Social News(2016/07/19)
Softbank Son IoT can be expected future growth potential
2016-07-19 22:51:00
Masayoshi Son, president of the 18 days announced the acquisition of the United Kingdom of the global semiconductor development company "ARM Holdings" in about 3 trillion yen in "SOFTBANK Group" is 19 days night, at the NHK interview, commensurate with the huge amount of acquisition funds to concerns that investment of the, he emphasized that the expected future growth potential.
Downward revision under the influence of the British EU withdrawal next year of the world economic outlook
2016-07-19 22:11:00
IMF = International Monetary Fund, announced the growth prospects of the next year of the world economy, 0.1 point compared to the forecast of April due to the influence that the United Kingdom has received that it has decided to withdrawal from the EU = European Union fix down to low plus 3.4%. If progress negotiation of withdrawal smoothly, influence interrupted 3% of positive growth has become more serious.
G20 to the realization of the middle summit day adjustment at the time of
2016-07-19 22:09:00
Been carried out in Japan and China's Vice Foreign Minister-level talks in Beijing, at the time of the G20 Summit to be held in China in September this year, it aims to realize a summit meeting during the day, a meeting of foreign minister level next month it was also decided to proceed with the adjustment to the field of view to do.
Onishi is "work hard experiment was accustomed to the special environment" conference from space
2016-07-19 21:20:00
It faces for the first time to become press conference Takuya Onishi long-term stay composed on day 11 for the first time the Japanese astronauts from space of the International Space Station, "the universe of the environment is very special, accustomed fairly in this 10 days and we have. I mentioned the aspirations and now I want to firmly luck the space experiment ".
Find the lyrics of unpublished Rokusuke Ei's
2016-07-19 21:05:00
He worked on a number of hit songs such as "Let's Walk facing up" as a lyricist, Mr. Rokusuke Hisashi who died this month. The 1960s was considered a last dismissed from the lyrics of a popular song, but three years ago, we found that the lyrics of unpublished sang the loneliness and sadness had gave to Tokiko Kato singer It was.
Hiroshi Ogihara to incense Mr. Saya Murata Naoki to Akutagawa Prize
2016-07-19 20:54:00
The 155 times Akutagawa Prize and the selection meeting of the Naoki Prize is 19 days, held in Tokyo, "convenience store man" incense's Saya Murata of the Akutagawa Prize is, "barber shop with a view of the sea," Hiroshi Hagiwara's in the Naoki Prize were selected respectively.
Ikata again review, such as nuclear power plant Unit 3 heatstroke measures training
2016-07-19 20:45:00
In Unit 3 Ikata nuclear power plant in Ehime Prefecture, last week, worker training that corresponds to the serious accident there was a trouble to become a heat stroke, redone 19 days in response to an instruction of the Nuclear Regulatory Agency, Shikoku Electric Power is, It was confirmed the procedure reviewing such issues and has been a worker of heat stroke measures.
Parent to the compensation ordered judgment of jumping was forced to elementary school students
2016-07-19 20:43:00
In court that children and parents that the serious injury is forced to jump from the apartment to the elementary school of the upperclassman was seeking compensation to the parent of the other party, the Tokyo District Court is taking, such as sufficient corresponding to consult a specialist is the parent of the "perpetrator as is was not ", he was handed down a judgment ordering the payment of more than 10 million yen.
Parent to the compensation ordered judgment of jumping was forced to elementary school students
2016-07-19 20:43:00
In court that children and parents that the serious injury is forced to jump from the apartment to the elementary school of the upperclassman was seeking compensation to the parent of the other party, the Tokyo District Court is taking, such as sufficient corresponding to consult a specialist is the parent of the "perpetrator as is was not ", he was handed down a judgment ordering the payment of more than 10 million yen.
Liberal Democratic Party submitted a proposal to the volunteer deputies new economic measures
2016-07-19 20:41:00
Member of Parliament of the volunteers of the Liberal Democratic Party, Abe regime of economic policy, we will continue to promote abenomics, in a new economic measures of the government, including the advanced medicine, and Japan is a priority investment in the field with a strength the recommendations seek to incorporate, it was submitted to Kan chief Cabinet Secretary.
Liberal Democratic Party submitted a proposal to the volunteer deputies new economic measures
2016-07-19 20:41:00
Member of Parliament of the volunteers of the Liberal Democratic Party, Abe regime of economic policy, we will continue to promote abenomics, in a new economic measures of the government, including the advanced medicine, and Japan is a priority investment in the field with a strength the recommendations seek to incorporate, it was submitted to Kan chief Cabinet Secretary.
Agreed to hasten cooperation plan implementation of the Japan-Russia economic phase 8 item
2016-07-19 20:36:00
Hayashi Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, met with Russia's economic development phase, which came to Japan, agreed to hasten the implementation of the cooperation plan for energy development, such as item 8, the Japanese side has been proposed in the Russo-Japanese summit meeting of this year May Did.
