictment on charges of injury Fuji Nichiba .
Held in the United States and South Korea FTA renegotiation meeting next month in Washington
2017-12-28 14:38:00
The United States of playing cards administration, travels through connecting in which FTA = free trade agreements with South Korea, the meeting of the re-negotiations to correct the imbalance of trade was announced that next month open in Washington. However, in the nuclear and missile issues in cooperation is required by North Korea, trade negotiations to come out also concern that relations between the two countries is worsening, attention to the whereabouts of the negotiations has been gathered.
Decision not to pay survivor benefits to same-sex partners
2017-12-28 14:31:00
Men of Nagoya, which is killing the partners living together and have the same sex is, for the payment of the crime victim benefits that apply to Aichi Prefecture Public Safety Commission as "It was a husband and wife no better than to do with the male partner", Public Safety Commission but that was a decision not be paid in up to 28 days was found in an interview to the lawyer of the man. Man of the lawyer, as it is unfair decision, we plan to file a request for examination close to the National Public Safety Commission.
Housing two buildings burning fire 2 people died Iwate north
2017-12-28 13:58:00
27 days night, housing two buildings are burned down in Iwate Prefecture Kitakami, 2 dead bodies found from the ruins. And no longer get in touch with the parents and children who live in fire came out houses, the police had passed away we are working to confirm the identity and look these two people.
It recommended the resignation of the board of directors to Sumo Association Takanohana master
2017-12-28 13:56:00
While at the issues surrounding the original yokozuna Nichiba Fuji of injury incidents of sumo Council of occasional Japan Sumo Association issued a damage report to the police about the Takanohana master, responsible for did not come to cooperate with the investigation of the Association as a heavy, "demoted "corresponding to the resignation of the board of directors has recommended. Takanohana for master has refused this, the Board decided unanimously to propose the Takanohana master of the Board dismissal to the Board of Trustees with the authority of the dismissal of the director.
Mitsubishi Materials illegal "revenue priority quality neglect" investigation committee
2017-12-28 13:48:00
Investigation Committee by a subsidiary of the leading metal manufacturers "Mitsubishi Materials" has investigated the fraud that had been tampered with the inspection data of the products, give priority to the expansion of market share and revenue, and it is in the background that had been neglected the quality pointed out, we have compiled a report that a "basic matters as to engage in the manufacturing sector has been neglected."
Mitsubishi Materials illegal "revenue priority quality neglect" investigation committee
2017-12-28 13:48:00
Investigation Committee by a subsidiary of the leading metal manufacturers "Mitsubishi Materials" has investigated the fraud that had been tampered with the inspection data of the products, give priority to the expansion of market share and revenue, and it is in the background that had been neglected the quality pointed out, we have compiled a report that a "basic matters as to engage in the manufacturing sector has been neglected."
The Liberal Democratic Party to contribute to the international community secretary general during the day in the "co-creation"
2017-12-28 13:45:00
The second floor secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party, which visited China, to speak at training institutions of the Chinese Communist Party cadres, the relations between the two countries, create the future together, as has been deepening the relationship of "co-creation", in the international community, cooperation appealed the role need to.
Also swallowed five years at 930 ultra - severe case of the children of the button battery
2017-12-28 13:17:00
Accident swallow button batteries that are widely used in toys and household appliances by mistake a child is up to 939 in five years, that this one was 15 also severe cases, such as pitting in the esophagus, the industry group I understand for the first time of a national survey was conducted.
Also swallowed five years at 930 ultra - severe case of the children of the button battery
2017-12-28 13:17:00
Accident swallow button batteries that are widely used in toys and household appliances by mistake a child is up to 939 in five years, that this one was 15 also severe cases, such as pitting in the esophagus, the industry group I understand for the first time of a national survey was conducted.
Heavy snow also average year of two to three times of snow in northern Japan and Hokuriku Kanto north
2017-12-28 12:32:00
Strong under the influence of the pressure distribution of the wintry northern Japan and Hokuriku, it is not raining intermittently snow around the along the mountain of the northern Kanto, has become a heavy snowfall snow by Tokoro reaches two to three times the average year. Japan Meteorological Agency is calling to care, such as the accident effects and avalanches, it in snow removal to traffic due to snow.
Heavy snow also average year of two to three times of snow in northern Japan and Hokuriku Kanto north
2017-12-28 12:32:00
Strong under the influence of the pressure distribution of the wintry northern Japan and Hokuriku, it is not raining intermittently snow around the along the mountain of the northern Kanto, has become a heavy snowfall snow by Tokoro reaches two to three times the average year. Japan Meteorological Agency is calling to care, such as the accident effects and avalanches, it in snow removal to traffic due to snow.
