This page is the news announced by NHK, a representative TV station in Japan.
Economic news(2023/04/08)
G7 Environment Ministers' Meeting to discuss electric vehicle introduction targets from 15th
2023-04-08 10:19:00
Ahead of next month's G7 Hiroshima Summit, the climate, energy, and environment ministers' meeting of seven major countries will be held in Sapporo from the 15th of this month to set goals for the introduction of electric vehicles, etc., toward the realization of a decarbonized society. It is expected that there will be discussions about what should be done.
The amount of "net buying" of "company" stocks last year was the largest ever
2023-04-08 05:11:00
In the domestic stock market, the amount of stocks bought by "companies" exceeded the amount sold last year by more than 5.5 trillion yen, making it the largest amount of "net purchases" ever. In the background, it seems that the movement of "share buybacks" has become active among companies to increase the value of their stocks.
Hamazushi Offers Customers Past the Expiration Date at a Store in Fukushima Prefecture
2023-04-08 00:16:00
Hamazushi, a major conveyor belt sushi chain, announced that it was providing customers with ingredients that had passed their in-house expiration date at a store in Fukushima Prefecture.