To meal delivery of skill in the art to the guidelines created by the nutrition management support of the elderly
2016-07-19 20:32:00
Among the aging population, from the fact that an increasing number of elderly people that nutrition does not get enough, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for the delivery supplier for home meals, to be used to create a guideline asking you to support the nutritional management of the elderly became.
Operation resumed in some sections from Kumamoto in the south Aso Railway 31 days
2016-07-19 20:27:00
Kumamoto Minami Aso Railway of Kumamoto Prefecture, that is no longer able to operate at all lines in the damage of the earthquake, it was decided to resume the operation in part of the interval from this month 31 days, approximately three and a half months the first time.
77-year-old man unconscious Chiba Noda on suspicion of heat stroke
2016-07-19 20:25:00
19 days morning, I found the man of 77-year-old in Chiba Prefecture Noda house has collapsed in an unconscious state, was taken to hospital on suspicion of heat stroke.
Malaysia over to the Singapore high-speed railway 2026 opened
2016-07-19 20:24:00
For high-speed rail construction project connecting between Malaysia and neighboring Singapore, the two governments, to clarify the policy aimed at opening of 2026 carried out an international tender within the next year, between countries such as Japan and China, which aims to orders competition is likely to intensify.
In expanding the new system introduced Osaka Securities Exchange at night and in the morning trading hours
2016-07-19 20:16:00
For Osaka Securities Exchange of Japan Exchange Group dealing with the financial instruments called derivatives to attract investment, introduced a new system from the 19 days, we expanded the night or the morning trading hours.
Spate of events heatstroke of food drink Prohibited
2016-07-19 20:12:00
It complained of symptoms that 48 people who visited the food of events held in the riverbed of Miyazaki is seen with heat stroke in 17 days, of which six have been transported to the hospital. On the day, but now intense heat, that the bringing of the drink had been banned, such as Miyazaki City is seeking an explanation for the corresponding at the time to the organizers.
Advance to the Hokkaido Sakhalin of the window frame manufacturer
2016-07-19 20:08:00
Window frame maker of the Russian Far East Sakhalin is provided with a showroom in the center of Sapporo, embarked on sale in Hokkaido. Hokkaido advance of Sakhalin of the manufacturing industry is that most examples do not.
"Barber shop with a view of the sea," Hiroshi Hagiwara's in the Naoki Prize
2016-07-19 19:19:00
Preliminary round of the 155 times Akutagawa and Naoki is, held in Tokyo on the 19th night, "barber shop with a view of the sea," Hiroshi Hagiwara's in the Naoki Prize was chosen.
"Convenience store human" of incense's Saya Murata to Akutagawa Prize
2016-07-19 19:18:00
The 155 times Akutagawa and Naoki of the selection meeting is 19 days night, held in Tokyo, "convenience store man" incense's Saya Murata of the Akutagawa Prize was chosen.
Support rate of NHK poll each party is
2016-07-19 19:17:00
And depends on the NHK poll, support rate of each party, the Liberal Democratic Party 40.3% DPP is 10.6%, New Komeito is 3.3%, the Communist Party 4.3%, Osaka Restoration Association 2.5% , the Social Democratic Party is 1 percent, the party of life is 0.4%, the party is 0.1% to cherish the Japanese mind, "There is no political party that is in particular support" was the 31 percent.
Support rate of NHK poll each party is
2016-07-19 19:17:00
And depends on the NHK poll, support rate of each party, the Liberal Democratic Party 40.3% DPP is 10.6%, New Komeito is 3.3%, the Communist Party 4.3%, Osaka Restoration Association 2.5% , the Social Democratic Party is 1 percent, the party of life is 0.4%, the party is 0.1% to cherish the Japanese mind, "There is no political party that is in particular support" was the 31 percent.
Emergency board meeting national doping IOC of Russia
2016-07-19 19:09:00
Russia and had done a systematic doping at the national initiative, in response to the report of the WADA = World Anti-Doping Agency, IOC = International Olympic Committee is 19 days, open the emergency board meeting by telephone, about the deal and sanctions it has to be considered.
Abe Cabinet "to support" 48 percent "do not support" 36%
2016-07-19 19:00:00
And depends on the NHK poll, Abe people who answered "support" is the Cabinet, 48% up 2 points from the survey conducted two weeks ago, the person who answered "do not support" is the same as two weeks ago not was 36 percent.
Abe Cabinet "to support" 48 percent "do not support" 36%
2016-07-19 19:00:00
And depends on the NHK poll, Abe people who answered "support" is the Cabinet, 48% up 2 points from the survey conducted two weeks ago, the person who answered "do not support" is the same as two weeks ago not was 36 percent.
