This page is the news announced by NHK, a representative TV station in Japan.
Political News(2023/10/30)
Prime Minister Kishida “Listen to the opinions of local governments regarding ride sharing” and move forward with discussions
2023-10-30 23:35:00
Regarding the introduction of ``ride sharing,'' in which ordinary drivers use their own cars to transport people for a fee, Prime Minister Kishida will proceed with discussions while listening to the opinions of local governments that are facing issues such as a shortage of local transportation operators. I have expressed my thoughts on the future.
House of Representatives Budget Committee Economic measures, debate on Israel/Palestine situation, etc.
2023-10-30 18:36:00
In the Diet, questions were held at the House of Representatives Budget Committee, and debate ensued over such topics as the government's new economic measures and the situation in Israel and Palestine.
Kato Children’s Minister “Office rent paid to mothers and tax treatment is appropriate”
2023-10-30 13:57:00
Kato, the Minister in charge of Children's Policy, revealed at the House of Representatives Budget Committee that the mothers had been paying the rent for the office of a fund management organization, and explained that tax procedures such as final tax returns were being carried out appropriately. Did.
Prime Minister: “There is no contradiction between reducing taxes such as income tax and increasing taxes to secure defense costs”
2023-10-30 11:58:00
At the House of Representatives Budget Committee on the 30th, Prime Minister Kishida spoke about the compatibility between tax cuts such as income tax, which the government and ruling party are considering as new economic measures, and tax increases aimed at securing funding for defense costs. He expressed the idea that the implementation timing of the strengthening of financial institutions is not contradictory, as the implementation timing is decided with maximum consideration to the economic, wage and price situation.
“Economic measures” and “relief for victims of the former Unification Church” debate continues in the House of Representatives Budget Committee
2023-10-30 05:21:00
This week, questions will be held in the Budget Committee of both Houses of the Diet, with Prime Minister Kishida and others in attendance. The debate between the ruling and opposition parties continues over economic measures that combine tax cuts and handouts being considered by the government and ruling party, as well as legislation to provide relief to victims of the former Unification Church.