Political News(2023/05/03)
Prime Minister Kishida finishes his visit to Kenya and leaves for Mozambique
2023-05-03 22:53:00
After finishing the summit meeting in Kenya, Prime Minister Kishida departed for Mozambique, the last country he visited in Africa. Mozambique has one of the world's largest reserves of natural gas, so I would like to confirm the strengthening of economic ties with Mozambique, including the promotion of investment, based on Japan's energy strategy.
Prime Minister Kishida talks with President of Kenya to strengthen relations such as business
2023-05-03 21:21:00
Prime Minister Kishida, who is visiting Africa, met with President Ruto in Kenya, which faces the Indian Ocean, and confirmed cooperation toward promoting a "free and open Indo-Pacific." We agreed to cooperate with
Four opposition parties “No need to amend the constitution such as creating emergency clauses”
2023-05-03 19:18:00
At a rally held by citizens' groups that protect the constitution, four opposition parties, including the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Communist Party, argued that constitutional amendments such as the creation of emergency clauses, which the LDP and others have argued, are unnecessary.
Prime Minister Kishida ``Clarification of Self-Defense Forces in constitution is extremely important'' Motivation for constitutional revision
2023-05-03 19:16:00
A meeting of a group of people aiming to amend the constitution was held in Tokyo, and Prime Minister Kishida pointed out in a video message that it was extremely important to include the Self-Defense Forces in the constitution, and expressed his desire to amend the constitution. was shown.
Article 9 revision “necessary” 32% “not necessary” 30% NHK poll
2023-05-03 18:33:00
3rd is Constitution Memorial Day, which marks the 76th anniversary of the enforcement of the Constitution of Japan. In an NHK public opinion poll, when asked if they think the current constitution needs to be revised, 35% said they think it needs to be revised, while 19% said they don't think it should be revised. In addition, when asked whether or not Article 9 of the Constitution, which stipulates the renunciation of war, should be revised, 32% said, "I think it needs to be revised," and 30% said, "I don't think it needs to be revised." .
Foreign Minister Hayashi Visits Barbados “Support for Climate Change and Disaster Prevention”
2023-05-03 12:04:00
Minister Hayashi visited Barbados, an island country in the Caribbean Sea, for the first time as a Japanese foreign minister, and held a foreign ministers' meeting, conveying the policy of providing support in areas such as climate change and disaster prevention.
Interest in the G7 Hiroshima Summit Ministry of Foreign Affairs created a PR video and released it online
2023-05-03 11:10:00
Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Motegi Holds Talks with Secretary of State Brinken Confirms Japan-U.S.-ROK Cooperation
2023-05-03 06:37:00
Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Motegi held talks with Secretary of State Brinken during his visit to the United States. We confirmed the importance of working together nationally.
Korean opposition parliamentarians landed on Takeshima Is it part of the opposition to the Yoon administration?
2023-05-03 06:32:00
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has lodged a strong protest with the South Korean side after learning that a South Korean parliamentarian landed on Takeshima in Shimane Prefecture on the 2nd. It will be the first time since August 2021 that a South Korean parliamentarian will land on Takeshima.
Constitution Day Chief Justice of the Supreme Court "I will do my best to realize a trustworthy judicial system"
2023-05-03 05:39:00
Saburo Tokura, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, said at a press conference on Constitution Day, "I am aware of the importance of the principle of the 'rule of law,' and I will do my best to realize a judicial system that is trusted by the people."
Statements by each party on Constitution Day
2023-05-03 05:04:00
On the occasion of "Constitution Memorial Day," each party released a statement.
The House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution: Lively debate on extension of term of office of parliamentarians in emergency
2023-05-03 04:32:00
On the 3rd of Constitution Memorial Day, the Constitution of Japan celebrated its 76th anniversary. In the House of Representatives Commission on the Constitution, there is a lively debate about extending the term of office of members of the Diet in the event of an emergency such as a large-scale disaster.
Mr. Hagiuda, Liberal Democratic Party Measures against the declining birthrate From the end of the long holidays to full-scale discussions within the party
2023-05-03 00:35:00
Regarding the strengthening of countermeasures against the declining birthrate, Hagiuda, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's political affairs research, said that, in preparation for the "Basic Policy" in June, including financial resources for the three years from 2021, which will be a period of concentration for countermeasures, after the long holidays Since then, he has shown the idea of getting full-scale discussions within the party.
Prime Minister Kishida arrives in Kenya for a summit meeting with President Ruto on the 3rd
2023-05-03 00:31:00
Prime Minister Kishida, who is visiting Africa, arrived in Kenya on the evening of the 2nd. Since Kenya faces the Indian Ocean, it is expected that the summit meeting on the 3rd will call for cooperation to realize a "free and open Indo-Pacific."