Also the aspect of product adoption compromise the Republican Party policy statement
2016-07-19 18:47:00
Start the party convention of the Republican Party to become a regime recapture in the United States presidential election, policy statement that becomes a de facto commitment was adopted. Mr. Trump has been raised, while the claim that we should build a wall on the border with Mexico was included, for the withdrawal from the TPP = Pacific partnership agreement, the party of the opinion also to reflect, avoid direct mention It became a form.
It IS flag of handwriting from the boy who struck passengers of German train
2016-07-19 18:16:00
In the incident that five passengers by, for example, were injured boy of Afghan refugees in southern Germany is wielding the ax in the running train, from the boy lived in the house, extremist organization IS = Isla mix Tate of found hand-painted banner, police have been investigating the motive and background.
Washcloth sale Kumamoto to activities funding of volunteer
2016-07-19 18:14:00
Amid prolonged assistance activities in the affected areas of Kumamoto earthquake, when a volunteer organization of Kumamoto Prefecture Minami Aso Village Collect activity funds, it began the sale of the towel that was design a message to the reconstruction.
Chief Cabinet Secretary TPP early entry into force is confirmed by last year's summit meeting
2016-07-19 18:13:00
Kan Chief Cabinet Secretary afternoon press conference, in the United States for a new policy statement of the Republican Party, to mind the TPP = Pacific partnership agreement, about what you are, "Congress approval of important trade agreements should not rush", " TPP is a summit meeting of last November, and the 12 countries of the summit, including the United States confirm that the aim of the early entry into force, President Obama also believes that working towards parliament pass in this year I said that. "
Chief Cabinet Secretary TPP early entry into force is confirmed by last year's summit meeting
2016-07-19 18:13:00
Kan Chief Cabinet Secretary afternoon press conference, in the United States for a new policy statement of the Republican Party, to mind the TPP = Pacific partnership agreement, about what you are, "Congress approval of important trade agreements should not rush", " TPP is a summit meeting of last November, and the 12 countries of the summit, including the United States confirm that the aim of the early entry into force, President Obama also believes that working towards parliament pass in this year I said that. "
Renewable energy percentage such as information disclosure required of recommendations
2016-07-19 18:06:00
Council aims to spread of renewable energy to make with Mayor of major cities across the country, to the businesses that sell electricity to households, such as you are using much of renewable energy, to disclose information related to power generation method We have put together a proposal that was the mandate.
Miyazaki Prefecture is also intense heat tomorrow 36 degrees or more in Yamanashi
2016-07-19 17:50:00
Also 19, is covered with high pressure around the West Metropolitan East sit strong day is Teritsuke, it became the 35 degrees or more of extremely hot day in the nation 14 locations. Than 20 days must have adequate attention to the continued heat stroke it has been expected to intense heat in western Japan.
Miyazaki Prefecture is also intense heat tomorrow 36 degrees or more in Yamanashi
2016-07-19 17:50:00
Also 19, is covered with high pressure around the West Metropolitan East sit strong day is Teritsuke, it became the 35 degrees or more of extremely hot day in the nation 14 locations. Than 20 days must have adequate attention to the continued heat stroke it has been expected to intense heat in western Japan.
Kudo Board system executives Korea police arrest stimulant possession charges, etc.
2016-07-19 17:38:00
South Korean police is 19 days, a man of the gang leaders of a particular danger specified gangsters Kudo Board system Fukuoka prefectural police had been international wanted list, he was arrested on suspicion that has been concealed, such as stimulants one kilometer near the handgun 1-chome in southern South Korea and It announced.
Communist Koike constitutional amendment has not been confidence in the national
2016-07-19 17:35:00
In Koike secretary director of the press conference of the Communist Party, positive force in the ruling party and the constitutional amendment in the House of Councillors election of earlier, "the ruling party about what has secured the two-thirds of the seats in the whole of the House of Councillors need to initiative of the revision issue of salmon and fighting, I mentioned that it is not the result of people has confidence the constitutional amendment. "
The banking hours to freely FSA deregulation
2016-07-19 17:32:00
The Financial Services Agency, the bank is to meet the needs of the regional situation and customers, so that you can freely set the operating hours of the store, now from at principle 9 am to deregulation of business hours that you are up to 3 pm It was.
The banking hours to freely FSA deregulation
2016-07-19 17:32:00
The Financial Services Agency, the bank is to meet the needs of the regional situation and customers, so that you can freely set the operating hours of the store, now from at principle 9 am to deregulation of business hours that you are up to 3 pm It was.
Russian economic development phase economic relations the President of the possible visit to Japan in strengthening
2016-07-19 17:08:00
Russian Uryukaefu economic development phase, should go as soon as possible embody the cooperation plan of 8 items that Japan has been presented in the Russo-Japanese summit meeting of this year in May, if the economic relationship is enhanced, of President Putin visit to Japan showed a recognition that it can be realized.
