This page is the news announced by NHK, a representative TV station in Japan.
Economic news(2022/07/16)
G20 Closing Joint Statement Unable to Summarize As Conflict with Russia Deepens
2022-07-16 21:12:00
The G20 = Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting of 20 major countries held in Indonesia closed on the 16th. We discussed how to deal with global inflation, but we could not make a joint statement as the conflict between Western countries and Russia over the situation in Ukraine deepened.
NY Dow Jones Industrial Average Rise Over $ 600 Retreat on Monetary Tightening
2022-07-16 07:28:00
The New York stock market on the 15th showed an improving trend in indicators showing consumer concerns about future inflation, so caution against excessive monetary tightening has once receded, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average is 600 dollars. It was a significant price increase that exceeded.
G20 Finance Ministers' Meeting Western-Russia Conflict Joint Statement Uncertain
2022-07-16 06:00:00
G20 = The meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of 20 major countries will hold discussions on the second day on the 16th, but Western countries and Russia are in conflict over the factors of global inflation, and a joint statement was compiled. It is unclear whether or not it will be possible.
US June retail sales increase for the first time in two months continues to be wary of the economic outlook
2022-07-16 04:57:00
June retail sales, which show trends in consumer spending in the United States, rose 1.0% from the previous month, rising for the first time in two months. However, as record inflation continues, caution is likely to continue on the future of the economy.