Political News(2022/12/10)
Consideration of tax increase over defense spending Prime Minister Kishida "To fulfill responsibility for future generations"
2022-12-10 22:28:00
Prime Minister Kishida asked for the understanding that there is opposition within the Liberal Democratic Party to the consideration of a tax increase on defense spending, saying that it is a response to strengthen defense capabilities, protect Japan's peace and security, and fulfill its responsibility for the future. I was.
Economy and Security Minister Takaichi ``I can't understand the Prime Minister's true intentions'' over defense funding
2022-12-10 21:17:00
Prior to Prime Minister Kishida's press conference on the evening of the 10th, Minister of State for Economy and Security Takaichi posted on his Twitter account about the financial resources for the increase in defense spending.
The 210th extraordinary session of the Diet closes Saturday's plenary session and committee deliberations are unusual
2022-12-10 21:00:00
The extraordinary session of the Diet closed on the 10th after 69 days of session.
[Details: Prime Minister Kishida's press conference] Childbirth and childcare lump-sum allowance "increased to 500,000 yen"
2022-12-10 20:16:00
Prime Minister Kishida held a press conference on the night of the 10th, and indicated his intention to promptly advance support for the victims in response to the enactment of a new law to provide relief to victims of the problems of the former Unification Church. Regarding child-rearing support, he also announced a policy to raise the "childbirth and childcare lump-sum allowance", which is basically 420,000 yen, to 500,000 yen from next fiscal year.
Victim Relief Law for Old Unification Church Controversy Approved and Enacted in Upper House
2022-12-10 20:12:00
A new law to provide relief to victims of the problems of the former Unification Church was approved and enacted by a majority vote at the plenary session of the House of Councillors on the 10th, the last day of the Diet session. Ensuring effectiveness will be an issue going forward.
Former Unification Church Victim Relief Law enacted "religious second generation" and others
2022-12-10 20:07:00
A new law to provide relief to victims of the problems of the former Unification Church was approved and enacted by a majority vote at the plenary session of the House of Councillors on the 10th, the last day of the Diet session. Those who complained about the damage, such as "religious second generation", took the enactment of the new law as progress, but asked to verify the effectiveness of the law and continue to discuss the remaining issues.
Liberal Democratic Party Chairman Hagiuda talks with President Tsai "Taiwan is an important partner"
2022-12-10 20:03:00
Liberal Democratic Party Policy Research Chairman Hagiuda, who is visiting Taiwan, met with President Tsai Ing-wen and said that Taiwan is an important partner that shares basic values, and expressed his intention to build a new relationship.
Ritsumin and Ishin Party Leaders' Meeting Achievements in cooperation with the Victims Relief Act Consensus on continued consideration
2022-12-10 19:42:00
A meeting was held between the leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Japan Restoration Party. It was agreed that the continuation of the collaboration would be considered at next year's ordinary session of the Diet.
Mandatory measures to prevent abuse of patients in psychiatric hospitals Revised Mental Health and Welfare Law enacted
2022-12-10 19:41:00
The Revised Mental Health Welfare Law, which incorporates new measures to prevent abuse of patients at psychiatric hospitals, was passed and enacted at the plenary session of the House of Councillors.
Childbirth and Childcare Lump-Sum Grant "Increase to 500,000 yen from next fiscal year" announced by Prime Minister Kishida
2022-12-10 19:09:00
Prime Minister Kishida has announced a policy to increase the "childbirth and childcare lump-sum allowance", which is basically paid 420,000 yen to subsidize childbirth expenses, to 500,000 yen from next fiscal year. The increase will be the largest since the system was created.
Within 300 days after divorce Presumed child of husband if remarried Enactment of revised civil code
2022-12-10 18:54:00
Regarding the system of presuming paternity based on the time of pregnancy and childbirth, if a woman is remarried, even a child born within 300 days of divorce will be presumed to be her current husband's child. The amended Civil Code was passed and enacted by a majority vote at the plenary session of the House of Councillors.
Victim Relief Law for Old Unification Church Controversy Approved and Enacted in Upper House
2022-12-10 18:52:00
A new law to provide relief to victims of the problems of the former Unification Church was approved and enacted by a majority vote at the plenary session of the House of Councillors on the 10th, the last day of the Diet session. Ensuring effectiveness will be an issue going forward.
Revised Special Measures Law approved and enacted in Upper House to expand relief for hepatitis C victims
2022-12-10 18:35:00
The Revised Special Measures Law was approved and enacted at the plenary session of the House of Councillors to expand relief for hepatitis C victims through the administration of blood products.