Two ships of the Senkaku Islands off the coast of connection waters China Sea 警局 is sailing
2016-07-19 16:33:00
If you more to the 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, 19, 3 pm now, off the coast of the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, two ships ship of China sea 警局 is, we are sailing in the connection body of water, located just outside of Japan's territorial waters . Two ships is 19, 3 pm now, if you are sailing in the east-northeast about 30 km Taisho Island, Coast Guard Headquarters has continued to warning and monitoring so as not to approach the territorial waters.
Highest update past Pokemon GO Nintendo stock trading volume
2016-07-19 16:31:00
In the Tokyo stock market, "Pokemon GO" game app, also buy a collection orders 19 days Nintendo of shares has become a huge hit in the United States, buying and selling price of one day more than 700 billion yen, last Friday is followed, it has been updated up to the past as individual stocks.
Highest update past Pokemon GO Nintendo stock trading volume
2016-07-19 16:31:00
In the Tokyo stock market, "Pokemon GO" game app, also buy a collection orders 19 days Nintendo of shares has become a huge hit in the United States, buying and selling price of one day more than 700 billion yen, last Friday is followed, it has been updated up to the past as individual stocks.
Increase in the waiting children 8400 people more than two years in Tokyo
2016-07-19 16:09:00
Wait for free, such as a nursery school in the Tokyo metropolitan area, the number of so-called stand-by children, started to increase for the first time in two years, we found that up to 8400 people more than at the time of the year in April.
Arrest the suspect police officer shoves a knife to his eldest son, Hyogo
2016-07-19 16:06:00
50-year-old sergeant who work in Sasayama police station of Hyogo Prefecture, the end of the quarrel with the eldest son of 23-year-old, as shoves a knife saying, such as "'ll kill", was arrested on suspicion of violent acts such as punishment law violation year. Sergeant is that has denied the charges.
Staff the school lunch costs 64 million yen embezzlement Kanagawa, Fujisawa
2016-07-19 15:59:00
Staff of the Board of Education of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture is, it can be seen that had been embezzled the school lunch costs 64 million yen of the elementary school, the city's policy to criminal complaint this staff.
Rio Olympics dispatch players also added depending on 331 people in Russia
2016-07-19 15:56:00
JOC = Japan Olympic Committee, and a number of 331 players to be dispatched to the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, today announced that it has become the second most ever in the tournament overseas. There are also events that leave the possibility of advancing participation depending on the situation of the Russian doping problem, the future, participating players will also be considered to further increase.
Calling for cooperation to DNA testing nationwide bereaved families of the war dead remains
2016-07-19 15:49:00
The remains of the war dead who do not know the identity now that the post-war 71 years goes by, because the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is to be returned to the original of the bereaved family conduct DNA tests, for the whole country of the bereaved from 19 days, including the call for cooperation to the appraisal year.
The Nikkei Stock Average 6 business day rise in a row
2016-07-19 15:26:00
Tokyo stock market of 19 days of consecutive holidays opening is, the more buy orders for a wide range of stocks softened the sense of caution investors from such as it is followed by a rise in stock prices in the New York market, the continued Nikkei Stock Average 6 business day It became the rise.
High concentration contaminated water regulation committee is countermeasure instruction of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
2016-07-19 15:17:00
For the high concentration of contaminated water that has accumulated in the building of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, there is a risk of outflow, such as the sea when was attacked by a new tsunami, concentration and amount I was instructed TEPCO to urgently consider measures to reduce.
Such as corresponding training financial institutions of cyber attacks participation 120 companies
2016-07-19 15:10:00
Amid cyber attacks aimed at companies and government agencies are increasingly sophisticated, such as banks and securities firms, companies approximately 120 companies gathered in the financial relations of the country, if I correspond to particular cyber attack so-called "targeted" the damage is increasing ascertain Bailly training it has been made.
Enough attention to Miyazaki Metropolitan 36 degrees or more in Yamanashi heatstroke
2016-07-19 14:58:00
Also 19, is covered with high pressure around the West Metropolitan East sit strong day is Teritsuke, there is a place that has become a 35 degrees or more of extremely hot day. Every day, the Japan Meteorological Agency from the fact that severe heat is continuing, has urged caution to heat stroke.
Enough attention to Miyazaki Metropolitan 36 degrees or more in Yamanashi heatstroke
2016-07-19 14:58:00
Also 19, is covered with high pressure around the West Metropolitan East sit strong day is Teritsuke, there is a place that has become a 35 degrees or more of extremely hot day. Every day, the Japan Meteorological Agency from the fact that severe heat is continuing, has urged caution to heat stroke.
Original Nadeshiko Japan Homare Sawa's pregnancy
2016-07-19 14:46:00
Long worked as a center player of Japan representative "Nadeshiko Japan" of the soccer girls, Sawa Homare, who retired last year was found to be pregnant.
Mr. Ishin Baba "premature constitutional court in Article 9 of the revised discussion."