Opinion to point out the Bank of Japan interest rate levels raising study
2017-12-28 12:12:00
The Bank of Japan as a large-scale monetary easing, if it operates a policy so that the long-term interest rates to remain at about 0%, an increase in the economic recovery and prices are expected to continue in the financial policy meeting, which opened last week , we see that in the future, the opinion that the need to consider raising of interest rates to come out was issued.
New Year prepared in the Sky Tree Observation Deck Cleaning
2017-12-28 12:11:00
28 days in Tokyo Sky Tree in Tokyo Sumida-ku, large cleaning of the observatory is carried out, we are increasingly ready to welcome the New Year.
Collision accident homecoming middle of the two children unconscious in Hokuriku
2017-12-28 12:05:00
28 days before dawn, it collided one after another are two large trucks of the passenger car that was stopped on the road in the Hokuriku Expressway in Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture, and a 13-year-old out of the three families of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture was riding in the passenger car 11 2 brothers-year-old has become the unconscious. Family is that was the way to go home to home in Niigata Prefecture.
Collision accident homecoming middle of the two children unconscious in Hokuriku
2017-12-28 12:05:00
28 days before dawn, it collided one after another are two large trucks of the passenger car that was stopped on the road in the Hokuriku Expressway in Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture, and a 13-year-old out of the three families of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture was riding in the passenger car 11 2 brothers-year-old has become the unconscious. Family is that was the way to go home to home in Niigata Prefecture.
Hakodate District Public Prosecutors Office to prosecute in North Korea of wooden ship captain theft
2017-12-28 12:04:00
Last month, at the uninhabited island of Hokkaido Matsumae off the coast, about 45-year-old captain of the arrested North Korean wooden ship as it stole the engine of the generator, the prosecution, as was in the leading position, theft also in 28 days it will be expected to charged with the crime.
Mitsubishi Materials illegal "revenue priority quality neglect" investigation committee
2017-12-28 11:59:00
Investigation Committee by a subsidiary of the leading metal manufacturers "Mitsubishi Materials" has investigated the fraud that had been tampered with the inspection data of the products, give priority to the expansion of market share and revenue, and it is in the background that had been neglected the quality pointed out, we have compiled a report that a "basic matters as to engage in the manufacturing sector has been neglected."
Tokyo stock market modest price movements
2017-12-28 11:52:00
Tokyo stock market of 28 days, from such as the poor material of the transaction become the end of the year, the stock has become a modest price movements.
"I can not be resolved in the comfort women issue Japan-Korea agreement," South Korean President
2017-12-28 11:49:00
For that announced the verification results of the Working Group of the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs in relation to surrounding Japan and South Korea agreed the comfort women issue is criticized, such as "the opinion of the victim was not sufficiently intensive", South Korea's Moon Jane (Moon Jae-in ) President 28 days, stated that "once again reveals that the comfort women issue is not resolved in the agreement", it showed a recognition that there was a problem in the process leading to the agreement.
Disposal consideration of the Sumo Association Extraordinary Council begins Takanohana master
2017-12-28 11:19:00
Council of the ad hoc Japan Sumo Association begins with the issues surrounding the original yokozuna Nichiba Fuji of injury incidents of sumo, you will be seen as you are considering the disposal Takanohana master of which has refused to cooperate with the investigation.
No fire injuries in a car dismantling plant in Saitama Matsubushi
2017-12-28 10:16:00
26 days morning, there is a fire in the car dismantling plant in Saitama Prefecture Matsubushi, temporarily went up violently black smoke. The fire almost been put out about two hours later, police and the fire department has investigated the cause of the fire.
No fire injuries in a car dismantling plant in Saitama Matsubushi
2017-12-28 10:16:00
26 days morning, there is a fire in the car dismantling plant in Saitama Prefecture Matsubushi, temporarily went up violently black smoke. The fire almost been put out about two hours later, police and the fire department has investigated the cause of the fire.
"Respected man" the first place is to Obama Trump Mr. second place
2017-12-28 10:05:00
Where men in 1893 and the most respected in the United States of the public opinion survey that asked someone, Obama before the President becomes the first place, Trump President is the incumbent president is often to be a leader was second place.
One after another two trucks to the car in the Hokuriku collision two children unconscious
2017-12-28 08:58:00
28 days before dawn, it collided one after another are two large trucks of the passenger car that was stopped on the road in the Hokuriku Expressway in Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture, and a 13-year-old out of the three families of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture was riding in the passenger car 11 2 brothers-year-old has become the unconscious.
One after another two trucks to the car in the Hokuriku collision two children unconscious
2017-12-28 08:58:00
28 days before dawn, it collided one after another are two large trucks of the passenger car that was stopped on the road in the Hokuriku Expressway in Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture, and a 13-year-old out of the three families of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture was riding in the passenger car 11 2 brothers-year-old has become the unconscious.