International Council of Eminent Persons Opens: Experts Discuss Nuclear Disarmament in A-bombed Hiroshima
2022-12-10 18:29:00
The “International Council of Eminent Persons”, where intellectuals from Japan and abroad discuss nuclear disarmament in the atomic bombed city of Hiroshima, opened on the 10th.
Revision bill for easing side jobs to resolve shortage of local assembly members Approved and enacted in Upper House
2022-12-10 18:28:00
The revised Local Autonomy Law, which incorporates measures to eliminate the shortage of local assembly members, was passed and enacted at the plenary session of the House of Councillors.
Victim Relief Law for Old Unification Church Controversy Approved and Enacted in Upper House
2022-12-10 18:18:00
The law to provide relief for victims of the problems of the former Unification Church was voted on at the plenary session of the House of Councillors, and was passed and enacted with a majority of votes from the Liberal Democratic Party and the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan.
N-party House of Councilors lawmaker Gersey asked for a written answer as to why he was absent from the Diet
2022-12-10 18:16:00
Ishii, chairman of the House of Councilors Steering Committee, has asked NHK Party member of the House of Councilors Gersey, who has stayed overseas and is absent from the Diet, to respond in writing by the end of this month.
Former Prime Minister Abe "State Funeral" Verification Council "The Diet should secure administrative monitoring opportunities"
2022-12-10 18:02:00
A council of the ruling and opposition parties that has examined the state funeral of former Prime Minister Abe has pointed out that it has resulted in a division of public opinion. We compiled a report stating that it is desirable to secure
To resolve the abduction issue, “Prime Minister Kishida and General Secretary Kim must meet” Chief Cabinet Secretary
2022-12-10 17:31:00
Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno attended a symposium held in Tokyo on the occasion of the Awareness Week on Human Rights Violations by North Korea. I showed the idea to aim for.
Former Unification Church Victim Relief Bill Passed by Upper House Special Committee Tonight
2022-12-10 15:45:00
A special committee of the House of Councilors voted on a new bill to provide relief to victims of the problems of the former Unification Church, and it was passed by a large majority. The bill is set to become law on the evening of the 10th.
Former Unification Church Victim Relief Bill Passed by Upper House Special Committee Tonight
2022-12-10 14:52:00
A special committee of the House of Councilors voted on a new bill to provide relief to victims of the problems of the former Unification Church, and it was passed with a majority of votes from the Liberal Democratic Party and the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan. The bill will be voted on at the plenary session of the House of Councilors, and will be passed and enacted on the night of the 10th.
International Council of Eminent Persons Opens: Experts Discuss Nuclear Disarmament in A-bombed Hiroshima
2022-12-10 11:58:00
The “International Council of Eminent Persons”, where intellectuals from Japan and abroad discuss nuclear disarmament in the atomic bombed city of Hiroshima, opened on the 10th.
Former Unification Church Victim Relief Bill Questions and Answers at Upper House Special Committee Expected to be Enacted Tonight
2022-12-10 11:51:00
In response to the problem of the former Unification Church, Prime Minister Kishida attended a special committee of the House of Councillors, which deliberated on a bill to regulate malicious donations and provide relief to victims, and asked questions at the end of the Diet session on the 10th. increase. The bill is expected to be enacted on the evening of the 10th.
Former Unification Church Victim Relief Bill to be enacted today Saturday's deliberation is unusual
2022-12-10 05:31:00
A new bill to help victims of the problems of the former Unification Church will be voted on at the plenary session of the House of Councilors on the 10th, the last day of the Diet session, and is expected to be passed and enacted.
“International Council of Eminent Persons” to discuss nuclear disarmament in Hiroshima from today
2022-12-10 05:28:00
An "International Council of Eminent Persons" will be held from the 10th, in which intellectuals from Japan and abroad will discuss nuclear disarmament in the atomic bombed city of Hiroshima. Prime Minister Kishida, who proposed the conference, hopes that the conference will serve as an opportunity to foster momentum toward the abolition of nuclear weapons, leading to next year's G7 Hiroshima Summit.
Possession of counterattack capability is specified in the three security documents.
2022-12-10 04:39:00
Three documents such as the "National Security Strategy" formulated by the government clearly state the possession of "counterattack capability" to strike enemy missile launch sites, etc., but define it as "the minimum necessary self-defense measures". It emphasizes that there is no change in the concept of exclusively defensive defense.