2016-07-19 14:39:00
Osaka Baba secretary general of the meeting of the Meiji Restoration in the press conference, about the constitutional amendment, while the fall of the extraordinary Diet session that we should start the discussion in the Constitution Committee, Article 9 of the amendment said that "It's premature", careful It showed the idea.
Mr. Ishin Baba "premature constitutional court in Article 9 of the revised discussion."
2016-07-19 14:39:00
Osaka Baba secretary general of the meeting of the Meiji Restoration in the press conference, about the constitutional amendment, while the fall of the extraordinary Diet session that we should start the discussion in the Constitution Committee, Article 9 of the amendment said that "It's premature", careful It showed the idea.
The defeat analysis and case-ku, review of the Liberal Democratic Party General Council upper house election one-ku
2016-07-19 14:17:00
In the Board of Governors of the Liberal Democratic Party, the results of the previous House of Councillors election, among four opposition party was one of the candidates of the "one-ku", analysis and of the defeat of losing in the closely contested electoral district, adjacent to two of the province opinion to seek a review of the constituency to one "if Ward" was one after another.
The start of construction Chief Cabinet Secretary enough effort ready to Northern Training Area part return
2016-07-19 14:13:00
Kan Chief Cabinet Secretary of the 19 am press conference, Okinawa Prefecture, the largest US military exercises field, in order to realize some return of the Northern Training Area, as soon as it is necessary preparations, a helicopter landing site, which has become a condition of return It showed the idea to undertake the relocation work.
Kai Union first president Akira Yamagishi's farewell
2016-07-19 14:07:00
Who died in April this year, Kai Akira Yamagishi's farewell of the first president of the Union, 19 days is Itonama in the Tokyo metropolitan area, a lot of people, such as officials of political and labor union was generous to attend the farewell .
Memorial the year 10 victims from the heavy rain disaster Nagano Okaya
2016-07-19 14:05:00
Nagano stood 10 years 13 people from the heavy rain disaster of 2006 that fell victim in the prefecture, including eight in a large debris flow died, in Nagano Prefecture Okaya that came out the most serious damage, bereaved families and local people we were mourning the victims.
An extended study of the Liberal Democratic Party upstairs Mr. President term of office
2016-07-19 13:59:00
In the second floor Affairs Chairman press conference of the Liberal Democratic Party, has become to be next September, for the term as Liberal Democratic Party president of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, "to success in and out of the Abe President, those who interject the objection within the party He said that had not ", showed the idea that it should be considered an extension.
An extended study of the Liberal Democratic Party upstairs Mr. President term of office
2016-07-19 13:59:00
In the second floor Affairs Chairman press conference of the Liberal Democratic Party, has become to be next September, for the term as Liberal Democratic Party president of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, "to success in and out of the Abe President, those who interject the objection within the party He said that had not ", showed the idea that it should be considered an extension.
Re-arrested on suspicion of Kochi Tosei suspect stimulant use
2016-07-19 13:55:00
Kochi Tosei suspect of the original actor was arrested and charged as had been concealed stimulants, it has been re-arrested by the narcotics control department of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare on suspicion of using a stimulant.
Re-arrested on suspicion of Kochi Tosei suspect stimulant use
2016-07-19 13:55:00
Kochi Tosei suspect of the original actor was arrested and charged as had been concealed stimulants, it has been re-arrested by the narcotics control department of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare on suspicion of using a stimulant.
JR Utsunomiya Line operation Resume
2016-07-19 13:37:00
And it depends on the JR East Japan, Utsunomiya Line is, under the influence of the injury that occurred in Nogi Station in Tochigi Prefecture Nogi the town, but had suspended the operation in the vertical line between Tokyo Station and the Utsunomiya Station, to 1 at around 29 pm It has resumed operation.
Seismic intensity 4 tsunami without worry in Chiba Prefecture
2016-07-19 13:02:00
19 days 0 pm 57 minutes around, there was an earthquake to observe the shaking of seismic intensity 4 in Chiba Prefecture. There is no worry of tsunami caused by this earthquake.
Seismic intensity 4 tsunami without worry in Chiba Prefecture
2016-07-19 13:02:00
19 days 0 pm 57 minutes around, there was an earthquake to observe the shaking of seismic intensity 4 in Chiba Prefecture. There is no worry of tsunami caused by this earthquake.
Already enough attention to heatstroke in extremely hot day in Kyushu
2016-07-19 12:55:00
Also 19, is covered with high pressure around the West Metropolitan East sit strong day is Teritsuke, there is a place that is already 35 degrees or more of extremely hot day. After this is also expected to further temperature rise, the Japan Meteorological Agency has urged that sufficient attention to heatstroke.
Already enough attention to heatstroke in extremely hot day in Kyushu
2016-07-19 12:55:00
Also 19, is covered with high pressure around the West Metropolitan East sit strong day is Teritsuke, there is a place that is already 35 degrees or more of extremely hot day. After this is also expected to further temperature rise, the Japan Meteorological Agency has urged that sufficient attention to heatstroke.