Industrial production 2 consecutive month rise in November
2017-12-28 08:58:00
The index of industrial production last month, November indicating the production activities of the company, next to 103.6 to 2010 in the index with 100, rising 0.6% compared with the previous month, two months ago in a row It was higher than in the month.
30 cars a temporary standstill Miyagi Shikama-cho, under the influence of snow
2017-12-28 07:00:00
And depends on the Miyagi Prefectural Police Headquarters, the accident that rammed passenger cars in the wake of the drift of 28 days morning 2 at around 50 minutes snow in the 457 National Highway, Miyagi Prefecture Shikama the town, the road is blocked, about 30 cars, a temporary, I was stuck. In the national highway near the site but had become closed to traffic for such work to move the car, is released at 7 am, get stuck has been eliminated. In addition, so far, it is that the injured person is not.
Strong winter type followed by Northern Japan - Koshinetsu mountain along the prospect of heavy snow sieved evening
2017-12-28 06:57:00
Strong blows strong wind under the influence of the pressure distribution of the winter monsoon in the Tohoku and Hokuriku, sea requires vigilance in high waves have followed the heavy storm state. Is expected to Along the mountain of Koshinetsu there is something to be heavy snow over the evening from northern Japan, the Japan Meteorological Agency is calling to attention to the traffic impact and avalanches caused by snow.
Strong winter type followed by Northern Japan - Koshinetsu mountain along the prospect of heavy snow sieved evening
2017-12-28 06:57:00
Strong blows strong wind under the influence of the pressure distribution of the winter monsoon in the Tohoku and Hokuriku, sea requires vigilance in high waves have followed the heavy storm state. Is expected to Along the mountain of Koshinetsu there is something to be heavy snow over the evening from northern Japan, the Japan Meteorological Agency is calling to attention to the traffic impact and avalanches caused by snow.
Council for Local "residents understand difficult in the current draft" Narita Airport expansion
2017-12-28 05:40:00
On Narita Airport expansion draft, it opened the Council by the municipality near the airport is, from some of the attendees, a large anxiety for the expansion of the noise between "residents, in the remains of the current proposal, not understanding can be obtained opinion, such as "has been issued.
"Yu-Pack" of 11 May delivery number is the highest past
2017-12-28 05:40:00
Courier of Japan Post, the number of luggage that was delivered last month in the "Yu-Pack" is a 25% increase as compared to the same month of the previous year, as November was a record high. In the company, such as the expansion of online sales it will not look to be in the background.
"Yu-Pack" of 11 May delivery number is the highest past
2017-12-28 05:40:00
Courier of Japan Post, the number of luggage that was delivered last month in the "Yu-Pack" is a 25% increase as compared to the same month of the previous year, as November was a record high. In the company, such as the expansion of online sales it will not look to be in the background.
"Perfect holiday" of the Tokyo Musashimurayama of elementary and junior high teachers 9 days
2017-12-28 05:39:00
If you Susumeyo the working styles reform of teachers Tokyo Musashimurayama, during next year's summer vacation period, to target the elementary and junior high school teachers of the public, rest all of the business, such as guidance of extracurricular activities a "complete holiday" 9 now it is provided days. In public schools in Tokyo, it is to provide a complete holiday of 9 days, is that unusual.
Shinkansen crack problem "maintenance staff and of recognition to the commander members deviation" measures to strengthen
2017-12-28 05:15:00
Tokaido and the truck of the Sanyo Shinkansen at the crack is found a problem, the background was continued even operation after confirming the abnormality, as there has been a shift in the recognition between the employees and the Tokyo command members of the maintenance staff who were on the train , JR West has decided to strengthen measures such as the introduction of a new system employees to each other is achieved cooperation.
Shinkansen crack problem "maintenance staff and of recognition to the commander members deviation" measures to strengthen
2017-12-28 05:15:00
Tokaido and the truck of the Sanyo Shinkansen at the crack is found a problem, the background was continued even operation after confirming the abnormality, as there has been a shift in the recognition between the employees and the Tokyo command members of the maintenance staff who were on the train , JR West has decided to strengthen measures such as the introduction of a new system employees to each other is achieved cooperation.
14 years ago at the girls unknown incident Osaka if it were taken away by car to the new information man
2017-12-28 05:09:00
14 years ago, is a new information in the case of fourth grade girls in the middle of home from school went missing in Osaka kumatori. At that time, the suspicious white car, which had stopped in the vicinity of the site, that is the riding man and the girl had been witnessed, understand the new in an interview to the investigation officials, police, girl car to this guy It looks that there is a possibility that has been taken away by the have studied.
