Political News(2022/03/28)
Digital Agency begins registration of "public money receiving account" using My Number
2022-03-28 23:45:00
Registration of a "public money receiving account" that allows you to receive benefits from the country by registering the account information of an individual financial institution together with My Number in the system began on the 28th.
Komeito "Trigger Clause" offer to unfreeze and formulate supplementary budget
2022-03-28 22:21:00
Regarding new economic measures, the Komeito has requested the government to lift the freeze on the "trigger clause" and secure financial resources, including the formulation of a supplementary budget, as a measure against the rise in crude oil prices.
Liberal Democratic Party New Assembly meets for the first time with the aim of registering "Kanayama on Sado Island" as a World Cultural Heritage
2022-03-28 20:30:00
In response to the government's aim to register "Kanayama of Sado Island" as a world cultural heritage, a new parliamentary federation of the Liberal Democratic Party, whose advisors and chairmen are experienced Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers, held its first meeting. We have confirmed that we will work with each country to realize registration.
Liberal Democratic Party to propose new economic measures by the middle of next month
2022-03-28 20:08:00
In light of rising prices due to the situation in Ukraine, Prime Minister Kishida ordered the compilation of new economic measures on the 29th, and the Liberal Democratic Party made a proposal as a party by the middle of next month at the board meeting on the 28th. I confirmed the policy to put together.
Agriculture, forestry and fishery products and food exports To strengthen for eight countries and regions such as the United States and China
2022-03-28 19:17:00
Following a ministerial meeting aimed at expanding exports of agriculture, forestry and fishery products and food products, and the export value of last year exceeded 1 trillion yen for the first time, exports to eight countries and regions such as the United States and China will be further increased in the new fiscal year. We confirmed the policy of strengthening.
Prime Minister Kishida's new economic measures "to be summarized until the end of next month" tomorrow's instructions
2022-03-28 18:30:00
Prime Minister Kishida said at the House of Councilors' settlement committee that it is necessary to respond flexibly to new economic measures in light of the rise in prices due to the situation in Ukraine, and will instruct on the 29th to put together by the end of next month. Shown.
Russian military exercise "unacceptable" in areas including the Northern Territories Chief Cabinet Secretary
2022-03-28 18:25:00
Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno revealed last week that he had protested against Russia's military exercises in areas including the Northern Territories, which was unacceptable due to Japan's position, and took all possible precautions to monitor Russian military movements. I showed my thoughts.
National core statistics "Building construction cost survey" Significant delay Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
2022-03-28 17:28:00
Regarding the "building construction cost survey," which is the national core statistics, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced in September that the survey to be conducted last year was significantly delayed, and then accelerated the work and announced it. I explained that I want to make it in time.
Prime Minister Ukraine's idea to accelerate preparations for accepting refugees House of Councilors Settlement Committee
2022-03-28 12:28:00
Prime Minister Kishida has indicated that he will send Minister of Justice Furukawa to Poland as his own special envoy to accelerate preparations for acceptance of refugees from Ukraine at the House of Councilors Settlement Committee. rice field.
TICAD Ministerial Meeting Closes International Social Cooperation in Ukraine
2022-03-28 05:35:00
The ministerial meeting of TICAD = Tokyo International Conference on African Development led by Japan has closed. Japan and African countries shared concerns about the situation in Ukraine and the recognition that the international community needs to work together.
House of Councilors Settlement Committee Ukrainian situation and economic measures debate
2022-03-28 05:21:00
In the Diet, on the 28th, Prime Minister Kishida and all ministers will attend a question and answer session at the House of Councilors Settlement Committee. In addition to the diplomatic and security policies following the situation in Ukraine and the launch of ballistic missiles by North Korea, it is expected that there will be a debate over further economic measures in light of rising prices.