Human infection had been nursing of a patient in a deer heat rice
2016-07-19 12:42:00
For deer heat spread infection around the Central and South America, the United States of CDC = Centers for Disease Control, people who had been nursing the deer fever in the western Utah has announced that it has infected. There is no travel history to endemic areas, there is no sexual intercourse with infected human cases, seen To the first time in the United States, CDC is investigating about the route of infection.
JR Utsunomiya Line Tokyo - operation suspended in Utsunomiya
2016-07-19 12:40:00
And it depends on the JR East Japan, Utsunomiya Line are under the influence of the injury that occurred in Nogi Station in Tochigi Prefecture Nogi Town, to 0 at 10 minutes past the afternoon, suspended the operation in the vertical line between Tokyo Station and the Utsunomiya Station. Resumption of operation is that it is expected to be 1 at around 10 pm.
In-law of mother murder defendants admit prosecution contents of Otaru, Hokkaido
2016-07-19 12:31:00
Last year, in Otaru, Hokkaido, has been accused of killing his mother-in-law had been living together, the defendant's first trial of 62-year-old was held in the Sapporo District Court, the defendant has admitted what has been prosecuted.
Also expected of severe heat extremely hot day in West Metropolitan East center
2016-07-19 12:29:00
Also 19, is covered with high pressure around the West Metropolitan East sit strong day is Teritsuke, have severe heat is followed everywhere. In the afternoon rise further temperature, have been expected to 35 degrees or more of extremely hot day some places, the Japan Meteorological Agency has urged caution to heat stroke.
Humanoid robot JR Utsunomiya Station to usher station
2016-07-19 12:27:00
The introduction of the humanoid robot to purchase window of the ticket of JR Utsunomiya Station, to guide and how to purchase bullet train tickets to passengers who visited.
Republican convention the first day appeared Trump and his wife called for unity
2016-07-19 12:15:00
This year in November in the United States presidential election, the National Party Congress of the opposition Republican Party to become a regime recapture for the first time in eight years the first day of the 18 days, it appeared Trump and his wife that is to be appointed to the party of presidential candidate and it was called for unity on the basis of Mr. Trump.
5 people injured boy of German refugees wielding ax by train
2016-07-19 12:11:00
Close in 18 days night of Byurutsuburuku of southern Germany, five man in the train during running wielding the ax is injured, and depends on the local media, a man in a boy of Afghanistan-born 17-year-old refugee, It is that has been shot dead in rushed a police officer.
Or US forces North Korean missile Scud and Rodong
2016-07-19 12:08:00
North Korea 19 days morning, for the three rounds of ballistic missile that was fired towards the Sea of Japan, the United States Army, announced that seen it was a Nodong of Scud and medium-range ballistic missiles of short-range ballistic missile.
Strict protest to perfection to correspond to the Chief Cabinet Secretary North Korea
2016-07-19 12:05:00
Kan Chief Cabinet Secretary at a press conference in the morning, the firing of the "ballistic missiles, is an act that very problem from the point of view of safety of aircraft and ships, is contrary to UN Security Council resolutions and the Japan-North Korea Pyongyang Declaration, immediately Beijing we said that was strict protest "through the embassy route.
4 years in prison to the Yasukuni Shrine incident Korean defendant
2016-07-19 11:56:00
Bringing a pipe filled with gunpowder in Tokyo of the Yasukuni Shrine, the Korean defendant has been accused of such crimes were burned in the toilet, the Tokyo District Court "in the crime well-planned and risk, criminal liability is a serious" as, it was handed down the sentence of imprisonment four years.
4 years in prison to the Yasukuni Shrine incident Korean defendant
2016-07-19 11:56:00
Bringing a pipe filled with gunpowder in Tokyo of the Yasukuni Shrine, the Korean defendant has been accused of such crimes were burned in the toilet, the Tokyo District Court "in the crime well-planned and risk, criminal liability is a serious" as, it was handed down the sentence of imprisonment four years.
Stock morning closing price modest rise
2016-07-19 11:54:00
Tokyo stock market of 19 days of consecutive holidays opening on the New York market in the Dow Jones Industrial Average of 18 days is more and more buy orders from as a result of new highs in five consecutive business days, the stock has risen slightly in.
US Turkish government should refrain from authoritarian approach
2016-07-19 11:52:00
White House of the United States, the Turkish government is Tour of the coup attempt, such as officials of the military and the judiciary, for that complete the investigation and detained at least 7500 people, the idea that authoritarian approach should be self-restraint he emphasized.
Of murder suspect high school students, "Fish pick in the bag."