14 years ago at the girls unknown incident Osaka if it were taken away by car to the new information man
2017-12-28 05:09:00
14 years ago, is a new information in the case of fourth grade girls in the middle of home from school went missing in Osaka kumatori. At that time, the suspicious white car, which had stopped in the vicinity of the site, that is the riding man and the girl had been witnessed, understand the new in an interview to the investigation officials, police, girl car to this guy It looks that there is a possibility that has been taken away by the have studied.
After another fire in Chiba Prefecture, Saitama 3 deaths
2017-12-28 04:23:00
Over the early hours of 28 days from 27 days night, there is a fire one after another in the apartment of the housing and Saitama Prefecture Fujimi city of Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture, three people together were killed.
The average temperature third of the high temperature of the World Meteorological Agency of the year "global warming is in progress."
2017-12-28 04:14:00
The average temperature of the year in the world that has become becomes higher outlook in the third past was found in the analysis of the Japan Meteorological Agency. Because this year there is a tendency to increase the temperature of the world, "El Nino" has not occurred, the Japan Meteorological Agency has analyzed the progress of global warming is affecting.
Adjust the government to the law revision of the "adult age cut" in the associated 25
2017-12-28 04:14:00
The government, in conjunction with the amendment to lower the age of majority of the Civil Code to 18 years from now the 20-year-old, drinking or smoking, such as the law on consumer contracts, the adjustment in the direction to amend the 25 laws together, including the Civil Code doing.
Japan Sumo Association, "Takanohana master of the responsibility is heavy" to the judges that the disposal consideration
2017-12-28 04:09:00
Japan Sumo Association at the issues surrounding the original yokozuna-Nichiba Fuji of injury incidents of sumo is, 28 days, to the disposition master of responsibility Takanohana, which has refused to cooperate in the investigation open the Council of extraordinary it is determined that the heavy It is considered to policy.
Legitimate discarded and review the "comfort women" Japan-South Korea agreement is significant influence government
2017-12-28 04:08:00
The report of the Working Group of the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs to verify the process of surrounding Japan and South Korea agreed the comfort women issue, the government, agreement is intended that has passed through the legitimate negotiation, if me in search of discarded and review of the South Korea side agreement day have to restrain a material impact on Korea relations, it is strongly seek policy of steady implementation.
Also Korea relations further chilly situation the day two years today comfort women issue Japan-Korea agreement
2017-12-28 04:07:00
On the comfort women issue, Japan and South Korea both governments, from the agreement in the "final and irreversible solution", it will be 2 years in 28 days. Korea Working Group of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is 27 days, announced the verification result of the agreement, it was criticized as "the opinion of the victim was not sufficiently intensive", public opinion to seek a review and re-negotiation of the agreement in Korea it is Ikioizuki, Japan and South Korea relationship is expected to be further chilly situation.
Also Korea relations further chilly situation the day two years today comfort women issue Japan-Korea agreement
2017-12-28 04:07:00
On the comfort women issue, Japan and South Korea both governments, from the agreement in the "final and irreversible solution", it will be 2 years in 28 days. Korea Working Group of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is 27 days, announced the verification result of the agreement, it was criticized as "the opinion of the victim was not sufficiently intensive", public opinion to seek a review and re-negotiation of the agreement in Korea it is Ikioizuki, Japan and South Korea relationship is expected to be further chilly situation.
Passengers put turn back trouble of ANA machine separate cover
2017-12-28 04:05:00
27 days, the passenger plane from Los Angeles Narita ANA, one passenger was scheduled to ride to another flight there was a trouble to turn back to understand is that you are boarding. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and All Nippon Airways have examined the detailed cause of another flight of the passengers were boarding.
Passengers put turn back trouble of ANA machine separate cover
2017-12-28 04:05:00
27 days, the passenger plane from Los Angeles Narita ANA, one passenger was scheduled to ride to another flight there was a trouble to turn back to understand is that you are boarding. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and All Nippon Airways have examined the detailed cause of another flight of the passengers were boarding.
Iwate north not get in touch with parent-child two people burnt two buildings housing
2017-12-28 01:29:00
27 days night, there is a fire burning residential two buildings in Iwate Prefecture Kitakami, and depends on the police, the police rushed to confirm contact with the parent and child of the 70s and 40s living in the fire after the fire origin of the house is no longer taken is.
Even one meter before and after the heavy snow in 24 hours snowstorm in northern Japan and Hokuriku center
2017-12-28 00:00:00
In effect that is followed by a strong pressure arrangement of the winter monsoon, in addition there is a place that has become a snowstorm in the center of the northern Japan and Hokuriku, in along the mountains, it has become a heavy snow that falls is one meter before and after the snow in 24 hours. Japan Meteorological Agency is calling to also pay attention to the avalanche with be wary to and the impact of the traffic due to heavy snow.