2016-07-19 11:30:00
In case a woman's body was found in the river of Ibaraki Prefecture Ryugasaki City, a high school student who was arrested on suspicion of murder, for the sharp tool called used the fish pick in the incident, the bag to carry around the time of "fishing and cycling that it is testimony to the put was, "it was found in an interview to the police. The police, the incident that day, what reason did we carry tools in, we examine the detailed behavior.
Of murder suspect high school students, "Fish pick in the bag."
2016-07-19 11:30:00
In case a woman's body was found in the river of Ibaraki Prefecture Ryugasaki City, a high school student who was arrested on suspicion of murder, for the sharp tool called used the fish pick in the incident, the bag to carry around the time of "fishing and cycling that it is testimony to the put was, "it was found in an interview to the police. The police, the incident that day, what reason did we carry tools in, we examine the detailed behavior.
Two ships of the Senkaku Islands off the coast of connection waters China Sea 警局 is sailing
2016-07-19 10:50:00
If it more to the 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, two ships China Sea 警局 of a ship off the coast of the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture has been sailing in the connection body of water, located just outside of Japan's territorial waters.
Or new car sales padded with Fiat Chrysler rice
2016-07-19 10:44:00
Major automobile manufacturers, FCA = Fiat Chrysler to expand the brands such as Jeep, as there is a suspicion that had been inflated the new car sales in the United States, such as the Department of Justice is now clear that you are investigating.
Or new car sales padded with Fiat Chrysler rice
2016-07-19 10:44:00
Major automobile manufacturers, FCA = Fiat Chrysler to expand the brands such as Jeep, as there is a suspicion that had been inflated the new car sales in the United States, such as the Department of Justice is now clear that you are investigating.
Adopted the policy guidelines of the Republican National Convention begins Trump color
2016-07-19 10:10:00
Towards the United States presidential election, expected to be the national party convention of the opposition Republican Party to become a government recapture of the first time in eight years beginning from 19 days early in the morning Japan time, to formally nominate Mr. Trump to the party of the presidential candidate. On the first day, following the adopted a policy statement of the party that reflects the insistence of Mr. Trump in such trade policies, on the theme of diplomacy and security are supposed to be like politicians to address.
North Korea indicated the readiness of Prime Minister thorough in the missile launch
2016-07-19 09:13:00
North Korea in response to that believed to have fired a ballistic missile, Abe Prime Minister, to the relevant ministries and agencies, like the best in information collection and analysis, along with the conduct to provide quick and accurate information to the public, aircraft Ya thorough safety check, such as a ship, has been instructed to take appropriate measures in preparation for the eventuality.
North Korea indicated the readiness of Prime Minister thorough in the missile launch
2016-07-19 09:13:00
North Korea in response to that believed to have fired a ballistic missile, Abe Prime Minister, to the relevant ministries and agencies, like the best in information collection and analysis, along with the conduct to provide quick and accurate information to the public, aircraft Ya thorough safety check, such as a ship, has been instructed to take appropriate measures in preparation for the eventuality.
Ax wielding 17-year-old refugee boy four people injured in German train
2016-07-19 09:02:00
Close in 18 days night of Byurutsuburuku of southern Germany, four man in the train during running wielding the ax is injured, and depends on the local media, a man in a boy of Afghanistan-born 17-year-old refugee, It is that has been shot dead in rushed a police officer.
Multiple passengers injured a man wielding an ax in Germany train
2016-07-19 07:48:00
18 days night in the vicinity of Byurutsuburuku of southern Germany, a man brandishing an ax in the running train, is that several of the wounded are out. The man in the Afghans, is that it was shot dead a police officer.
Or North Korea ballistic missile to shoot three
2016-07-19 07:36:00
South Korean military 19 days morning, from the west side of North Korea is the Korean Peninsula, it announced that it had fired a ballistic missile 3 shots toward the Sea of Japan, in detail along with the check for, such as ballistic missile, the vigilance and monitoring in preparation for additional launch It strengthened have.
Or North Korea ballistic missile to shoot three
2016-07-19 07:36:00
And depends on the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Korean military, North Korea over the 19 days 5 am 45 minutes to 6 hours 40 minutes around of Japan time, toward the Sea of Japan from the Korean Peninsula west of Fanhe bukto, that it has fired a ballistic missile 3 shots thing. Ballistic missile that it was flying about 600 kilometers from 500 kilometers, Korean military has said it enough distance to attack South Korea entire area, including the Busan. On the other hand, South Korean news agency, Yonhap News is, of being fired, tells that it is short-range ballistic missile 3 shots seen as the "Scud missile".
Adopted the policy guidelines of the Republican National Convention begins Trump color
2016-07-19 06:10:00
Towards the United States presidential election, expected to be the national party convention of the opposition Republican Party to become a government recapture of the first time in eight years beginning from 19 days early in the morning Japan time, to formally nominate Mr. Trump to the party of the presidential candidate. On the first day, following the adopted a policy statement of the party that reflects the insistence of Mr. Trump in such trade policies, on the theme of diplomacy and security are supposed to be like politicians to address.
Wi-Fi development in all of the hut of Mt.
2016-07-19 05:41:00
Among foreign climbers in the Mount Fuji is rapidly increasing, and I'll have to take advantage of as a means of communication with the collection and fellow of the safety information in the event of a disaster, etc. Yamanashi Prefecture, such as to all of the hut of Mount Fuji can use the Internet for free public the wireless LAN new development, began service from this month.
Pamphlet Kanagawa Muslim-friendly eateries
2016-07-19 05:32:00
When trying to get to enjoy a trip to the tourist Muslim, Kanagawa Prefecture, such as providing a cuisine you do not use pork, Muslims has created a brochure to introduce the restaurant which can be used in the prefecture.
Highest value update in NY Dow 5 consecutive business days
2016-07-19 05:27:00
New York stock market of 18 days, from such that the closing of the United States of major financial institutions has exceeded the expectations of the market, the Dow Jones Industrial Average stock prices rose while modest, it has been updated the highest value in five consecutive business days.
Focus SOFTBANK UK ARM acquisition IoT strengthening
2016-07-19 05:09:00
SOFTBANK Group of communications giant, has announced and to acquire the worldwide semiconductor development company ARM Holdings, headquartered in the United Kingdom at about 3.3 trillion yen 18 days. The company has positioned the technology called IoT that connects all the things on the Internet to the next growth area, or can be enhanced up to where in the form commensurate with the huge amount of the purchase price will be the focal point.
Focus SOFTBANK UK ARM acquisition IoT strengthening
2016-07-19 05:09:00
SOFTBANK Group of communications giant, has announced and to acquire the worldwide semiconductor development company ARM Holdings, headquartered in the United Kingdom at about 3.3 trillion yen 18 days. The company has positioned the technology called IoT that connects all the things on the Internet to the next growth area, or can be enhanced up to where in the form commensurate with the huge amount of the purchase price will be the focal point.
Consider sanctions against Russia in the IOC organized doping
2016-07-19 05:01:00
Investigation team of WADA = World Anti-Doping Agency is, in the year before the 2014 Winter Olympics, organized doping was certified to have been carried out, such as the host country Russia of Sports Ministry led. IOC = International Olympic Committee In response to this is to open the Council in 19 days, it showed the policy to consider sanctions against Russia.
1 seconds to lengthen the day on New Year's Day of next year, "leap second"
2016-07-19 04:45:00
To match the standard time of the world to the rotation of the earth, a day to adjust the "leap seconds" to be one second longer, continued to July last year, is now to be held on January 1 next year.
1 seconds to lengthen the day on New Year's Day of next year, "leap second"
2016-07-19 04:45:00
To match the standard time of the world to the rotation of the earth, a day to adjust the "leap seconds" to be one second longer, continued to July last year, is now to be held on January 1 next year.
The Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito to propose concrete measures before economic measures compiled
2016-07-19 04:40:00
Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito, before the government is to compile a new economic stimulus measures, and the expansion of support measures to small and medium-sized and small businesses, specific measures to during the week, such as environment development for the increase in foreign travelers in, we decided to recommend to the government, respectively.
Chinese navy commander "continue construction of facilities in the South China Sea."
2016-07-19 04:34:00
China Navy commander met the top of the United States Navy and in Beijing, as the "sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea's core interests of China", without being affected by the decision of the international arbitration court, facility in the South China Sea the idea to continue the construction was emphasized.
To the subject certification to corporate version hometown tax payment next month prospect
2016-07-19 04:32:00
The government, in response to the fact that regional revitalization plan necessary in order to take advantage of the "hometown tax payment system" in the Enterprise Edition has been submitted by the local government side, the prospect of the next month, to choose a plan that can be expected of the local creation in we have to be certified to the target system.
To the subject certification to corporate version hometown tax payment next month prospect
2016-07-19 04:32:00
The government, in response to the fact that regional revitalization plan necessary in order to take advantage of the "hometown tax payment system" in the Enterprise Edition has been submitted by the local government side, the prospect of the next month, to choose a plan that can be expected of the local creation in we have to be certified to the target system.
G20 to debate and the impact of the finance ministers meeting, British EU withdrawal
2016-07-19 04:29:00
G20 = 20 major countries of the finance ministers and central bank governors will be held in China from this month 23 days. Britain decided to withdrawal from the EU = European Union, amid increasing uncertainty about the future, what kind of discussion in the G20 towards a stable growth of the world economy will be attention what is done.
JR Nambu line operation resumes
2016-07-19 00:12:00
JR Nambu Line, which point in the premises of Tokyo Inagi of inagi-naganuma station had suspended the operation in the vertical line between the Tachikawa Station and Kawasaki Station at the impact failure, restart the 0 hour 6 minutes driving morning Did.